So with a prayer to God and the drama left in the past, I now am in a relationship and truly excited about it. I knew I was going to come under a lot of scrutiny because of both our past, but I was prepared to deal with it and not let it affect me. I knew where I stood, and that was on a solid ground with my views, beliefs and feelings, so nothing was going to change that. In due time we let the world know (via facebook, sad isn't it), and we both went through the obstacle course that is our friends' views and opinions as well as others who are really less important to begin with. With my friends understanding how I am, they simply expressed their opinions, tried to gain some understanding on what would make me do such a thing, and in the end wished me the best. I can't speak on details of what happened on her end outside of going through the obstacle course as well, but we both knew what we were in for going into the situation.
.........As things should always be and even more so in the beginning of a relationship, they were fantastic. We got a lot of stuff out the way with our long conversation before eventually agreeing to take this step, so there wasn't any tension at all to deal with. Truth be told, we both wanted to be with each other in the past, but being young and dumb should never be underestimated. Another thing is that just because people get older doesn't mean they get more mature, in our case, that proved to be different. We were both grown, mentally as well everywhere else we needed to be. We both had someone we could trust and know would be their for one another no matter what, our past, others opinions, or current or future situations. We both knew that as long as we continued to do what we were doing and worked to improve from there, our relationship would be just fine.
........SI was still living in the Kutztown area and she was in Philly, which of course is an issue for any relationship. But as you are supposed to, we made it work. I didn't have my car yet, so she traveled up to see me on the weekends and I did what I needed to do to keep a smile on her face during the week. Unfortunately around this time, my main full time job was trying their best to get rid of me simply because we didn't share the same values. I valued customer appreciation and they valued the bottom line. One thing lead to another and after one mistake in my year plus of being their, I was let go. Nobody liked the idea of me working their to begin with, but I didn't like the idea of having a job for 40 years period, so you can say we had somewhat of similar interest. Thing is, whatever I ever decided to do in life, I always put my best foot forward and took pride in my work, but I SERIOUSLY CAN'T STAND THE INDUSTRY! Rarely will you find a company that's honest, full of integrity, has all out respect for its employees, and don't just worry about the bottom line. Ironically, if companies really did that, employees would perform better and it would only help their bottom line. Anyhow, this would be another obstacle our relationship would have to deal with now.
............I still was doing my own business which was doing some nice things at the time, I was also still working as a bouncer. I applied for unemployment because I knew me not having a car would make it harder for me to find a job as quickly as I may or may not have wanted to. After going through what I went through, I honestly didn't want to go back into the workforce. I never wanted to be their in the first place but viewed it as a necessary evil. I figured with unemployment, I could use that time to push my own business and hopefully become successful enough to not have to obtain another job. So I had a plan and now time was the only thing ahead of me.
"you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers." (3 John 1:2)
To be cont...
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Daily Reading - "The Lord Detest Lying Lips." Proverbs 12:22
The most famous story about lying in American history is the one about George Washington chopping down a cherry tree. When his father asked him who did it, George supposedly said, "I cannot tell a lie; I did it with my little hatchet." That was in a biography written by Parson Weems in the nineteenth century - he made the whole story up. Incredibly, the most famous story about not lying in America, was a lie. And truthfulness is still in short supply. Politicians spin promises, telemarketers scam the elderly, job seekers pad their resumes, repair shops inflate their bills, students steal essays from the internet to pass tests and spouses lie to each other about money and infidelity.
.........Financial expert Larry Burkett estimated that fully 50% of people who claim to be Christians cheat on their income tax returns. The IRS maintains what is informally called a "cheaters account," to which people with guilty consciences can send money they know they owe. There's a story that the IRS received one letter that read, "My conscience is bothering me because of cheating on my taxes, so I'm sending $10,000. If my conscience doesn't clear up, I'll send in the rest of what I owe." We want to follow the rules, but we're prepared to break them if we can get away with it or think that's what it takes to win. Now since everybody seems to do it maybe you think it's no big deal. Wrong! God's Word says: "The Lord detests lying lips, but he delights in men who are truthful."
.........Financial expert Larry Burkett estimated that fully 50% of people who claim to be Christians cheat on their income tax returns. The IRS maintains what is informally called a "cheaters account," to which people with guilty consciences can send money they know they owe. There's a story that the IRS received one letter that read, "My conscience is bothering me because of cheating on my taxes, so I'm sending $10,000. If my conscience doesn't clear up, I'll send in the rest of what I owe." We want to follow the rules, but we're prepared to break them if we can get away with it or think that's what it takes to win. Now since everybody seems to do it maybe you think it's no big deal. Wrong! God's Word says: "The Lord detests lying lips, but he delights in men who are truthful."
