E - T - C Headline Animator

Monday, December 29, 2008

Daily Reading - "You Who Live In Your Own Light...Will Soon Fall Down In Great Torment." Isaiah 50:11 NLT

Here is how it read today...

Mon Dec. 29
Night vision (3)
When the darkness you're experiencing is God-ordained, don't try to create your own light: "You who live in your own light...will soon fall down in great torment." Abraham decided to kindle his own fire when God's promise of an heir didn't materialize quickly enough. Tired of waiting, he decided to go it alone by fathering Ishmael, and ended up creating problems that would last for generations. God had already promised to liberate Israel, but Moses took it upon himself to do things his way. As a result he killed an Egyptian slave master and spent the next forty years in the wilderness. (See Ex 2:11-15). Peter promised to follow Jesus to prison and to death (See Lk 22:33), but because he didn't wait for instructions he ended up lopping off an innocent man's ear.
When you're in darkness by divine design you don't have to be afraid, God will bring you through. Why are we so sure? Because the Bible gives us great promises like: "Light arises in...darkness for the upright" (Ps 30:5). The forty days Moses spent alone on the mountain, Elijah's stay on Mount Horeb, and Paul's years in the Arabian Desert weren't wasted experiences; they were part of God's plan. Jesus said, "What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight" (Mt 10:27 NIV). Notice two things in this scripture: (1) It's in your worst moments that God gives you some of your best insights. (2) People will listen to you because you've "earned the right to speak." So sit tight and let God teach you things which can only be learned in the dark.

1st Month Review

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Where I'm At - "It's Been a While"

Sunday Selection - "We Fall Down"

Donnie mcclurkin we fall down
Uploaded by skateproduction

"I Will Give You Treasures Hidden In The Darkness." Isaiah 45:3 NLT

Here is how it read today...

Sun Dec. 28
Night vision (2)
Sometimes God doesn't tell us why because He wants us to know who. In Psalm 23, David goes from talking about God, "The Lord is my Shepherd," to talking with Him, "Thou art with me." What happened in between? David learned that no matter how dark the way is, the Lord is there to guide us. He discovered that it's better to walk through the valley with God than stand on the mountain top alone. God doesn't always light the path in advance, but He promises, "When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee" (Isa 43:2). When you feel like you're out of your depth or in over your head, claim the promise! Job had many unanswered questions, but when he began to understand the difference between reason and relationship, he told God, "I...heard about you before, but now I have seen you" (Job 42:5 TLB). When you can't find the reason, trust the relationship. God won't fail you.
............Contrary to what you may think, darkness isn't always the work of the enemy. Sometimes it's one of god's best teaching tools. "About the fourth watch of the night He came to them, walking on the sea...And when they say Him...they were greatly amazed...beyond measure, and marveled" (Mk 6:48-51 NKJV). You get to know the Lord by going through storms with Him. The Psalmist said, "To you the night shines as bright as day. Darkness and light are the same to you" (Ps 139:12 NLT). So instead of running from your problems, ask God to develop you night vision, to show you "the treasures of darkness...hidden in secret places" (NRS).

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Where I'm At - Special Selection

"Who Is Among You Who...Fears The Lord...Yet...Walks In Darkness?" Isaiah 50:10 AMP

.So here is how it read...

Sat Dec. 27

NiNight Vision (1)
God promises us peace, but not smooth sailing or immunity from life's problems. The Bible says you can "fear the Lord...yet...walk in darkness and...trouble." Check your Bible:
............(a) Job lived an exemplary life yet he lost everything. Troubled and perplexed, he cried, "God has blocked my way [and]...plunged my path into darkness" (Job 19:8 NLT). (b) Jeremiah, after preaching to a rebellious people who beat and imprisoned him, said, "Oh, that...my eyes [were] a fountain...I would weep day and night for...my people" (Jer 9:1 NIV). (c) John the Baptist was puzzled about why his cousin Jesus, who could raise the dead, had left him to languish in prison. So he sent him a message asking, "Are you the one who was to come, or should we expect someone else?" (Lk 7:19 NIV). (d) Paul suffered so much he "despaired even of life" (2Co 1:8).
.............Faith is life film; it's developed in the dark. Dark days make us lean on God in ways we normally wouldn't. The truth is, if our faith was never tested we wouldn't be motivated to pursue God and draw closer to Him. The hymn writer wrote: "When darkness seems to hide His face, I rest on His unchanging grace. When all around my soul gives way, He then is all my hope and stay. On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand." It's easy to praise God when your health is good and your bills are paid. It's when the light suddenly turns to darkness that we discover what our faith is made of and where our trust truly lies. It's in those seasons, that we develop night vision!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Daily Reading - "I Am...Old...And My Wife Is [Too]." Luke 1:18 NKJV

So here is how it read today...

Wed Dec. 24
"I AM...OLD...AND MY WIFE IS [TOO]." [LUKE 1:18]
When your miracle comes late
When an angel told Mary she'd conceive, although it wasn't something she'd been praying for, she said, "Let it be...according to your word" (Lk1:38 NKJV). However, when an angel appeared to Zechariah, "he...was gripped with fear." When the angel told him, "Your prayer has been heard...Elizabeth will bear you a son...Zechariah asked...'How can I be sure...I am...old...and my wife is well along in years'" (Lk 1:12-18 NIV). What do you do when God answers your prayer and you don't know if you can still handle it? When He sense you a son whose name has already been chosen, who doesn't necessarily resemble you, and whose destiny is already decided? Or when He gives you the job you always wanted, the relationship you never thought you'd have, or the ministry opportunity you didn't think would come again? You can either say, "I can't," or "I'm willing. Bring it on, Lord!"
"When the right time came, God sent his Son" (Gal 4:4 NLT). Notice, God doesn't consult us to make sure His plans line up with our timetable and meet with our approval. He simply directs our steps (See Ps 37:23). He calls the shots, even when it means we have to run to keep up!
But sometimes God will shake your foundation in order to develop your "core muscles." If you work out, you know that lifting weights is much easier when you're on solid ground. When you're on a balance ball, for example, you have to work hard to insure the weights don't come back down and crush you. when your miracle arrives late, God is strengthening your faith and teaching you to stay balance under pressure.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

My 1st JMT Video Blog

The Start of Something Big (con't)

So here I am, a child of God and feeling childish might I say. I truly felt different, like a ton was lifted off my back. Well, sad enough to say, that good feeling may have lasted but me living the right way didn't. While I technically didn't feel as though I was doing anything wrong and I had good intentions, I still wasn't living by His word. Now I realize this was one of the greatest lessons I would eventually learn. Knowing Christ, acknowledging Him and still not living by His word; completely disrespectful, ignorant and simply asking for trouble to say the least.

