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Thursday, April 23, 2009

Daily Reading - "Say Unto This Mountain, Be Thou Removed." Mark 11:23

Here is how it read today...

Thurs. April 23
How to move the mountain
How can you move the mountain in your life? By:
........(1) Using God's Word: In the wilderness Satan tempted Jesus in three ways: (a) Put your temporal needs ahead of your spiritual ones: "Turn these stones into bread." (b) Use your power for the wrong reasons: "Throw yourself down from the pinnacle of the temple." (c) Take the easy way, not the cross: "The world is yours, just submit to me." Each time Jesus overcame Satan by saying, "It is written" (See Mt 4:1-11). Your most powerful weapon is God's Word - learn to use it!
........(2) Being persistent: Jeremiah said that God's Word is "like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces" (Jer 23:29 NKJV). Ever wonder how a hammer can hit a rock ninety-nine times, but on the one-hundredth blow it shatters? That's because all the previous blows kept weakening it. Live in God's Word, keep speaking it over your situation and it will work.
.........(3) Forgiving: The story's told of a pastor who asked his congregation, "How many of you are willing to forgive your enemies?" Everybody was except one old guy. "Why not?" the pastor asked. He replied, "Cause I have none - I've outlived them all!" After speaking about mountain-moving faith and prayer that bring results, Jesus said, "Whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses" (Mk 11:25 NKJV). Your mountain can't be moved or your prayers answered if you're harboring un-forgiveness. So ask yourself, "Is it worth it?" Whether you think the offender deserves forgiveness or not, for your own sake, forgive it and let it go.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Daily Reading - "We Who Teach Will Be Judged More Strictly." James 3:1 NIV

Here is how it read today...

Wed. April 22
Three questions for leaders
If you're a leader in God's work you must constantly ask yourself three questions:
.........(1) Am I accountable to anybody? If not, you're on dangerous ground. Only God can handle unquestioned authority. Who knows you well enough to pray with you, advise you and strengthen you in your vulnerable areas? We keep discovering that authority without accountability leads to disaster. (2) Are my priorities in order? Priorities have a way of sneaking out of position when we're not paying attention. Too many of us only become successful at the cost of broken homes or failing health because our priorities shifted somewhere along the line. (3) Is my personal walk with God up to date? If that doesn't prompt a quick yes, you're too close to the edge. A disciplined daily walk with God is your best protection. "Your word I have treasured in my heart, that I may not sin against You" (Ps 119:11 NAS). If you're not spending time with God, you're spending it on whatever has become more important to you than Him. Pay attention to that word "treasured." It means to protect something, to let nothing threaten it. You must discipline yourself to spend time in God's Word and guard that time from interruptions. Give God your mind each day when it's fresh. Pastor, your first calling is not the building project, the board meeting or the budget, it's: Feed my sheep" (Jn 21:16). If Saturday finds you anxious because you've nothing prepared for Sunday, make some changes. Start delegating. "Seek out from among you...men...whome we may appoint over this business; but we will give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the word" (Ac 6:3-4 NKJV).

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Daily Reading - "The Glory Of The Lord Appeared...Before All The Children Of Israel." Numbers 14:10 NKJV

Here is how it read today...

Tues. April 21
Move forward!
People once thought the world was flat and that you would sail off the edge. They thought man would never walk on the moon. In 1899 the U.S. patent office almost closed because the CEO said, "Everything that can be invented already has been." In retrospect his statement is ridiculous. But some of us have bought into the same philosophy about our lives. We stop learning because we're "too old." We're afraid to change careers in case we "jeopardize our pension." We don't pursue our dreams in case we fail or get ridiculed. We're so accustomed to self-imposed limitations that we tell ourselves, "I can't do that, so I can't do anything." In essence we're building a box, crawling inside, then looking for something to blame for our lack of faith. God didn't box you in, you did, and you need to take the initiative for breaking out!
..........When you get down to it, there's very little difference in people. But the little difference amounts to a big difference, and the little difference is attitude; it determines whether you see life through the eyes of faith or the lens of fear. When others around him saw only giants and wanted to turn back, Caleb said, "If the Lord delights in us, then He will bring us into this land and give it to us" (Nu 14:8 NKJV). At that point two things happened. First, "All the congregation said to stone them" (v.10). Second, "The glory of the Lord appeared in the Tabernacle." Caleb's critics said "no," but God say "yes." All you need is God's approval. When you have it, disregard the naysayers and move forward!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Daily Reading - "The Secret Things Belong To The Lord." Deuteronomy 29:29 NIV

Here is how it read today...