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Daily Reading - "God Planned Good To Come Out Of It." Genesis 50:20 GWT
Here is how it read today...
Good will come out of it!
Before World War II Josefina Guerrero was the toast of Manila, young, vivacious and married to a wealthy medical student. Then in 1941 she discovered she had leprosy. Immediately she began treatment, but when Japan invaded the Philippines all the leprosariums were abandoned. Despite her disease Joey joined the underground, smuggling food, clothes, medicine and messages to POW's. She mapped out fortifications along the waterfront and the location of anti-aircraft batteries. When guerillas discovered a newly-sown minefield where the 37th Division was scheduled to land in Manila, they asked her to get the message through. With little thought for her own life she trudged through miles of enemy encampments with the map taped to her back and delivered it safely. Because of her courage many dangerous missions were completed and the U.S. War Department awarded her the Medal of Freedom with silver palm for saving untold American lives. Amazingly, Joey was never caught. In fact, Japanese soldiers had a horror of the ragged little woman who shuffled through the streets of Manila. And even when she was stopped they didn't detain her long, once they recognized the swathed bandages and lesions of advancing leprosy.
George Mueller said, "In a thousand trials it's not just five hundred that work for our good, but nine hundred and ninety-nine - plus one!" The Scripture, "God planned good to come out of it," means that no disaster, disease or delay can keep Him from turning it into something worthwhile. Understanding that God forgives your past, knows your present and has planned your future, lets you walk in the confidence that - nothing can ever happen to you that's beyond the scope of His grace and redemption!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Daily Reading - "Their Cry For Help...Went Up To God." Exodus 2:23 NIV
I apologize for the disappearance. I'm back and here is how it read today.
Tues. Feb 24
Tues. Feb 24
The prayer God answers
Just when the Israelites life couldn't get worse, it did! Pharaoh withheld their straw and ordered them to produce the same daily quota of bricks. At that point three things happened: (1) "The Israelites groaned in their slavery" (v.23). It's what we do when we feel so bad that words can't express it. We groan, first within ourselves, then to whoever will listen, finding relief in venting our frustrations. But lasting help requires more than just talking to yourself and others. So, they raised the decibel level and: (2) "Cried out...for help." God had seen them grit their teeth and white-knuckle it through another day. But since they were talking to everybody but Him, nothing changed. However, as soon as "their cry...went up to God...[He] heard their groaning" (v. 24). He just wanted a prayer to answer and He'll answer it. "Why would God listen to someone like me?" you say. Because: (3) "God remembered His covenant with Abraham...and...took notice of them" (Ex 2:24-25 NAS). God answered their prayers because of a covenant He made with their father. He took notice of them because they were Abraham's children. They got it "on credit." So do you! "God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you" (Eph 4:32). God's mercy and favor is yours today because you belong to Christ. "My Father will give you whatever you ask in my name...Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete" (Jn 16:23-24 NIV). How good is that?
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Daily Reading - "The Hand Of The Diligent Makes Rich." Proverbs 10:4 NRS
Here is how it read today...
Wed. Feb 18
Wed. Feb 18
Succeeding on the job (4)
If you want to succeed on the job here's a character quality you need to develop: diligence. When asked, "What's your biggest challenge?" employers usually say, "Finding and keeping good people." It makes or breaks any business. "A slack hand causes poverty, but the hand of the diligent makes rich." Diligence calls for being self-disciplined, motivated, alert, dependable, and entails following through. The Bible says, "Diligence is...precious" (Pr 12:27 NKJV) because it's so hard to find.
...........Diligent workers are worth their wages: "The plans of the diligent lead to profit" (Pr 21:5 NIV). In God's system the boss should profit by you and you should profit by him. Indeed, diligent people plan to be profitable employees. Do you want to prosper? See that your employer prospers! Diligent workers rejoice in this, lazy workers resent it. Diligence, not politics and manipulation, will get you promoted. "Diligent hands will rule, but laziness ends in slave labor" (Pr 12:24 NIV). In God's economy you determine whether you become "ruler" or "slave" by how hard you're willing to work. Lazy employees complain about the unfair boss, the stacked system, the "company men" who look out for the boss and the boss looks out for them. They want the privileges others get but they're not willing to work for them. "The sluggard craves and gets nothing" (Pr 13:4 NIV) because "his hands refuse to work" (Pr 21:25 NIV). "But the desires of the diligent are fully satisfied" (Pr 13:4 NIV). They get it all: the satisfaction of a job well done, a reputation for integrity, the trust of others, job security, profit, promotion, and most importantly, the Master's "Well done."
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Daily Reading - "The Wicked...Earns Deceptive Wages." Proverbs 11:18 NIV
Here is how it read today...