When I got back to school I was having fun but more so in a different way. With my new found free time I was pushing business at a rapid pace. Nothing else to me really mattered. I had a goal and I was going to reach it no matter what. I had great success by the time the end of the school year came. While my formal education might have suffered, I felt as though my relationships, my business, and my current status was great. I was going to be moving into a nice house soon, still didn't have much drama in my life as far as the females I talk to, business was booming, and I couldn't see anything wrong with where my life was headed. Unfortunately, the problem was I was blinded by the wrong things and not focused on God and living the right way and I eventually had to pay the price.

Summer came and business came to a halt. No matter what new tactics or old ones I refurbished, nothing worked. My ex ended up moving out of her family's house and of course ended up staying with me. So I was in a house with my brother and a friend who paid to be there along with my friend/business partner who was crashing at my place and my ex. So you could say it was crowded, but really it wouldn't have been if my friend didn't sleep in the living room on his air mattress. Anyways, that summer turned into one long event of giving into temptations. Needless to say, I ended up needing to get a job at the end of the summer. Lost my car, and when school started my ex eventually found out she couldn't return sending her back to my house.

So the new school year starts with me living in a very nice house with my housemates and my ex. I have a full time job, am taking classes part-time paying out of pocket, and am still pushing business. Couldn't really talk to other females with my ex living with me because I wasn't going to be that disrespectful. At the end of the day I did want to eventually be with her so this was basically a test run, even though when we were together and I stayed at her apartment, it didn't work out than. I was seeing if things would be different this time around. This would be an interesting year either way it went, and it proved to be one of the most craziest in my life.

To be con't...

Daily Reading - "Work Hard And Become A Leader." Proverbs 12:24 NLT

So this is how it read today...

Tues Dec. 23
Pitfalls for leaders
If you are a leader, try to avoid these pitfalls:
.(1) Micromanaging va. Leading. Managing people requires an eye for detail, whereas leading involves vision-sharing, goal-setting and motivating. And you must know the difference. When you micromanage rather than lead, morale plummets because people need clear objectives and the freedom to figure out how reach them. Don't micromanage; it diminishes the sense of "ownership" those under and around you need for good team dynamics and problem-solving. President Eisenhower once said: "Pull the string and it'll follow you wherever you wish. Push it, and it'll go nowhere."
..(2) Confusing individual loyalty with team building. It's good to work closely with key individuals, but it's also important for people to stay "connected to each other" (Ro 12:5 GWT). Make sure everybody gets to be on the team, feels valued and learns how to interact with one another.
..(3) Being afraid to try things. Stretching people into new areas means they'll make mistakes. While locking them into the same routine may keep them (and you) safe, it takes the motivational wind out of their sails. Being a leader means risking other people's failures and biting your lip as you let them "toddle" out into the unknown. Like a parent who prays harder when their teen takes the family car out for their first drive, you must accept that some challenges which frighten you are liberating to others. Solomon said, "Work hard and become a leader." That raises a question. If you are leading others, who is leading you? The best way to lead, is to follow God and obey His Word!

J.M.T. - "Hardcore"

Monday, December 22, 2008

Daily Reading - "And In Lystra." Acts 14:8 NKJV

So here is how it read today...

Mon Dec. 22
Lessons from Lystra
..........The Bible says, "In Lystra a...man...who had never walked...heard Paul speaking...Paul...observing...that he had faith to be healed, said...'Stand up straight on your feet!' And he leaped and walked" (v. 8-10 NKJV). That's extraordinary. Without months of therapy to get his brain's neurological system functioning and his atrophied muscles activated, this man who couldn't stand up suddenly started walking. That's like winning American Idol or the Eurovision Son Contest without a single voice lesson. Or getting your paintings displayed at the Louvre without having an art class. God reverses the damage of your past and blesses you with success. You "walk into it" by His power and grace. Sometimes that's how God works.
..........Next we read, "When the people saw what Paul had done, they raised their voices, saying..."The gods have come down to us'...When the apostles...heard this, they tore their clothes...crying out...'why are you doing these things? We also are men'" (Ac 12:11-15 NKJV). Here we go again! We keep wanting to make gods out of people. Someone that nobody's ever heard of hits the high note, gets a record deal and becomes an overnight star - and we set them up as a role model. Lord, help us! IT even happens to preachers; you struggle, God blesses you and enables you to build a great ministry, now people can't even talk to you without an appointment (unless they happen to be big donors). Paul and Barnabas didn't go out and buy a wardrobe commensurate with their new image, or hire a publicity agent. No, they "tore their clothes" and cried, "We also are men." Wise up! The crowd that worshipped Paul yesterday, stoned him today. Bottom line: be humble, love people, but trust only in God.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Where I'm At

Your Will - Darius Brooks

Daily Reading - "There Was...Honey...And He Took Thereof." Judges 12:8-9

Here is how it read today...

Sat Dec. 20
Look for the honey!
In their book, The Laws of Lifetime Growth, authors Dan Sullivan and Catherine Nomura explain, "Continual learning is essential for lifetime growth. You can have great deal of experience and be no smarter for all the things you've done, seen and heard. Experience alone is no guarantee of lifetime growth. But if you regularly transform your experiences into new lessons, you'll make each day of your life a source of growth. The smartest people are those who can transform even the smallest events or situations into breakthroughs in thinking and action. Look at all of life as a school and every experience as a lesson, and your learning will always be greater than your old experience."
...........In an old Peanuts cartoon, Charles Schulz shows Charlie Brown at the beach building a magnificent sandcastle. It's a work of art. As he stands back to admire it, suddenly it's destroyed by a big wave. In the last frame he says, "There must be a lesson here, but for the life of me I don't know what it is." That's how many of us feel after a potentially valuable experience. We go through it but don't grow. We attend meetings designed to help us learn, then do nothing with what we've heard after closing our notebooks. Don't get excited about a learning event, get excited about learning! And you haven't really learned it until you've applied it.
..........A few days after slaying a lion, Samson returned to the scene of victory and discovered two things in the carcass: (a) Bees, that sting. (b) Honey, that taste sweet. "And he took thereof." In life, move beyond the pain and look for the honey!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Daily Reading - "Increase...And Possess The Land." Deuteronomy 8:1 NIV

So here is how it read today...