Mon. April 20
Trusting God when there are no answers
Life's losses leave us hurting and wondering. Cancer takes a young mother or father. Divorce strikes your happy home. Financial ruin devastates your retirement plans. A child goes to jail, is killed or commits suicide. Such times raise questions which are difficult, if not impossible to answer. We examine the circumstances again and again. We speculate about the details, searching for clues that might make some sense and make it easier for us to bear. We turn the spotlight on ourselves, others, even God, wondering what could or should have been done differently that might have prevented this. We turn to friends, fellow believers and pastors only to hear what sounds like religious platitudes and inadequate attempts to minimize our pain. When answers don't seem forthcoming and the heavens are silent, what should you do?
..........Here are two Scriptures to help you in such times: (1) "The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but those things which are revealed belong to us" (Dt 29:29 NKJV). When it comes to understanding things, we have our territory, God has His. And ours is limited to what He decides to reveal. At that point you must "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding" (Pr 3:5 NKJV). (2) "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God" (Ro 8:28). God may explain it to you, or He may not. But He's "the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End" (Rev 22:13 NKJV), which means, He has a plan and He's working it out for our good and His glory. So trust Him!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Daily Reading - "Let Each One Of You Speak Truth." Ephesians 4:25 NKJV

Here is how it read today...

Rules for handling anger (3)
Rule 3: Keep it current. Storing anger in your hard drive only hurts you. When you download old resentments you start to rehearse them and grow bitter. "The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks" (Lk 6:45 NIV).
.........When you're angry deal with it quickly. Don't passively allow time to decide your options, or sit around hoping the other person will see the light and apologize. "If your brother sins against you, go [to] him" (Mt 18:15 NIV). Try to resolve it and restore the relationship. When you repress it you add one more skeleton to your closet. Sooner or later, doctors say, it'll be at your stomach lining, attack your immune system, predispose you to heart problems, cancers and other physical, social and emotional disorders. Meantime, it'll preoccupy you, dissipate your energy, cripple your creativity, hinder your fellowship with God, your friends and fellow believers; not to mention that it denies the offender the opportunity to clear their conscience, repent and get right with God and you. Stop dragging up the past, trying to blackmail the guilty by hauling skeletons our of the closets at "auspicious" moments, plotting revenge, and passing down resentments for the next generation to carry. Ask God for the humility and courage to deal with today's problems - today. When your head hits the pillow tonight, know that your issues are current, up to date with God and everyone else, and sleep well!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Daily Reading - "Let Each One Of You Speak Truth." Ephesians 4:25 NKJV

Here is how it read today...

Rules for handling anger (2)
Rule 2: Keep it non-lethal. Paul writes: "In your anger do not sin" (Eph 4:26 NIV). What do Paul's word mean? Don't let your anger escalate to the point of doing damage. Don't use your words as a weapon or a control mechanism. It's okay to express your emotions in a healthy way, but keep then in check. Your goal must be to resolve the problem and strengthen the relationship, not "sound off" and wound the other person. Is this easy to do? No. You'll need a good strong dose of grace to do it. Words spoken in jest, sarcasm, self-righteousness or "righteous indignation" wound people, sometimes permanently. "Perverseness [of the tongue] breaks the spirit." (Pr 15:4 NKJV). "A crushed spirit who can bear?" (Pr 18:14 NIV). "The tongue can bring death" (Pr 26:22 NIV). Your words can live in the heart and memory of a person and go all the way to the grave with them. We say, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me," but it's not true. A person can die of a crushed spirit, and the one who spoke the words can live to regret the damage they inflicted and never get a chance to undo it. On the other hand, anger properly handled never needs to be repented of. So learn to differentiate between the anger properly handled never needs to be repented of. So learn to differentiate between the anger you feel and the words you speak. Anger carefully thought through, can reveal important information about needed changes. Focus on that, and ask God to show you what needs changing in the other person - and you!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Special Selection - "God's Grace"

Trin-i-tee 5:7 - God's Grace
by klmbaby

Daily Reading - "Let Each One Of You Speak Truth." Ephesians 4:25 NKJV

Here is how it read today...