Tues. Feb 17
Tues. Feb 17
Succeeding on the job (3)
If you want to succeed in life practice honesty! One poll cited by Paul Harvey stated that 40% of American workers admitted stealing on the job, and 20% felt justified! Their rationalizing includes. "Everybody's doing it, why shouldn't I?" "The boss can afford it, he won't miss it." "It's only small stuff, it won't make any difference." "The company owes me, I'm just taking what's mine." "I deserve it, I've worked hard and never been acknowledged." What does God's Word say about this? "The wicked...earns deceptive wages." God says deceiving your employer by stealing time and materials, or delivering an inferior product and service, is "wicked." That's strong language! Of all people, employers and customers should be able to trust followers of Christ to be honest, work for their wages and provide the highest quality service.
.............And for the record, it's not smart to steal, even if you don't get caught. "Ill-gotten gains do not profit" (Pr 10:2 NAS). You may take it but you won't benefit by it. "Wealth obtained by fraud dwindles" (Pr 13:11 NAS). You can't do the wrong thing and get the right result. Not only will you have trouble, you'll bring trouble on those who love and need you most. "He who profits illicitly troubles his own house" (Pr `5:27 NAS). The job loss, damaged reputation, humiliation, legal cost and consequences are a "bill" the whole family pays for, often ending in shame and divorce and affecting several generations. Your spouse deserves an honest partner. Your children deserve and affecting several generations. Your spouse deserves an honest partner. Your children deserve a role model they can emulate, confident the path you walk is safe for them to follow.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Daily Reading - "I Must Leave Everything I Gain To People Who Haven't Worked To Earn It." Ecclesiastes 2:21 NLT
Here is how it read today...
Sat. Feb 14
Sat. Feb 14
What's the "take away?"
In business we talk about the "take away." It's your net profit, your bottom line reward. Here's a truth you need to know before they tag your toe, arrange your funeral service and lay flowers on your grave: when you live for yourself and fail to fulfill God's purpose for your life, the "take away" is not worth the investment. Solomon writes, "So I turned in despair from hard work. It was not the answer to my search for satisfaction in this life. For though I do my work with wisdom, knowledge, and skill, I must leave everything I gain to people who haven't worked to earn it. This is not only foolish, but highly unfair" (Ecc 2:18-21 NIV). Or as author John Capozzi puts it, "The executive who works from 7a.m. til 7p.m. everyday will be very successful. He will also be fondly remembered by his wife's next husband."
............The day is coming when all the stuff you've striven, strained and stressed out to acquire will make no difference. Your resume and job title will no longer impress anyone. No one will care what clothes you wore or what cars you drove, except your relatives who plan to wear them, drive them or sell them. If you're wise you'll plan to exit this life wit a "take away" that involves these three things: (a) Satisfaction, that comes from having fulfilled your God-given assignment here on earth. (b) Success, that's measured in terms of eternal rewards, not temporal ones. (c) Security, that comes from knowing Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. These are the only "take away" worth living for!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Daily Reading - "Then Isaac Sowed In That Land, And Reaped In The Same Year A Hundredfold." Genesis 26:12 NKJV
Here is how it read today...
Fri. Feb 13
Fri. Feb 13
Be wise with your money
Where money is concerned, the Bible teaches us that we are to:
...........(1) Save for a rainy day. "There the dwelling of the wise. But a foolish man squanders it" (Pr 21:20 NKJV). Learn to live without your means and teach your children to do the same. Instead of maxing out your credit cards remind yourself that you can live happily without most of the stuff advertisers are peddling. Before you make another purchase, pray. Just because your banker approves the loan doesn't mean it's wise, or that God approves the expenditure. All boats rise with the tide; they also go down with it. Joseph instructed Pharaoh to "gather all the food of those good years...Then that food shall be as a reserve years of famine" (Ge 41:35-36 NKJV). Live by "the Joseph principle," and save.
..........(2) Sow in the time of famine. The Bible says, "Whoever sows generously will also reap generously" (2Co 9:6 NIV). You say, "But things are tight for me now." Don't withhold because you are afraid of not having enough. Give God a seed to work with and He'll make sure you have a harvest when you need it. God's ability to provide is not limited by the world's economy. Do what Isaac did: "There was a famine in the land...Then Isaac sowed...and reaped in the same year a hundredfold; and the Lord blessed him" (Ge 26:1, 12-13 NKJV). Who blessed Isaac? The Lord! When God tells you to give, give in faith, confident that at the right time, in the right way, and in exactly the right places, you'll receive!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Daily Reading - "Your Father Who Sees In Secret Will...Reward You Openly" Matthew 6:4 NKJV
Here is how it read today...