Fri Dec. 19
From surviving - to thriving!
After 400 years of slavery God handed the Israelites the deed to a lush, plentiful land they could finally call home. Up until now everything they owned had been provided for them by their Egyptian captors. But slavery had crushed their will and destroyed their initiative, consequently God had to break them of their reliance on people rather than on Him. (People-dependency can make you vulnerable and stunt your growth.) So when God led the Israelites into the wilderness for manna - something only God can provide! Understand this: When God takes away an old source or system and gives you a new one, it doesn't mean the old one was no good. It just means He's chosen a new way of guiding and providing.
................When God makes you a promise He always keeps it, but you have to be willing to remove the training wheels of your reliance on people. In the wilderness the Israelites griped and bellyached for the comfort of the familiar, even though it meant going back to an old season that was over. But they couldn't, and you can't either! When God said, "Increase...and possess the land," His plan for them went beyond surviving - to thriving. It meant being weaned off the breast milk of people-dependence and onto the meat of God-dependence. Paul writes: "Not that we are sufficient of ourselves...but our sufficiency is from God" (2Co 3:5 NKJV). When God pushes you out of your comfort zone en route to your destiny, expect to go through some unfamiliar, anxiety-producing territory. It's the only way to go from surviving - to thriving.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Start of Something Big (con't)

So with everything seeming to be going in the right direction, I had no true complaints. I could have complained about things but I learned to focus on what I can and can't control, which limited the possibility for complaint to arise. If it was something I could control then it would be on me to get the situation fixed and or worked on. If it was something I couldn't control then I would simply put it in God's hand. So life became somewhat easier for me at this time. I unfortunately stopped reading my bible as much as I did when I was working. I still prayed but I really wasn't living the way in which a saved person is suppose to. Thing is, I wasn't technically saved. When you're a kid and your parents take you to church everyday against your will, then honestly, it wasn't your choice to be in the house of the Lord, it was theirs. Now when the time comes that you want to go, and you understand everything in which why you are there, then at that time when you decide you want to give yourself unto the Lord are you truly saved. This leads me to the next epic moment in my life.

Received a phone call from my mother which was nothing new, she called me all the time. This time around was an unfortunate one. Out of no where, my aunt passed of a heart attack. So yes, I was greatly shocked because I was so confused. Everything appeared to be going so well in my life, I was starting to believe in God and I figured because of that, my life would simply continue to get better. In the beginning they started to somehow get worst before getting better, but as they got better and I was acknowledging Him more, so when this happened, I really didn't understand. Rather than be depressed I simply prayed and it really helped because I was upset, but I really wasn't that depressed, I simply believed that their has to be a reason for this.

So the funeral day approaches and we are at the church for the viewing and everything and there is where it happened. As the minister spoke, I realized more and more as he spoke why God had taken my aunt back. As we all are tools, he needed to take this one back to accomplish some things that wouldn't have been accomplished probably any other way. What you didn't know about the background is that at this time my family was in turmoil to say the least. Many members weren't talking to one another for whatever the reason and we weren't as close knit as we always were. I didn't realize everything because I was away, but when I did come home things did seem a bit off. Outside of that, as the minister continued to preach on my aunt's passing, he spoke on how mourning her wasn't God's purpose; God took her back to achieve things that weren't going to get achieved any other way. Bringing our family back together, reminding us that family is the most important thing on this earth, and most importantly, I NEVER ATTENDED CHURCH AT SCHOOL. So here was my moment to confess my love, and give myself to God and that's exactly what happened. So I will always remember my aunt's passing, because God took her back for me and my family's sake. There is always a silver lining...

To be con't...

Daily Reading - "You Are...Fellow Citizens...Members Of God's Household...A Holy Temple." Ephesians 2:19-21 NIV

So here is how it read today...

Thur Dec. 18
The privilege and responsibilities of membership
If your children stood outside your house pleading to get in, what would you think? Wouldn't you say, "Come in, you're my flesh and blood, I love you, you don't need to beg?" Well, we can come into God's presence at any time. We are "No longer strangers...but fellow citizens...of the household of God...a holy temple" (NKJV). What privileges:
...........(a) As "fellow citizens" we represent God's kingdom on the earth. We are His ambassadors (2Co 5:20). "What does an ambassador do?" you ask. He stays in communication with his king, understands his will and makes sure it's carried out. He also knows he doesn't belong there permanently, so he lives, ready for recall at a moment's notice. Getting the idea? (b) Because we belong to the "household of God" we can come confidently before God at any time, with any need, and know that we'll be received with love. God is the father you always hoped for and you are the child He always wanted. If you have any doubts, look at the cross; that's how much God values you. But remember, every family member is supposed to contribute, be loyal, and make sure the family's good name is protected. (c) We are "a holy temple." In the Old Testament God had a temple for His people, but now God has a people for His temple. The Bible says, "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God" (1Co 6:19-20 NIV).

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Start of Something Big (con't)

So I was paying off my tuition with ease, and outside of that I didn't go out much because I worked 3rd shift. So when I actually did go out drinks and everything were on me because I had so much money to spend. School became more uninteresting to me as the weeks came on. Everything outside of work was ok and for me no drama is the best way it could be. My new business was taking off and it had a couple stumbles but still was producing, so that was good as well. Everything was looking to make for a great spring and an even better summer.

Eventually this job got the best of me. Every day at work was the same thing; people complaining about how horrible the job was, but because the money was so great they just had to deal with it. Meanwhile, I'm doing my own home-based business trying to help them understand that their are other alternatives that anyone can take advantage of. I eventually developed a bad back to the point where I really couldn't get out of bed one night to even go to work. So from there my mind was set that I have to make this business work because I was done with literally breaking my back to make money.

My schoolwork suffered due to my work and my disinterest combined, so all the money I paid for classes didn't fully go to waste, but wasn't fully appreciated. My social life was still ok. I had bumps along the way, but with this ability to make people see things from my point of view and getting them to go along with my philosophy, I eased through moments of potential drama. At the end of the day, I was still a fun loving, caring person, who literally was breaking his back to stay in school. The problem was, I had a serious dilemma. If I was becoming more and more disinterested in school, what's going to be my primary focus.

Didn't take long to see that it was going to be my business. By this time, it was coasting and steadily producing. So I worked at my job as long as I could and eventually was let go being not able to perform with my injuries. Didn't matter to me because that wasn't my concern, I knew I had a backup plan. So with my new found free time, I gained my social life back which is exactly what I needed for business anyway. Now here's what I left out for most of this part of the story, this is when I actually started to pray.

Like I said, worked sucked, I was lost at what I was going to do with my feelings about school, and at the end of the day, I never wanted to be considered a player; if you've been following this blog, you would know that I really rather be in a relationship than date multiple women. So I simply asked God for some help with directing me or giving me a solution to my problems. Eventually some things came about but at the time I didn't fully give him credit, which was obviously my first of many mistakes during this time period. Eventually one thing lead to another and things started coming to the light. Business was moving, school although wasn't interesting was still something I paid for so I still got somewhat of my money's worth. The females I were talking to went in their directions in which, I figured I knew which one I would want to settle down with when the time came. Life at this point really got better. However, there was this huge problem that I had that I didn't realize at the time, I wasn't living in His eyes and by His will and I wasn't fully giving Him His due praises. But hey, I thought me starting to believe and reading my Bible was enough, such ignorance...