Rules for handling anger (1)
Two forceful personalities in a relationship are like two rivers flowing into one; there's going to be a strong current. Anger can be instant like a flash of lightening, or prolonged like the rumble of thunder. Sometimes we clash painfully, other times we distance and silently abandon the relationship. But anger handled the right way doesn't have to destroy. Here are God's rules for handling your anger.
.........Rule 1: Keep it honest. "Stop telling lies. Let us tell...the truth...don't sin by letting anger control you" (Eph 4:25-26 NLT). When you're angry don't deny it. Anger can be constructive. We're right to get angry when people are mistreated and wrongs are not made right. Saying, "I've been feeling angry and because I value our relationship I'd like to talk about it," is honest, non-threatening and invites resolution. Observe: (a) Ignoring, stifling, suppressing, or pretending you're not angry is basically dishonest. (b) Another form of lying when you're angry is exaggeration. "You never listen to what I say." "You always ignore my wishes." "Nobody does anything around here except me." Such generalizations are untrue and serve only to aggravate and polarize, guaranteeing the real problem gets obscured and goes unsolved. (c) Another way to lie when you're angry is blaming. "If you'd arrive on time I wouldn't have to nag you," or "If you'd quit nagging so much, maybe I'd start being on time." Blaming is a way of evading your own responsibility while pointing the finger at others. It angers others, perpetuates your own anger and never produces the result you want. God's way is, "let each one of you speak truth," and it works when you do it in love.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Daily Reading - "Happy Is He...Whose Hope Is In The Lord." Psalm 146:5 NKJV

Here is how it read today...

Tues. April 14
When things look bad
F.B. Meyer says: "The education of our faith is incomplete [till] we learn that God's providence works through loss...that there's a ministry to us through the failure and fading of things. The dwindling brook where Elijah sat is picture of our lives! 'Some time later the brook dried up' (1Ki 17:7 NIV) is the history of our yesterdays and prophecy of our tomorrows...learn the difference between trusting in the gift and trusting in the Giver. The gift may last for a season but the Giver is eternal. If the Lord had led Elijah directly to the window at Zarepath, he'd have missed something that helped make him a better man - living by faith. Whenever our earthly resources dry up it's so we may learn that our hope and help are in God."
..........One author writes: "Sometimes there's not enough money to make ends meet; people tell us to budget and we chuckle. We look at the situation and say 'No way.' That's the time to trust God. Your possibilities are not limited by past or present circumstances. If there's not enough to pay legitimate expenses, do your best then let go. Trust God to supply your need, then look beyond your wallet. Look to your source. Claim a divine...unlimited supply...Do your part. Strive for financial responsibility in thought and action. Ask for wisdom and listen to God's leading. Then let go of your fears and your need to control. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding' (Pr 3:5 NLT). We all know money is a necessary part of living - and so does God."

Monday, April 13, 2009

Daily Reading - "I Pray Also That The Eyes Of Your Heart May Be Enlightened" Ephesians 1:18 NIV

Here is how it read today...

Mon. April 13
Seeing God in your situation
When you are in a crisis it's easy to lose perspective. It happened to Jesus' disciples on the Emmaus Road. Discouraged about His death, they were "going over all these things that had happened. In the middle of their...questions, Jesus came up and walked along with them. But they were not able to recognize who he was" (Lk 24:15-16 TM). When you take your eyes off Jesus, you begin to feel helpless about things. Dr. Michael Youssef says: "Facing a major crisis...I tend to be the kind of person whose vision becomes blurred...my perceptions are shot...my contemplations one-sided...and I often shut out the very people who can deliver me...just like these two disciples. Their vision was blurred about the very person who was walking with them and talking to them. The One whose death they were mourning was alive...but they didn't realize it because their focus was on the wrong thing."
..........But everything changed the minute they recognized Him. "Within the hour they were on their way back to Jerusalem. There...the two...told...how Jesus appeared to them as they were walking along the road, and how they had recognized him as he was breaking the bread" (Lk 24:33-35 NLT). Notice the words "within the hour." In an instant they went from fear to courage, pain to joy, and despair to hope. And that's the story of Easter. No matter how bad things may appear to be, when you set your eyes on Jesus He will fill you with hope. So Paul writes: "I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened."