Thurs. Feb 12
Thurs. Feb 12
You'll be rewarded
Dr. Tony Campolo writes: "I know a man who loves to use his money to help people who will never know it was him. When I told him about a student who was hoping to become a minister but was going to have to drop out of school for financial reasons, he contacted the college and arranged to have the student's bill paid. That student became one of the best preachers in my denomination. Hundreds have become Christians under his leadership. Thousands have been influenced by his sermons - and he never did find out who put up the money! Behind it all was a person with resources, and the desire to do something that would live on. It surprises me more people don't do this. Many keep their money tucked away, and when they die they leave it to people who don't really need it. What a waste, when they could make a difference in so many lives."
..........AA lost opportunity to give is a lost opportunity to receive, because "Your Father who sees in a secret will Himself reward you openly." Imagine what it will be like on Judgment Day when God tells somebody you helped anonymously that it was you. There will be rewards handed out to people who don't even remember doing things they're being honored for, like making a phone call that landed somebody a job, paying their light bill, encouraging them when they're down, or leaving a bag of groceries on their doorstep. Even when those who've benefited from your kindness forget, God remember, records and rewards. Jesus said if all you can do is give somebody "a cup of cold rewarded" (Mt 10:42 NLT).
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Daily Reading - "Learn From Me...And You Will Find Rest For Your Sould." Matthew 11:29 NIV
Here is how it read today...
Learn to live like Jesus
You'll notice that unlike us, Jesus didn't suffer from fear of failure. That's because He never entertained the thought that He couldn't do something His Father had already assured Him He could. And He didn't suffer from a fear of lack either. Even though He lived a simple life He was responsible for supporting Himself and a team of others. How did He do it? He prayed a lot, and stayed in sync with His heavenly Father. Consequently He knew how to catch fish when they weren't biting, or find tax money in a fish's mouth when He needed it. (Yes, Jesus paid His taxes!) Now God may not provide for you in similar fashion, but He's promised to take care of you (See 1Pe 5:7). Today Jesus is saying to you, "Come to me...learn from me...and you will find rest for your souls [emotions and mind]."
...........Stress is brought on by our need to know everything ahead of time - to be in control. Even after we pray and supposedly turn the situation over to God, we develop a "backup plan" in case He doesn't handle things the way we think He should. Do you do that? You don't put your money into a bank then stay awake all night worrying about it, do you? Have at least that much confidence in God. Each time you begin the downward spiral of "How? What? When? Where?" stop and give it back to God. Not the little God of your understanding, but the big God whose track record speaks for itself, whose faithfulness never fails, and who has earned the right to ask you, "Is any thing too hard for [me]?" (Ge 18:14). In other words - learn how to live like Jesus.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
The Start Of Something Big (cont)
So the rest of my summer turned out great. I was invited to an invitation only business seminar in which you had to pay for, but God worked it out so I didn't have to pay for anything that whole weekend. It was really great to be around a bunch of like minded individuals and learn lessons from successful business peers in the same field. There I was mingling with the rich folk as they say, and being look upon as the next wave of success. It really felt good. Work was work, I knew it what it was to me, a means to an end. I took pride in all my jobs and kept a smile on my face due to me being aware of my blessings. Females weren't an issue for me due to me one keeping busy and two me not concerning myself with it as an issue. I didn't go out much because I didn't see me being in certain places as a good thing. I was making money, living right, sticking to a daily plan, and everything was really going well.
I ended up finding a nice place to live with some friends before the next school year started and also added on another job. So I had 3 jobs, a nice house, and no stress at all. I really didn't know where this was headed but I was liking and appreciative of everything. School starts and I leave the 3rd shift job and continue with my main "stable" job and my part time job which just so happened to be bouncing at a bar. This job was fun to me simply because I was going to be there anyway, so I figured I might as well get paid to be there. So I still had fun, got paid, and it kept me from drinking. I also learned so much more about myself as it pertained to women in how I was really good at turning them down. It made it so easy to recognize the quality of relationships you can find in a bar. I mean I would entertain the idea of talking with some of them, but all in all, pretty much everyone proved to be a waste of time. They were interested in things I wasn't and it was really that simple.
September came and things continue to move on smoothly. I really was enjoying my new life, living the right way, and appreciating where and how I was living. I had no idea what would come next and like a jack in the box, I got surprised once again. My company was having a weekend long business conference and this one happened to be in my home town this time around. So I went home and ended up meeting up with an old friend whom I use to date. I didn't have my car then, so she picked me up and we went to my high school's football game. I just wanted to say hi to some people and show my face to some old friends and mentors. To show thanks I offered to pay for dinner and we had a long talk about where we were and what not. As we talked all I could do is listen to her voice and hear how it seemed as if a part of her was forever lost and I couldn't help but feel somewhat responsible for that. One thing lead to another and after a very long talk, I ended up in a relationship. Yea, just like that. I expressed where I was and what I wasn't about and what I valued and we both agreed that it may be hard considering our past, but with God on our side, I figured it would work.