To be con't...

Daily Reading - "But We Have This Treasure In Earthen Vessels." 2 Corinthians 4:7

This is how it read today...

Wed Dec. 17
Dealing with disappointment (3)
Finally there's: Disappointment in ourselves. It's potentially the most debilitating kind of disappointment because it can throw you into a downward spiral that's hard to stop or recover from.
..........Peter had sworn undying love and fidelity to Jesus. "Lord, everybody else may abandon you, but not me! I'm yours till death" (See Mt 26:44-75). And he meant every word of it. But under the pressures surrounding the crucifixion he yields, and three times denies knowing Jesus. Later, remembering Jesus' words, "Before the rooster crows, you'll deny me three times," Peter, heartbroken by his own dismal failure, "went outside and wept bitterly" (Lk 22:62 NIV). Ever asked, "God, how can you possibly use someone as messed up as me?" Peter failed to meet his own expectations and went on a downer. But Jesus wasn't shocked. He was well aware of Peter's flaws when he called him into the ministry. He also knew that his blustering, outspoken disciple had a tender heart, so He extended grace to him rather than remove him from office. When Christ gave post-resurrection orders to "tell His disciples and Peter" (Mk 16:7 NIV) to meet Him in Galilee, He reaffirmed His choice of the failed disciple. The rest of Peter's story is New Testament history.
..........When (not if!) you confront failure: (1) Don't add insult to injury by letting disappointment mire you in hopelessness and despair. (2) Humble yourself and repent. Confess your sin; don't excuse, rationalize or blame circumstances and people. (3) Receive God's grace and forgiveness by faith, not by feelings. Don't let Satan convince you your case is beyond grace. (4) Get whatever help you need to get back on track - sooner, not later.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Start of Something Big (con't)

So I get back Christmas night because yea, I have to work the very next day and the saga really begins. So I get back from work the next day and I sit down and have one of the realest conversations you might ever hear. Simply asked Him that if He exist that He show me, because either way I was going to read this book. I would just appreciate it that I be rewarded with knowing if He existed. However He had to make that happen be as it may, He knows me, so make it happen, please.

As I said, worked sucked but not at first. During this time I was being eased into the nuances of the job and I was also easing into reading my Bible. Every break we got at work and when I got back from work I read, right from the beginning like any other book. Co-Workers thought I was very religious and I simply told them that it was nothing more than a promise. Around this time a friend of mines who shared some of the same views on life as I was trying to get in contact with me, but me adjusting to working 3rd shift wasn't always available. So some time after the new year we eventually met up. By now, work is starting to somewhat suck, but not too bad. School was simply annoying me, and my social life was pretty much non-existent because of those two draining me.

So I have always been a person that thought business minded and would always look for other ways of making money outside of the traditional. The thing is, I still yet haven't heard of that man or women who became a multi-millionaire, who has a bunch of free time on their hand, who accomplished that by working a traditional 9-5. So I was always seeking opportunities. Looked at many, some were interesting, some flat out sucked, others were outside my budget and others weren't in my favor at the time for cost-benefit purposes. My friend who was also on the same mind frame looked at many of these business opportunities as well and was working on others. So whenever we saw something we always shared it with the other. Well this time around he simply called me and said, "WE NEED TO TALK, I FOUND IT." Now I was never the type to get hype over words like that, don't hold enough substance. I also understood he wasn't going to tell me too much over the phone, so we later talked, and eventually I was introduce to a product that was revolutionary for many reasons and a company that I could really benefit from and help others benefit as well. To simply be honest, it was a no brainer.

Still here I stand, not a believer in God, but doing my do diligence reading this Bible. I am now the owner of my own business. Currently still working 3rd shift in what could be called a hell hole and still have a full semester of classes I'm taking. To add on to these things, I still am doing intramural sports and somehow still managing to steadily talk to multiple females and somehow scrounge together a social life. Life couldn't be better...

To be con't...

Daily Reading - "Now Go, Lead The People." Exodus 32:34 NIV

Here is how it read today...

Tues Dec. 16

Dealing with disappointment (2)
Here are two more types of disappointment you'll deal with in life:
..........(1) Disappointment in those you work with and depend on. To succeed, you need people; you can't make it without them. And when those people fail you it's painful. Imagine Moses' disappointment. He leaves his brother Aaron in charge while he attends a summit conference with God and receives the Ten Commandments. Returning, he finds Israel in anarchy, idolatry and unspeakable perversion. Where's Aaron? Leading the rebellion! When Moses needed him most, Aaron fails him miserably. But watch Moses; true leadership shines in deep disappointment. He confronts Aaron, takes the mess to God for resolution, and prays forgiveness for Israel. God listens, then reminds Moses of his assignment. "[It's disappointing, Moses, but] 'go, lead the people...my angel will go before you'" (v. 34). Disappointment doesn't cancel your assignment - or God's presence. Do what He sent you to do. (2) Disappointment in those you've poured your life into. Let's check in again with Moses, Founding Pastor of the First Church of the Critical and the Ungrateful, a congregation of former slaves, delivered, abundantly blessed, en route to the Promised Land, but without a shred of loyalty or gratitude for the man who put everything on the line to make it possible. Fresh out of Egypt they turn on Moses, accusing, blaming and berating him (See Ex 14). Was Moses disappointed and hurt? Yes. But each time he wanted to quit he'd discuss it with God, pray for his complaining flock, receive fresh orders from headquarters and return to work. It's what God-called men and women do when they're disappointed and feel like giving up.

Monday, December 15, 2008

It Is What It Is - Dentist Appt

So I've been dreading these dentist appointment I've got lined up. A buncha cavities and a couple of root canals. Outside of the pain my insurance I figured is only going to cover but so much. So anyways, as usual, I don't worry about it too much, just prayed on it as much as possible and let that be that.

Today I get to the dentist for my 8am appointment and I'm focusing my mind on meditating from the moment I get there. So I'm reading my Bible when they call me in to talk. They decide they want to do the root canals instead of the scheduled fillings. Why? Turns out, if I get the root canals done now it will be cheaper and they were more serious to begin with, they just were costly. After contacting my insurance provider they found out that it wouldn't be so costly, so I take the advice and we agree on the first root canal. So needless to say, they prayer and meditation intensifies.

