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Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thoughts From A Dentist Visit

So yea, went to the dentist today, 2nd of many visits to come. Haven't been to the dentist in who knows how long, granted I've been covered and had benefits one way or another just about every year for the past decade except for maybe one. Why not, you may be asking? I never liked the dentist, don't like the pain. But seeing as how I'm going to be leaving another job once again with benefits, I figured I might as well use them since I'm paying for them. So yea, I need two root canals and just today getting a cleaning was painful so I can only imagine how these root canals and cavity fillings are going to be like. What's the purpose of me sharing this story? Well first of all, it was the focal part of my day outside of reading my bible and cleaning around the house. Secondly, when I left I came to a lot of conclusions as my mind was vigorously at work during the visit.

So here is what I was thinking on and came up with. It's interesting how for most problems in life, we really do already know the answer. Most times the answer is simple and any person with common sense could come up with a valid answer or solution. So I'm obviously getting this from my dentist visit so let me explain, correlate and expand on what I'm trying to say. I didn't like something, although it was something that we are taught is something you're "suppose" to do. So like most people, I avoided it. What happened? When I finally gave up and just gave in, I found out bad news, which could have probably been avoided if I would have listened from the beginning on what I "should" do. So yea, never liked the pain from the dentist, but now I'm going to have an even more painful experience due to avoiding the problem.

All of this got me to thinking, "What other problems are there in my life that I may be avoiding simply because I don't feel like dealing with the pain?" To be honest, I'm still thinking on it, but that's the question I pose to everyone else. Is there a situation you could simply handle but because of whatever negative side effects attached to it, you are avoiding it, when it is obvious that you should just deal with it to get what you want/need or where you want/need to be?

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