With God anything truly is possible, without Him, might as well not bother...
To be cont...
I ended up finding a nice place to live with some friends before the next school year started and also added on another job. So I had 3 jobs, a nice house, and no stress at all. I really didn't know where this was headed but I was liking and appreciative of everything. School starts and I leave the 3rd shift job and continue with my main "stable" job and my part time job which just so happened to be bouncing at a bar. This job was fun to me simply because I was going to be there anyway, so I figured I might as well get paid to be there. So I still had fun, got paid, and it kept me from drinking. I also learned so much more about myself as it pertained to women in how I was really good at turning them down. It made it so easy to recognize the quality of relationships you can find in a bar. I mean I would entertain the idea of talking with some of them, but all in all, pretty much everyone proved to be a waste of time. They were interested in things I wasn't and it was really that simple.
September came and things continue to move on smoothly. I really was enjoying my new life, living the right way, and appreciating where and how I was living. I had no idea what would come next and like a jack in the box, I got surprised once again. My company was having a weekend long business conference and this one happened to be in my home town this time around. So I went home and ended up meeting up with an old friend whom I use to date. I didn't have my car then, so she picked me up and we went to my high school's football game. I just wanted to say hi to some people and show my face to some old friends and mentors. To show thanks I offered to pay for dinner and we had a long talk about where we were and what not. As we talked all I could do is listen to her voice and hear how it seemed as if a part of her was forever lost and I couldn't help but feel somewhat responsible for that. One thing lead to another and after a very long talk, I ended up in a relationship. Yea, just like that. I expressed where I was and what I wasn't about and what I valued and we both agreed that it may be hard considering our past, but with God on our side, I figured it would work.
With God anything truly is possible, without Him, might as well not bother...
To be cont...
"Train Up A Child In The Way He Should Go." Proverbs 22:6
Here is how it read today...
The way that's best for your child (2)
You say, "She's such an obedient child, but her brother breaks every rule!" Or, "Our first child's so organized; our second's a disaster area!" Children are created unique. Dealing with that reality is a parent's great challenge. Look at God's directives in Proverbs 22:6. (1) "Train up a child." Thoughtful, loving, productive, happy children don't just evolve - they're trained. Our latchkey generation has proved "A child left to himself disgraces his [parents]" (Pr 29:15 NIV). Wise parents choose their child's attitude and behavior in line with God's Word. Solomon's reference to a child in this Scripture indicates a pre-teen who can still be molded. If you miss those early training years your job's tough, but with God's help, not impossible. (2) "In the way he should go." Even hear of "cross-grain parenting"? It's trying to make your child something they're not meant to be. Forcing square pegs into round holes invites rebellion in spirited kids and creativity-destroying conformity in compliant ones. This Scripture in The Amplified Bible advocates training a child, "In the way...[in keeping with his individual gift or bent]." Study your child's gifts, then direct them accordingly. Putting square pegs into square holes reduces resistance, invites cooperation and recognizes your child's God-ordained destiny. When it's their path, not yours, they'll commit to it. (3) "When he is old he will not depart from it." When they're in the place God designed them for, nobody needs to manipulate, control or threaten them. They're in the place God designed them for, nobody needs to manipulate, control or threaten them. They're invested, creative, challenged, fulfilled and happy to grow up in the square hole God shaped for them!
Monday, February 9, 2009
Through Wisdom A House Is Built And By, And By Understanding It Is Established." Proverbs 24:3 NKJV
Here is how it read today...
The way that's best for your child (1)
You say, "I raised all my children the same way, how come this one is a problem?" (1) Congratulations on succeeding with your other kids! You're ahead of the curve. A good family rule is: Pray about your shortcomings; focus on your successes. Don't obsess over one particular child, shortchanging the others of your time and attention. Through it doesn't feel natural, reduce your intense concentration on your problem child. Stop "fixing" them, enjoy all your children, and watch things improve. (2) Children develop at different rates and in different ways. Many problem children are just late arrivers; give them the time they need. (3) Most families have a "black sheep." They make us uncomfortable by not doing life like the rest of us. Accept what you don't like about them till God either changes them or teaches the family mature, unconditional, noncontrolling love through them. (4) You do your best as an imperfect but loving parent, then your children, not you, make their own choices. The prophet Samuel's son "did not walk in his ways. They turned aside after dishonest gain and accepted bribes and perverted justice" (1Sa 8:3 NIV). Embarrassing and disappointing, yes! But no charge of spiritual or parental failure is laid on Samuel's doorstep. As godly a man as ever lived, he "walked the talk." But when push came to shove, his sons had their options and chose not to do likewise. (5) However dysfunctional your child may be, under God their greatest asset is a parent who responds by faith, not by fixing, by praying, not prying, and who gets out of God's way and lets Him work.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Daily Reading - "I Have Learned The Secret Of Being Content." Philippians 4:12 NIV
Here is how it read today...