40 minutes go by, buncha noise after a couple needles and I'm done. No pain! No huge bill! No problem! When I tell you there is no need to worry because God will make a way, its true. Even though this may seem simple and stupid to some, I hope there is one person that gets the point I'm trying to make. With God on your side, there are NO reasons to ever worry. If pain is in the agenda it's for a purpose, if subtraction is in the diagnosis it's for a purpose, if sacrifice is whats called for it's for a purpose. I guess pain wasn't part of the agenda for me today as well as a big bill that I would have been paying off for three weeks possibly. Instead I got one serious procedure done, pain free might I add, and paid for it in full thanks to my insurance covering most of it. Of course my "overall insurance plan" was the real benefactor here...

Daily Reading - "Samuel Grew, And The Lord Was With Him." 1 Samuel 3:19

So here is how it read today...

Mon Dec. 15
Dealing with disappointment (1)
Welcome to life; disappointment guaranteed! Webster defines disappointment as, "When expectations fail to be met, producing anger, frustration, sadness and discouragement." Here are some examples to help you when:
(1) You're disappointment with those you look up to. Think of Samuel and Eli (1Sa 1-4). Samuel's mother entrusted her child to Eli the High Priest, confident he'd mentor and prepare him for God's service. But Eli had a serious character flaw. He was weak, passive parent who stood by while his sons abused their priestly privilege, bringing shame and disrepute to the ministry. Who'd have blamed young Samuel for taking a nose dive when the man he looked up to failed so badly? But no, he fielded his disappointment and kept his eyes on God: "Samuel grew, and the Lord was with him." As a result God turned him into one of Israel's greatest prophets. So keep your eyes on the Lord. (2) You're disappointed in those you live with. If anyone wouldn't let you down, surely it wouldn't be your family. Right? Wrong! Ask young Joseph. When God promised him a big promotion he thought his brothers would celebrate. Instead they responded with jealousy, ridicule and resentment, selling him into slavery. Far from friends and home he languished in prison for a crime he didn't commit. What an invitation to bitterness, to rehearsing the wrongs done him while plotting his revenge. But if he'd done that he'd have died an unknown convict in a foreign jail. Instead he allowed God to vindicate him, using his circumstances to position, prepare and promote him to being Egypt's Prime Minister - and that's how you deal with disappointment.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sunday Selection - Stomp

"If My People." 2 Chronicles 7:14 NKJV

Here is how it read today...

Will you be one of them?
No so long ago we were all celebrating a great economy. Wow, can't times change? Sky-rocketing fuel prices have us carpooling, parking our gas-guzzlers and riding the bus. We'd never heard of a "sub-prime mortgage crisis," now the equity in our homes is evaporating like steam, or they're being auctioned off on the courthouse steps. The headlines say a tsunami hits Burma and 100,000 people die. Earthquakes hit China and thousands of children perish in the rubble of their school. Twisters, fires and floods hit the U.S. heartland leaving untold heartache and ruin. It seems our security blanket has been stripped away and our comfort zone shaken to its core.
But there's a groundswell. If you listen you'll hear it: "It's time to seek God, to repent, to change the way we're living." It's an old message for a new generation. "If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land." You say, "The people around me aren't saying that." Then examine the company you're keeping! Jesus said that when the blind lead the blind they both end up in a ditch.
We don't need a majority to turn things around. God told Abraham that just fifty people with a heart for righteousness could save Sodom. Even in a pampered church that majors in "what God will do for you, and how to get Him to do it" there's a remnant who know what revival means, and how to seek God until it comes. The question is, will you be one of them?

The Start of Something Big (con't)

This may have been one of the craziest school years of my life. I went from working my one job to working third shift at another job lifting an average 13 tons a night. I was taking classes full time, playing a number of intramural sports and still somehow maintaining a social life. Once again, I was doing what I thought I was suppose to be doing as a young man in college. I was having fun, working hard, and not lying, so I figured I was doing good if not better than most.

One thing lead to another and the drama arose as it does in college and in life. This is where I developed a horrible skill in drastically making people see things from my point of view. Why was this horrible, because I basically learned how to manipulate people by making them feel a certain way and getting them to do what I wanted. To me it was a defense mechanism to divert away from drama, so once again, it wasn't lying so it wasn't really wrong to me. Now that I look back on it, I really believe it was the wrong thing to do for sooooooooooo many reasons.

So first semester was ending and life was to say going easy and simple. I just started that job lifting all that weight in the end on november. I had no idea how the next following months would start a change in my life. The job for starters, obviously sucked, but at first I didn't realize how much because they ease you into how much it actually sucks. So I get home for Christmas break, which is always great and this year instead of the usual sweater, my Grandma gives me a Bible with a promise from me attached. I had to promise her I would read it. Why does any of this matter? I really didn't believe in God at this time. I was a person that had to see it to believe it, and after taking a biology class it was hard for me to argue against evolution. But my Grandmother being as smart as she was made me promise, so as my bookmark stated, a promise made is a promise kept. This would be the beginning of something I never saw coming and til this day I Thank God for using one of the women I love most in this world for physically, strategically and literally putting me directly on this path.

To be con't...

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Daily Reading "Give, And It Will Be Given To You" Luke 6:38 NIV

Here is how it read today...

Sat Dec. 13

How's your giving?
When is come to giving, the Bible clearly teaches us two things: (1) We should give, expecting to receive! You say, "If I get more, I'll give more." No, you've got it back to front. Jesus said, "Give and it will be given to you...the measure you use...will be measured to you" (Lk 6:38 NIV). The level of your giving determines the level of your receiving. So break through your barriers of fear and put God to the test, He won't disappoint you. (2) We get back more than we give. Paul writes, "Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will...increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness" (2Co 9:10 NIV). Notice, some of the seed [money] God gives us if for food (our own needs), and some is for "a harvest of righteousness." What does that mean? Paul explains: "He has scattered abroad his gifts to the poor; his righteousness endures for ever" (2Co 9:9 NIV). To be truly righteous we must show compassion toward the hurting and give generously to those who are unable to provide for themselves. The Bible says that when we give to describe it as: "Good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over." There's no lack of money in this world, God just wants to get it into the right hands!
And by the way, giving is not just how the church raises its budget, it's how God raises His children so that His work gets accomplished and they get blessed in the process. So, how's your giving?

Friday, December 12, 2008

Daily Reading "Bring Them To The Water, And I Will Test Them." Judges 7:4 NKJV

This is how it read...