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Daily Reading - "He Has Given Us...A Living Hope." 1 Peter 1:3 NIV

Here is how it read today...

Easter Sunday April 12
Jesus conquered death for you! (2)
Mount Auburn, America's first cemetery, was so beautiful it became the number one tourist attraction in Boston. When they created Central Park in New York they modeled it after Mount Auburn. The rallying cry was, "Why not have it all, but without the graves?" We keep trying to have it all, but without the graves! But we can't. We live only a heartbeat from eternity. So here are two truths you must keep in mind:
........(1) God put you on this earth for a specific purpose. Have you found yours yet? Are you pouring your life into it and making every moment count? Paul did, and he ended up writing: "The time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing" (2Ti 4:6-8 NKJV). (2) When you know Christ as your Savior, the best is yet to be. It is said that on his deathbed, D.I. Moody suddenly sat upright, opened his arms as though embracing something wonderful, declared that earth was receding, heaven was near, and that it was his coronation day. What a way to go! You don't need to fear death because Jesus said, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?" (Jn 11:25-26 NKJV). Believe it, it's true!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Special Selection - "I Understand"

Daiyl Reading - "He Has Given Us ...A Living Hope." 1 Peter 1:3 NIV

Here is how it read today...

Sat. April 11
Jesus conquered death for you! (1)
Ernest Becker wrote a book called The Denial of Death. In it he said we live our lives ignoring, avoiding and repressing the truth that we are mortal, and sooner or later we are all going to die. He pointed out that it's the reason for our workaholism, approval addictions and obsession with money and security. Becker published his book in 1974 with great acclaim, won the Pulitzer Prize and became famous. That year he found our he had cancer. That year he turned to God. That year he died.
..........It's said that Arizona has the largest cryonics foundation in the world. For a healthy fee your blood can be filled with anti-coagulants, your body frozen and stored in a capsule of liquid nitrogen at minus 320 degrees until you can be reheated later. At that point advanced medical technology can cure whatever disease killed you and you can live again. Or if you don't like being cold, another company offers "eternity in a paperweight." For a small fee you DNA is put in little box for the next 10,000 years so that you can be cloned whenever it's convenient. They also offer a 10,000-year money-back guarantee, though it's hard to say who will collect if things go wrong. John Ortberg writes: "We try to outsmart death in more subtle ways; health clubs, skin creams, surgical techniques, new diets, warmer climates, better medications, smarter doctors and more. Perhaps science will help us live forever, like Gulliver's toothless, hairless, memoryless, race of Struldbrugs." Rejoice, Jesus conquered death, and His resurrection guaranteed yours: "He has given us...a living hope through the resurrection...into an inheritance that can never perish" (1Pe 1:3-4 NIV).

Friday, April 10, 2009

Daily Reading - "God...Reconciled Us To Himself Through Jesus Christ." 2 Corinthians 5:18 NKJV

Here is how it read today...