Learned to be content (2)
Michael Drosnin wrote a book about a man who wanted more wealth, so he built one of the biggest financial empires of his day. He wanted more pleasure, so he paid for the most glamorous women money could buy. He wanted more adventure, so he set air speed records, built and piloted the world's most unique aircraft. He wanted more power, so he acquired political clout that was the envy of senators. He wanted more glamour, so he owned film studious and courted stars. Drosnin tells how this man's life ended: "He was a figure of gothic power, ready for the grave. Emaciated, only 120 pounds stretched over a six-foot-four-inch frame...thin scraggly beard that reached its way onto his sunken chest, hideously long fingernails in grotesque yellow corkscrews...Many of his teeth were black, rotting slumps. A tumor was beginning to emerge from the side of his head...innumerable needle marks...Howard Hughes was an addict. A billionaire junkie."
.........So here's the question: If Hughes had pulled off one more deal, made one more million and tasted one more thrill, would it have been enough? The illusion of gratitude is that we will experience it more, if we get more! No, making sure a child gets everything they want destroys their initiative and dulls their sense of gratitude and contentment. Don't you find it interesting that the man who wrote, "I have learned the secret of being content" also wrote, "In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you" (1Th 5:18)? You cannot make yourself a more grateful or contented person, but you can pray for it and open your heart to it.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Daily Reading - "I Have Learned The Secret Of Being Content." Philippians 4:12 NIV
Here is how it ready today...
Learn to be content (1)
Sometimes contentment means:
(1) Learning to be happy with less. A hard-charging executive decided to spend a few days in a monastery. "I hope your stay is a blessed one," said the monk who showed him to his cell. "If you need anything let us know. We'll teach you how to live without it." Happiness isn't getting what you want, it's enjoying what God's given you. Paul said he had learned to be content, "Whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength." (2) Reminding yourself things could be worse. Snoopy was lying in his dog house one Thanksgiving Day, mumbling about being stuck with dog food while all those humans got to be inside with the turkey and gravy and pumpkin pie. "Of course, it could have been worse," he finally reflected, "I could have been born a turkey." Reminding yourself "It could be worse" can be a powerful developer of contentment. (3) Understanding that what you seek is spiritual, not material. Paul says beware of "greed, which is idolatry" (Col 3:5 NIV). Our problem isn't just that we want more, it's that the condition which underlies all our wanting is that we really want God. As Augustine said, "Our souls will never rest, until they rest in Thee." Why would God let us feel as home, when this world is not our home? Our dissatisfaction, if we let it, can sharpen our spiritual hunger and cause us to pray, "Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven" (Mt 6:10 NIV).
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Daily Reading - "The Man Without The Spirit Does Not Accept The Things That Come From The Spirit." 1 Corinthians 2:14 NIV
Here is how it read today...
Spirit signals
Paul says: "The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit...they are foolishness to him...because they are spiritually discerned." Pastor Jon Walker writes: "Spirit warnings alert you to impending danger. A friend of mine was driving towards a green light when he was strongly prompted to hit his brakes. As he did so a semi-truck ran a red light. Had it not been for my friend's instant obedience he'd probably have been killed. Spirit stop signs red-flag you not to go somewhere. A dog I owned...was used to being on a leash and I took him to a neighbor's field to run, I'd simply say 'No" when he approached a place he shouldn't go. He'd done nothing wrong, and my warning wasn't a rebuke - it was a caution for his own protection. Spirit timing is God telling you the time is not right. In grad school I planned to buy a computer through a discount program. When I turned in my paperwork, however, they told me it had been discontinued. I was very angry at God. Two months later the university reopened the program [offering] upgraded models bundled with the software that cost extra two months ago - the whole package was cheaper than the previous one...Turns out God knows what he's doing!"
..............Be sensitive to Spirit signals. Trust God's Spirit to guide you in the decisions and details of your life. Keep a list of the times He has prompted you; it'll sensitize you and strengthen your resolve to obey. Remember, God's prompting always line up with His Word - even when they don't line up with your ideas.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Blog TV Promo!!!
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Daily Reading - "Come Aside...And Rest A While." Mark 6:31 NKJV
Here is how it read today...