Fri Dec. 12
The "water test"
If somebody keeps refusing to support you, let them go - or you'll wish you had. This is especially hard to accept if you're a nurturer by nature, somebody who 's invested in making relationships work, come what may. You can't convert the fearful into the faithful. That's God's job, and His "water test" showed Gideon who he could count on and who he couldn't. God told Gideon: "You have too large an army...they'lltake...credit...Make [an]...announcement: 'Anyone...who has any qualms...may leave'...Twenty-two companies headed...hone. Ten...were left. God said...'There are still too many. Take them down to the stream and I'll make a final cut'" (v.2-4 TM).
When the opposition is arrayed against you like "sand on seashore" (v. 2-4 TM) is often the time when you lose the most support. Don't worry, God is at work. During the first cut, when Joshua lost 22,000 men, what looked like a set-back was actually a set-up from God to determine who was dependable. "Gideon took the troops down to the stream...Three hundred lapped...from their cupped hands...the rest knelt to drink. God said...'I'll use the three hundred...to...give Midian into your hands'" (v. 5-7 TM). We learn two lessons from this story: (1) You need to be able to see your enemy approaching. Those who knelt to drink, sacrificed their vision to satisfy their immediate need. (2) When God reduces your support, it's to give you a miraculous victory. It's to show how somebody without formal credentials can run a company, or somebody who's lost everything can make a comeback. So when the people around you can't pass God's "water test," let them go and trust God. He has something better in mind.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Start of Something Big (con't)

So at 21 and with no true religious people in my inner circle, I went along with societies philosophy on college. That's where you have your most fun and make most of your mistakes and do things that you will probably never do again. Now that I look back on it I can say that's crock, but at 21 it fit the script for me. So not only did I become a worst person, I pulled others down with me as well. I was a bad influence on others who I could have been a good influence for. I've lead people down roads that they may not ever be able to recover from without prayer. While currently, I may be on the right path, I still now pray daily for forgiveness. So needless to say, school year ended and I had no girlfriend anymore.

The summer came in only to bring in more test which I horribly failed, and once again influencing others in the wrong direction. Crazy part about all this is, I REALLY THOUGHT I WAS BEING A GOOD GUY. At the end of the day, I just figured as long as I don't tell a lie I'm not wrong. Everything I did I just considered was fun and was what college was about outside of the school work. So still during this time period I am talking to a number of females, including my ex, and just doing things that I would have never thought I would be engaging in. Hey it was college and it was fun and that's what college was about right.

So school starts and now I'm only taking classes part time and still don't have my own place to stay at. Now I'm paying for classes when once I had scholarships and staying in my brother's apartment and with the number of females I talk to. At the end of the day, I didn't mind it at all. I had a nice job that I liked and it was paying for me to go to school and school was school. Females I were talking to were understanding of my situation and our relationship. LIFE WAS GREAT...., So I thought.

To be con't...

Daily Reading "Let Each of You Look Out...For The Interests of Others." Philippians 2:4 NKJV

So here is how it read...

Thur Dec. 11...

Giving up "center stage"
The Bible says, "Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others." In other words, give up "center stage." Not that's easier said than done because we tend to be occupied with one person - me!
You ask someone, "How's it going?" Thinking you really want to hear, they start sharing a recent success. That's your signal. You jump in mid-sentence, blow their light out and say, "Think that's something? Let me tell you about..." You're off running, right over the deflated ego of your friend who's wishing they'd kept walking when they first saw you. They'd hoped to hear something like, "That's wonderful, tell me more." Instead they get treated to a litany of your opinions and achievements. Whatever happened to "Rejoice with those who rejoice" (Ro 12:15 NIV). That command cuts across our preoccupation with self and says, "Get over yourself! Vacate center stage. Learn to focus on others." Practice saying, "Enough about me. I want to hear about you. How's your business...wife...health...church?" Stifle the urge to interrupt; just listen! Listen with you ears, eyes, your mind and your spirit. Try to understand the feelings behind their words. If they're celebrating, "Rejoice with them." If they're hurting, "Mourn with those who sorrow." The acid test of Christian character is our ability to celebrate another's success, or share their burden as though it were our own. There's no better way to serve and encourage others.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Start of Something Big

So yesterday while I was reading at work I became consumed by many deep thoughts and revelations. To be honest I felt somewhat disgusted with my past actions and at the same time I pitied even myself. To think, God has been blessing me outrageously for YEARS, and my ignorant self didn't even believe in him until a merely 2 years ago, roughly. From jump he blessed me with a number of talents, which I for the most part did nothing at all with. I played hard in sports and used my brain when needed in high school to do just enough where I had to because I knew the system too well. When I got to college I was so annoyed because of football I didn't care about anything else, when I should have been playing multiple sports and focusing on expanding my brain and other talents. But even before getting to college, I received more scholarships myself than probably my entire senior class had, COMBINED. Imagine that, me the average student, had all these scholarships simply because I had a mother that also knew the system and put together a system for me to take advantage of it. Outside of that, at the end of the day, I know that even though I didn't believe in God, I had 2 "Prayer Warriors" praying for me every day on my being on this earth. So even though I didn't believe, he still was looking out for me because of someone elses prayers. For that I will say thank you.

Outside the fact that I didn't play like I wanted to in college everything else to me was great at the time. You could post a valid argument that me and my best friend were two of the most popular people up there. Although I was known as the quiet one, we built up quite a reputation, whether it be good or bad. Now that I look back on it, do i regret all the stuff I did, not at all, just wish I would have had more guidance, but as I always say, everything happens for a reason and I was saying that before I believed. So anyways, life was good, that is until I ended up without a place to stay but still a full semester of classes. No problem for God, still provided me with places to stay and food to eat and still, I paid Him no thanks. On top of that, I still am obviously not living the right way. Once again I thank my "Prayer Warriors." Now at this point in time I would say I was at a place in my life where I was truly as far gone from God as possible, because I started to go against even my own morals. I cheated on the girl I was with, and the crazy part is, I even convinced everyone (including her) that I had a valid reason for doing it. She even apologized to me, but of course I apologized because at the end of the day, my philosophy was if you are going to cheat just break up, but I never did either before this, so this was one of those easier said than done situations for me. So here I am, lost and at a crossroads with what kind of a person am I going to be. I truly want to be good, but me thinking I was doing good already (outside of the cheating), didn't feel as though I was being rewarded properly, while on the other hand I'm looking at others who I know weren't living right seeming to prosper at a higher rate, so I didn't know if it was worth truly living what I thought was right or what I knew was wrong.

To be con't...

Daily Reading - "Be Courteous...That You May Inherit A Blessing." 1 Peter 3:9 NKJV

So here is how it read today...