Fri. April 10
Thank God for the Cross!
Tim Miller writes: "My nine-year-old daughter Jennifer was looking forward to our family vacation. But she became ill, and a long-anticipated day at Sea World was replaced by an all-night series of CT scans, X-rays and blood work at the hospital. As morning approached the doctor told my exhausted little girl that she would need to have on more test, a spinal tap. The procedure would be painful, they said. The doctor then asked me if I planned to stay in the room. I nodded, knowing I couldn't leave Jennifer alone during the ordeal. The doctor gently asked Jennifer to remove all her clothing. She looked at me with child-like modesty as if to ask if that were alright. They had her curl up into a tiny ball. I buried my face in hers and hugged her. When the needle went in, Jennifer cried. As the searing pain increased, she sobbed repeatedly, 'Daddy, Daddy, Daddy,' her voice becoming more earnest with each word. IT was as if she were saying ' Oh Daddy, please, can't you do something?' My tears mingled with hers. My heart was broken, I felt nauseated. Because I loved her, I was allowing her to go through the most agonizing experience of her life. In the middle of that spinal tap my thoughts went to the Cross. What unspeakable pain both the Son and the Father went through - for our sake."
.. But because of the Cross of Christ we have: (1) Reconciliation. "God...reconciled us to Himself." (2) Regeneration. "Having been born again" (1Pe 1:23 NKJV). (3) Resurrection. "Everyone who...believes...I will raise him up at the last day" (Jn 6:40 NKJV). Thank God for the Cross!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Daily Reading - "Those Who Turn Many To Righteousness [Shall Shine] Like The Stars Forever." Daniel 12:3 NKJV

Here is how it read today...

Thur. April 9
How to leave a lasting legacy
An unsavory character passed away and a eulogy was delivered by a pastor who'd never met him. Hoping to comfort the family the reverend got carried away, describing the departed as a caring son, a dedicated father and a loving husband. After the service the widow nudged their son and said, "Go up to the casket and make sure it's your father he's talking about!" Seriously, if your life was measured by its donation instead of its duration, how would people remember you?
.........D. James Kennedy wrote: "Consider the Great Pyramid of Giza, one of the world's most massive structures. Someone built it as a memorial to himself...King Khufu, not exactly a household name! The Shah of India built the Taj Mahal as a tribute to his wife, yet he too built in vain; after all who knows the name of Arjumand? And how about the Great Wall of China? Astronauts can see it from space, yet no one remembers Qin Shi Huang, the man initially responsible for the largest man-made structure in the world. While these people are all forgotten, we can make a permanent imprint on the world. God placed a desire in our hearts for significance and permanence, because we're bound for eternal life. So how can we make a name for ourselves for eternity? By bringing others to Christ! Do you know somebody who needs salvation? They'll be forever grateful you took the time and made the effort to introduce them to Jesus." The Bible says by bringing people to Him you'll "shine...like the stars forever and ever."

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Daily Reading - "And Having Done All...Stand." Ephesians 6:13 NKJV

Here is how it read today...

Wed. April 8
Learning to stand
Don't allow the conflict-free seasons of your life to lull you into a false sense of security: "Be vigilant...the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour" (1Pe 5:8 NKJV).
.........What should we do when the Devil comes along? "And having done all...stand." Indeed, "God is able to make [you] stand" (Ro 14:4 NKJV), not in your own strength, but the strength of Jesus Christ. By yourself you're an easy target, but in the strength of the Lord you can stand and not give in. So today when Satan shows up with his temptations, announce that you're going to stand in Christ. Let him know you're going to stand until the shaking stops, until the wave of loneliness passes, until your marriage is restored, until you come out of debt, until the struggle is over, until the tempter loses his power to trap or topple you. When you do the standing - God does the strengthening!
.........Paul said, "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me" (Php 4:13). Note the word "strengthening." He won't just strengthen you once, He'll do it again and again. He'll strengthen you every time you face a difficult challenge, every time a memory comes back to torment you, every time you're reminded of your imperfect past, every time you face a difficult situation. Drawing from God the strength you need to stand up to the enemy will take effort. It will take your praise, your prayer, your getting into His Word with an intensity you never had before. But the truth is - you can stand if you want to!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Special Selection "I Found A Place"

Daily Reading - "If Anyone Wants To Be First." Mark 9:35 NIV

Here is how it read today...