Tues. Feb 3
Tues. Feb 3
It's time to get away
Luke records: "He departed and went into a deserted place. And the crowd sought Him and came to Him, and tried to keep Him from leaving them; but He said to them, 'I must preach the kingdom of God to the other cities also, because for this purpose I have been sent'" (Lk 4:42-43 NKJV). Examine the life of Christ: the control He exercised, the criticism He evoked, the communion He enjoyed with God, then follow His example!
............Jesus said no to good things so that he could say yes to the right things. That's not easy. God may want you to leave where you are, but you're staying. Or He may want you to stay, but you're leaving. How can you know? Get away from the crowd and meet with Jesus in a deserted place. This word "deserted" doesn't mean desolate, just quiet - a place to think, to pray, to hear from God, to refuel and re-chart your course. Hell hates to see you stop!
...........Richard Foster points out that in contemporary society the Devil majors in three things: noise, hurry, and crowds. If he can keep us engaged in "muchness" and "manyness," he will be satisfied. He implants taxi meters in our brains. We hear the relentless tick, tick, tick, telling us to hurry, hurry, hurry, time is money, resulting in this roaring blur called the human race. But Jesus stands against the tide saying, "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" (Mt 11:28 NKJV). Will you come? Will you follow the One who often "withdrew...into the wilderness, and prayed" (Lk 5:16). A thousand voices will tell you not to. Ignore them!
Monday, February 2, 2009
The Start Of Something Big (cont)
So I went to bed knowing it was a storm due to my lights going out. But all in all, I didn't hear the wing blowing or see any real bright lightening flashes, it seemed like it wasn't a storm at all outside as i went to sleep and throughout the night. So I finished reading my Bible, conversing with God, and blew out my candles and slept peacefully through the night. My conversation mainly consisted of me asking Him for some more direction, some more insight amongst other questions. Begging Him to remove this hurtful feeling out of my system as fast as possible was on of my main concerns. As they say, be careful what you ask for sometimes, because you just might get them, and sometimes sooner then you think.
I wake up and look outside and the Chinese Restaurant's sign was on the street. Yea, their store sign, which hangs just about level with the height of my room, was taken down by the storm last night. Still, I was like, that must have been some storm, but I didn't have any idea of the magnitude of that statement. As of now I don't remember if my electric was back on or not, I just remember going through my daily routine of working out, reading my bible and daily readings and getting ready to go to work. So I finally get outside and proceed to walk my mile to work and there are no cars driving on the road. So the roads closed and still I don't realize the magnitude. So I continue to walk to work and realize the mayhem this storm caused. Many large tree branches on top of cars, debris just everywhere, and the whole mile to work, the main road was closed.
So I get to work and my co-worker says "man you ok," I'm like "yea." I eventually find out that a tornado came through town. Yup, a tornado, which was later defined as a straight wind or something stupid. Whatever you call it I got some more details on its power when I received a phone call from my right hand man. He called to make sure I was alright, he was calling me most of the night but my phone was off and he said he drove through town and saw many tops of houses and buildings were taken off by the storm. So they were worried about me seeing as how I live on the top level of complex.
So I look online and there are many pictures and articles about this tornado/straight wind that basically wrecked a lot of the town. As I look at all this stuff and as I talked with friends I realize that I really could be dead right now. What's even crazier than that is the fact that I really didn't even notice that it was a storm outside of the fact that my lights went out. All of this made me realize how precious each day it is and how much you should cherish it and not dwell on yesterday. So in correlation, I shouldn't let feelings of the past mess up today. I can't tell you how much brighter the sun was since then, or how much I appreciated the littlest of things, and how much more I reverted back to Smiley, which was my childhood nickname seeing as how I always had a smile on my face. Nothing bad really effected me, because somehow someway I would see or find some good in it.
That night correlating with that morning was all the help I needed from God to set me straight. From that point on my goals were more concrete and detailed. My daily task were more in order and my discipline to the simple things proved to helped when it got to the bigger things. I basically kept myself busy with work, business, God and pursuing my dream. To be completely honest I don't remember much of talking to my ex for the rest of the summer from that point on. I think I have talked to her, but because of that sign I received from God, she became very low on my chart of things that could negatively harm my feelings. I really felt released from a cage of hurt and depression. From that day forward life was really fun, peaceful and for the most part positive. I just knew it would only get better as I stayed focus on improving my relationship with God. As I read daily, "as your soul prospers, so shall you."
I wake up and look outside and the Chinese Restaurant's sign was on the street. Yea, their store sign, which hangs just about level with the height of my room, was taken down by the storm last night. Still, I was like, that must have been some storm, but I didn't have any idea of the magnitude of that statement. As of now I don't remember if my electric was back on or not, I just remember going through my daily routine of working out, reading my bible and daily readings and getting ready to go to work. So I finally get outside and proceed to walk my mile to work and there are no cars driving on the road. So the roads closed and still I don't realize the magnitude. So I continue to walk to work and realize the mayhem this storm caused. Many large tree branches on top of cars, debris just everywhere, and the whole mile to work, the main road was closed.