Wed Dec. 10

Practice courtesy
Common courtesy is becoming less common every day. And that's not good, because the Bible says, "Be courteous...that you may inherit a blessing." Sometimes we're not sure how to go about pleasing God. Preachers have made it complicated: a series of long-drawn-out, deeply painful acts designed to appease a God who delights in making us squirm. The prophet Micah simplifies it: "What does the Lord require of you...to love kindness" (Mic 6:8 NAS). Could language be clearer? Here are ten "not-so-common" courtesies you should work on every day, and teach your children. After all, if they don't learn common courtesy from you, where are they going to learn it? (1) Go out of your way to speak to people. "Pleasant words are...healing" (Pr 16:24 NIV). (2) Try to remember their names - it shows you value them. (3) Smile; it increases your "face value." (4) Be friendly and helpful. If you do, people will return it (See PR 18:24). (5) Show genuine interest. You can find something good in almost anybody, if you try (Php 4:8). (6) Be generous with your praise and cautious with your criticism. (7) Be slow to judge. There are three sides to every story - your side, their side, and the right side. (8) Instead of "using" others, serve them: "By love serve one another" (Gal 5:13). (9) Start trusting people - it builds lasting relationships. (10) Be humble. Oswald Chambers said, "When a saint becomes conscious of being a saint, something has gone wrong."
Courtesy does two things: (a) It speaks well of your parents. Jesus said,"Live so that [people] will...praise your Father" (Mt 5:16 NCV). (b) It determines your level of blessing. "Be courteous...that you may inherit a blessing."

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Random Thought

So I was on the bus on my way to work today and as usual I had a buncha thoughts go through my head, some of the repeated thoughts and reminders due to the repeated things I see and pass on my 3 hour trip to work, yea, 3 hours. So anyways, the whole baby(ies) or child(ren) on the bus thing. I'm not digging that. Now I hope nobody feels disrespected in any way, these are my opinions on how I feel not an insult or anything of that nature. Here's the thing, I can understand in a busy city like New York where EVERYBODY basically takes public transportation, seeing kids and babies on public transportation. That to me is a tad bit different. I just get rubbed the wrong way when I see it. What gets to me even more is that it always seems to be the mother with the kid(s) and not the father. I always ask myself, well where is he? At work hopefully, but maybe that's just hopeful thinking. Many of you might say, why do I care? Simply because that kid is going to grow up one way or another and I'd rather them grow up as taken care of as possible because sooner or later they might be in a position to take care of us. Now does getting on public transportation mean your not taking care of, not by any means. But if you were on public transportation because one, mommy and daddy aint together and daddy aint going out his way so you didn't, as a kid you might feel slanted. Would feel even more slanted if they were still together and he aint feel like going out his way. Now if he couldn't do anything to change that, then so be it. That brings me to my next point.

In high school as we all do I was mapping out my life (LOL) and how I saw it happening. Outta school by 22, child by 23, house by 24, I'm 25, and nope, haven't completed not a one. Never cared about a diploma so if I didn't get it by default that was that. As far as a house and a child, yea right. I'm still having a hard enough time spoiling myself, I just really don't know how to do it. Anytime I actually do have extra money I spend it on one of two things. Other people or other ways to make money. Some people say stupid, I say that's just the two best things I could imagine. Unselfish in one sense and foreseeing in the other. I just can't see me having a kid first of all out of marriage. In order to get married as I see it now, I have to have my own place, and have a financially stable life. I'm not bringing any of my debt into a marriage, I refuse to. Only way that will happen is if our debt is about the same. As far as the house, well the debt covers that. Right now the rent I pay for our house could easily be a mortgage payment plus some utilities, but when your credit is bad, what can you do? So right now, I'm in the process of doing that which is most important, improving my relationship with God, re-establishing my credit by paying off debt, and living a pretty simple life. As far as relationships goes, I've always believed you should be friends before anything in a relationship, and if a female can't go for that, no problem, my Bible will keep me company.

Where I'm At 12/9

So it's Tues, December 9th. Been outta touch for a couple days. I guess I needed to be wiped cleaned of any illness that was still in my because I think I had the worst case of a one day flu you can ask for. Saturday night headed back to the city and watched the fight with some good friends from home. Sunday I woke up and realized wasn't nothing going to happen at all that day because I felt like death itself. So I bundled up, drank some tea and slept most of the day to hopefully sweat out the sickness. By Monday things were cool and I finally picked up some of valued items from Syreeta's house. So for me, that situation is for the most part done. I still have stuff there and we still share some things but I could care less for the most part, meaning I'm not going to lose sleep over any of it. She's doing her and I'm doing me and that's it for that, not going to really go into much detail (for her sake of course).

I'm currently fasting right now for a nice blessing. Got a lot of things I'm trying to accomplish and the way I see it, I think I'm going to need some unseen assistance from somewhere to get them accomplished. So I've been at it since the end of last week. Been going pretty well. All in where I'm at right now is comfortable. What more can you ask for? I'm not satisfied, but at the end of the day, I'm single yes, but loved by many as well. I have a house I can call home and sleep in every night. I have heat in that house (wasn't none this weekend though, stupid story). I have food to nourish my body. Like I said, "what more can you ask for." When your necessities are covered and you know darn good and well they couldn't be all you can do is say thanks and be appreciative. Now I am still striving to accomplish greater things, but I will not dare be ungrateful for what I have. All I will continue to do is improve my relationship with God and as my soul shall prosper, so will I.

Daily Reading - "Live A Life Of Love" Ephesians 5:2 NIV

So here's how it read today...

Tues Dec. 9

Are you neglecting your loved ones?
The great Scottish essayist and historian Thomas Carlyle married his secretary, Jane Welsh. She continued to work for him but when she got ill, Carlyle, who was deeply devoted to his work, didn't seem to notice, so he allowed her to keep working. But she had cancer and eventually she was confined to bed. Although Carlyle truly loved her, he found that he didn't have much time to stay with her or much attention to give to her. Then she died. After the funeral Carlyle went up to Jane's room, noticed her diary lying on the table, picked it up and began to read. On one entire page she'd written a single lone: "yesterday he spent an hour with me and it was like heaven: I love him so much." A reality he had somehow been too blind to see now revealed itself with crushing clarity. He'd been too busy to notice how much he meant to Jane. He thought of all the times he'd been preoccupied with his work and simply failed to notice her. He hadn't seen her suffering. He hadn't seen her love. Turning to the next page, he read words he'd never forget: "I've listened all day to hear his steps in the hall, but now it's late and I guess he won't come today." He put her diary back on the table and ran out of the house. Friends found him at the side of her grave, covered with mud. His eyes were red from weeping; tears were rolling down his face. "If only I'd known, if only I'd known," he cried. After Jane's death, Carlyle made little attempt to write again. Are you neglecting your loved one?