Tue. April 7
Still wanna be first?
As Dan Mazur led his team of climbers up Mount Everest the conditions were ideal for reaching the summit. Then two hours from the top they came across Lincoln Hall, a climber who'd collapsed the day before on his way down. Alone and hallucinating, he had no equipment and was suffering from frostbite and dehydration. (They later learned Hall's team leader had called his wife to say he was dead!) Without hesitation they gave Hall their oxygen, food and water, and by the time help arrived, reaching the peak was out of the question. They sacrificed years of planning, weeks of climbing, and their lifelong dream to save another climber. Not surprisingly, today Mazur helps build schools and hospitals in parts of Nepal without roads, electricity, phones and running water. That's the kind of person he is.
........Would you give up your dream to save another person? Ordinary people do it every day; moms and dads working two jobs to feed and clothe their kids; parents who turn down job transfers rather than uproot their families; round-the-clock caregivers whose loved ones are depending on them. Jesus said, "If anyone wants to be first, he must [pu himself] last." In God's kingdom, things are different. The least are considered the greatest (See Lk 9:48). The most honorable seat in the house is for the one we overlook (See Lk 14:8-9). We esteem others more highly than ourselves (See Ro 12:10 & Php 2:3). We give up our coat and go the extra mile (Mt 5:40-41). John the Baptist said of Jesus, "He must become greater and greater, and I must become less and less" (See Jn 3:30). Still wanna be first?

Monday, April 6, 2009

Daily Reading - "When I Kept Silent About My Sin...Your Hand Was Heavy Upon Me." Psalm 32:3-4 NAS

Here is how it read today...

Mon. April 6
Coming clean with God
A therapist who graduated 34 years earlier called the University of Oregon and admitted she'd cheated on a final exam. Instead of revoking her degree the University asked her to write an article on integrity. A woman who completed a walk around the world confessed she traveled partway in a support truck. "I shouldn't be remembered as the first woman to walk round the world when I cheated," she said. How many of us would have admitted our deception?
.........The Psalmist said, "When I kept silent about my sin...Your hand was heavy upon me." Confessing your sins: (a) Lets you experience God's forgiveness: He already knows about them anyway, but He won't forgive you while you're busy making excuses and blame-shifting. John says, "If we confess...he will forgive our sins" (1Jn 1:9 NCV). The first move is up to you. (b) Restores your emotional and physical energy: Nothing's more draining than denial and nothing's more invigorating than a clean slate. David said, "My strength...failed because of my iniquity" (Ps 31:10 NAS). Reflecting on his affair with Bathesheba, he said, "When I kept silent...my vitality was drained...I acknowledge my sin...and You forgave the guilt" (Ps 32:3-5 NAS). (c) Allows you to move on: Confession allows you to hit the "reset" button and start again. It's also important to draw a line between the past and the future in case you're tempted to repeat your behavior. (d) Lets you grow: Thomas Edison said failure taught him over a thousand ways not to make a light bulb! Making your mistakes work for you instead of against you, starts with confessing them to God and accepting His forgiveness.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Daily Reading - "If There Is Anything Praiseworthy - Meditate On These Things." Philippians 4:8 NKJV

Here is how it read today...

Sat. April 4
Find something to praise God for
General Robbie Risner described the seven years he spent as a prisoner of war as - "the essence of despair." He said, "If you could have squeezed the feeling out of the word despair, it would have come out lead-colored, dingy and dirty." What's amazing is how he survived. He pried the covered off a floor drain in his cell and lowered his head into the opening. There he noticed a solitary blade of grass, the only smidgeon of color in his colorless world. Calling it a blood transfusion for the soul, Risner began each day in prayer, lying on the floor of his cell with his head down the vent, focused on that single blade grass.
.........Jesus said, "Your eye...provides light for your body. When your eye is good, your body is filled with light. But when your eye is bad, your whole body is filled with darkness" (Mt 6:22-23 NLT). What are you looking at? Each day you get to decide where you'll focus. And you won't have to look hard to find things to complain about: war, gas prices, the economy, global warming, and crime. God gave Adam and Eve everything they needed in the Garden of Eden, but they chose to focus on the one thing they couldn't have. He divided the Red Sea, sent signs to guide the Israelites in the wilderness and provided food so they'd never go hungry. Initially, "They...sang his praise. But...soon forgot what he had done" (Ps 106:12-13 NIV). Don't be like that. The bible says, "If there is anything praiseworthy - meditate on these things." Surely you can find something to praise God for today!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Daily Reading - "Through Wisdom A House Is Built." Proverbs 24:3 NKJV

Here is how it read today...