So I get to work and my co-worker says "man you ok," I'm like "yea." I eventually find out that a tornado came through town. Yup, a tornado, which was later defined as a straight wind or something stupid. Whatever you call it I got some more details on its power when I received a phone call from my right hand man. He called to make sure I was alright, he was calling me most of the night but my phone was off and he said he drove through town and saw many tops of houses and buildings were taken off by the storm. So they were worried about me seeing as how I live on the top level of complex.
So I look online and there are many pictures and articles about this tornado/straight wind that basically wrecked a lot of the town. As I look at all this stuff and as I talked with friends I realize that I really could be dead right now. What's even crazier than that is the fact that I really didn't even notice that it was a storm outside of the fact that my lights went out. All of this made me realize how precious each day it is and how much you should cherish it and not dwell on yesterday. So in correlation, I shouldn't let feelings of the past mess up today. I can't tell you how much brighter the sun was since then, or how much I appreciated the littlest of things, and how much more I reverted back to Smiley, which was my childhood nickname seeing as how I always had a smile on my face. Nothing bad really effected me, because somehow someway I would see or find some good in it.
That night correlating with that morning was all the help I needed from God to set me straight. From that point on my goals were more concrete and detailed. My daily task were more in order and my discipline to the simple things proved to helped when it got to the bigger things. I basically kept myself busy with work, business, God and pursuing my dream. To be completely honest I don't remember much of talking to my ex for the rest of the summer from that point on. I think I have talked to her, but because of that sign I received from God, she became very low on my chart of things that could negatively harm my feelings. I really felt released from a cage of hurt and depression. From that day forward life was really fun, peaceful and for the most part positive. I just knew it would only get better as I stayed focus on improving my relationship with God. As I read daily, "as your soul prospers, so shall you."
Daily Reading - "Physician, Heal Yourself." Luke 4:23 NKJV
Here is how it read today...
Mon. Feb 2
Mon. Feb 2
Deal with your unhealed wounds!
Did you know that in the Old Testament a priest could not serve in God's house if he had a scab, which is an unhealed wound or a bleeding sore (See Lev 21:20)? Why? Because when you've a scab you're not up to par. You can't get close to others in case they bump into you and knock the protective cover off it. You're not at your best because the pain-drain is sapping your strength. You're afraid to talk about your scab in case people reject you, so you wear a mask, live on two levels and become insecure and controlling. Worst of all, you're so busy working for God and taking care of others that you don't think you've time to stop and take care of yourself. The Bible says: "Physician, heal yourself!"
..........Does this mean people with "issues" can't work for God? No, quite the opposite. It's the broken, who becomes masters at mending. But first you must take time to be healed. Jesus said that when the blind lead the blind they both fall into a ditch (See Mt 15:14). It's hard to talk about victory to others when you yourself are living in defeat. It's hard to bring emotional healing to others when you're still battling the unresolved issues of your past. When you are still bleeding, you can't treat people's problems with the same kind of aggressive faith you'd have if you'd already worked through the problem. Is it wrong to have a wounded heart? No, but it's wrong not to deal with it. So, spend time with God and let Him make you whole so that He can use you to minister more effectively to others.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Daily Reading - "For Such A Time As This." Esther 4:14 NIV
Here is how it read today...
Sun. Feb 1
Sun. Feb 1
The right place; the right people
Esther won a beauty contest, married a king, lived in a palace, uncovered a plot to exterminate the Jewish people and saved them. Her story shows us the importance of being in the right place, and being influenced by the right people, So:
(1) Where you are today is no accident. Mordecai, Esther's mentor, challenged her and changed her life by saying, "Who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?" Esther didn't set out to be queen, but once she was, she had to decide between her comfort and her calling. It's a choice we all make. "What's my calling?" you ask. It could involve your job, your marriage, your tasks as a parent, your friendships. It could involve the neighborhood where you live or volunteering at your church. One this is certain: when God calls, it's "your time." We're tempted to think we're "treading water" right now, waiting for some other time or more important opportunity. No, you don't get to choose your time; God does that! The Psalmist said, "My times are in thy hand" (Ps 31:15).
(2) God sends special people to guide us. Without Mordecai in her life Esther might never have understood her calling. And without his help she might never have embraced it. So, who's your Mordecai? Who knows you well enough to help clarify your calling? Who loves you enough to challenge you when you get off track, or strengthen you when you want to quit and turn back? Not one of us is a composite of all of life's virtues; we all have blind spots and weaknesses. That's why God sense others - and why we need them!
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