Friday, December 5, 2008

Daily Reading - "Throw Your Net On The Right Side." John 21:6 NIV

So here is how the daily reading read today:

Fri Dec. 5


The right side of the boat
When you make decisions based on doubt and unbelief, they never turn out right. After hearing Jesus promise to rise from the dead, and actually seeing Him alive, the disciples went back to what they were doing before they met Him: fishing. Now God will use our past experiences to teach us, but He always leads us forward - never back. When fear and uncertainty makes us want to go back to the security of what we know, we end up like the disciples: "They went out and...got into the boat, and that night they caught nothing" (Jn 21:3 NKJV).
But there's good news: If God called you, you're still called. Notice how Jesus addresses them: "Children, have you any food?" (Jn 21:5 NIV). In spite of your lackluster performance, you're still His child! Next He tells them: "Throw your net on the right side of the boat...When they did, they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish. Then the disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, 'It is the Lord!" (Jn 21:7 NIV). That morning Jesus ate breakfast with them, renewed fellowship, removed their doubts and sent them out to change the world.
What's the lesson here? When we work outside of God's will it's like fishing on the wrong side of the boat; we wear ourselves out and in the end have nothing to show for our efforts. Are you succeeding in life? No? Maybe you're fishing on the wrong side of the boat! Things aren't going to work out right until you submit to Christ, renew your fellowship with Him and allow Him to direct your steps.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Daily Inspiration - I Trust You

Really had this song on my heart so why save it for another day. Enjoy...

I Trust You - James Fortune & Fiya

Thoughts From A Dentist Visit

So yea, went to the dentist today, 2nd of many visits to come. Haven't been to the dentist in who knows how long, granted I've been covered and had benefits one way or another just about every year for the past decade except for maybe one. Why not, you may be asking? I never liked the dentist, don't like the pain. But seeing as how I'm going to be leaving another job once again with benefits, I figured I might as well use them since I'm paying for them. So yea, I need two root canals and just today getting a cleaning was painful so I can only imagine how these root canals and cavity fillings are going to be like. What's the purpose of me sharing this story? Well first of all, it was the focal part of my day outside of reading my bible and cleaning around the house. Secondly, when I left I came to a lot of conclusions as my mind was vigorously at work during the visit.

So here is what I was thinking on and came up with. It's interesting how for most problems in life, we really do already know the answer. Most times the answer is simple and any person with common sense could come up with a valid answer or solution. So I'm obviously getting this from my dentist visit so let me explain, correlate and expand on what I'm trying to say. I didn't like something, although it was something that we are taught is something you're "suppose" to do. So like most people, I avoided it. What happened? When I finally gave up and just gave in, I found out bad news, which could have probably been avoided if I would have listened from the beginning on what I "should" do. So yea, never liked the pain from the dentist, but now I'm going to have an even more painful experience due to avoiding the problem.

All of this got me to thinking, "What other problems are there in my life that I may be avoiding simply because I don't feel like dealing with the pain?" To be honest, I'm still thinking on it, but that's the question I pose to everyone else. Is there a situation you could simply handle but because of whatever negative side effects attached to it, you are avoiding it, when it is obvious that you should just deal with it to get what you want/need or where you want/need to be?

Daily Reading "If You Have Faith" (Matthew 17:20 NIV)

So there finally here, my daily readings, and as always, right on point with a message I can relate to, hope you can get something from it as well. Here's how it read today...

Thurs Dec. 4


The view from the mountain (2)
When Christ's disciples came down from the Mount of Transfiguration, they were faced with an epileptic boy who kept falling into fire and water. His heartbroken father told Christ, "I brought him to your disciples, but they could not heal him" (v. 16 NIV). Immediately, "Jesus rebuked the devil; and he departed out of him" (Mt 17:18) Notice:
(1) Mountain-top experiences are to equip us for our next encounter with the enemy. If you don't understand that, you won't be prepared for the challenges ahead. (2) We're called to minister to people who keep falling into situations that hurt them. And it's going to take more than personality and religious platitudes to set them free. Christ's disciples were powerless because they were prayerless. Jesus said: "This kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting" (Mt 17:21). If we keep doing the "same old same old," we'll keep getting the same old results. Persistent, prevailing prayer is the price we must pay for walking in God's power. (3) We must rise above the attitudes around us. Jesus confronted the core problem: "O faithless...generation" (Mt 17:17). We're fighting the faithlessness of a generation molded by secular media and godless values. If we let it, it will pull us down and wear us out. But we can prevail. That day Jesus said, "If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move'...and it will move" (Mt 17:20 NIV). Observe two things: (a) If you have faith." Everybody around you doesn't have to have faith in order for you to see results. (b) You don't have to be a spiritual giant. Just use your tiny, mustard-seed-size faith and God will move the mountain.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Bored At Work

So I'm here at work bored outta my mind. While I don't have a big problem with that because I'm still getting paid, I came down with some kind of cold or something yesterday and today I just have had this annoying headache all day. I usually do different things to keep me busy, hence this blog, as well as reading, but with this headache, it really made reading hard and that got on my nerves. My question is, what would you prefer: Being bored at work or being busy at work? For me, as long as I don't have this headache I'll find things to do, my mind has too many thoughts for me to stay bored. So either way I'm going to be busy, unless its today and I've been here since 9a.m., only read about 2 pages if that, and am now just posting a blog in the evening after only posting my daily inspiration/reading. This headache is really getting on my nerves...

Daily Inspiration - "No Such Thing"

Okay, so still no daily readings yet, but I have something that's actually not gospel this time but it's a song I really like, has a nice meaning to it. But hey I will leave you with a couple of verses from what I read daily... "Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Fathers good pleasure to give you the kingdom." Luke 12:32 "Beloved, I pray that you may prosper and be in health, just as your soul prospers." 3 John 1:2 ENJOY!!!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Daily Inspiration - "His Will"

Still awaiting my daily reading updates, so in an effort to keep you all updated on where I'm at here's a song that has been well in me for some time now. Listen and Understand.

Destiny Praise - His Will

Monday, December 1, 2008

The American Dream?

This was something I had posted on my myspace that simply wasn't getting enough attention. The question I am asking is, what's "The American Dream" mean to you? Watch, Listen and PLEASE Understand.

Theme Song

Heard this song not too long ago and listened to it like 10 times straight because I felt the same exact way. Listen and try to understand, STAND OUT...

Just To Be Different - Joe Budden

My Theme Song...

Daily Inspiration - "The Inheritance"

So I don't have a daily reading today, sorry, but I have something that "coincidentally" was sent to me by one of my good brothers Drew, who is also on this strong walk with me in living by His word. Anyways, this is a must watch, yea its a little long, but its worth it. Enjoy

Mon Dec. 1