Succeeding at home
Building a good relationship at home is like building a wall: It's done brick by brick. And the mortar that holds it together is unconditional, un-condemming, unselfish love. The only way you'll know how good a job you've done is when it's tested by the storms of life. One of the most important keys to succeeding at home is - communication. So:
.........(1) Become creative. Spend time together as a family. Call you mate during the day and try to meet for lunch. Drive your kids to school or soccer practice so you can talk to them. Communication can happen anywhere, but it won't happen unless you make it a priority. (2) Identify communication killers. Internet, cell phones and TV are the chief culprits. The average couple spends less than one hour a week in meaningful communication they spend five times more each day watching television. This is a "screen test" you'll have to pass if you want to succeed at home. (3) Encourage every member to speak their mind. And when they do, don't criticize or retaliate. Differences of opinion are healthy. Handled right, they can make things better (4) Be conscious of how you interact with your family. You may have unwittingly adopted a style that stifles communication. Stop and consider; do you: (a) retaliate - that has a degrading effect; (b) dominate - that has an intimidating effect; (c) isolate - that has a frustrating effect. (d) cooperate - that has an encouraging effect. If you're in the habit of using any communication style other than a cooperative one, start working immediately to change it. You'll have to, if you want to build a good relationship with your family.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Daily Reading - "If Someone Forces You To Go One Mile, Go...Two." Matthew 5:41 NIV

Here is how it read today...

"Above and beyond"
In Roman times soldiers could make Jewish citizens carry their gear for a mile. But Jesus says: "If someone forces you to go one mile, go...two." Max Lucado writes: "We've a second-mile servant in our church. By profession he's an architect, by passion, a servant. Prior to each worship service he does his rounds through the men's restrooms...wipes sinks, cleans mirrors, checks toilets and picks up paper. He tells no one and requests nothing in return...Let me tell you how to spot [second-milers]. They don't wear badges or uniforms; they wear smiles. They've discovered...joy in the extra effort...satisfaction in helping others...that the real reward rests at the base of the second mile-post...Why? Liberation! They've passed from slave to volunteer. When 'Mary anointed Jesus' feet,' one-milers like Judas criticized the deed as wasteful. Not Jesus. He received the gesture as a demonstration of love, a friend surrendering her most treasured gift. There's an elderly man in your community who just lost his wife. An hour of your time would mean the world to him. Some kids in your city have no dad to take them to movies or baseball games. Maybe you can. They can't pay you back but they'll smile like a cantaloupe slice at your kindness. How about this one? Down the hall is a person who shares your last name. Shack them with kindness...your homework done with no complaints...coffee served when they awake...a love letter written for no special reason. Alabaster poured out 'just because'. Jesus chose the servants' quarters. Can't we?" John Gardner said, "When people are serving, life is no longer meaningless." You're not called to "get by," you're called to go "above and beyond."

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Daily Reading - "Let Us Lay Aside Every Weight, And...Run With Endurance." Hebrews 12:1 NKJV

Here is how it read today...

"Lay It Aside"
The Bible says, "Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it" (1Co 9:24 NKJV). In life you only get to run once, so run to win. To avoid stumbling or losing you place, don't look back. You can't change the past, but thank God you can learn from it and leave it behind. Don't be anxious about the next lap, focus only on the next step. If you miss that you may fall and not get up again. Before you know it you'll soon have more laps behind you than ahead of you, so make every lap count: "Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us." Many of us carry the weight and worry of burdens that older and wiser people understand are of no real importance. We spend our strength extinguishing fires that, if left alone, would burn our on their on. Time is your most valuable resource. Save it and you've increased your assets and decreased your liabilities. Get rid of the baggage of old relationships, pointless fears, and false indebtedness to those who seek to manipulate you. There are enough painful trials in life; why endure the ones you can lay aside?
..........When blind Bartimaeus heard that Jesus was within reach he threw off his coat lest it trip him up, and ran toward Him. And his faith paid off: "Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus" (Mk 10:52 NKJV). Today, "lay it aside" and run!