Wed Dec. 24
"I AM...OLD...AND MY WIFE IS [TOO]." [LUKE 1:18]
When your miracle comes late
When an angel told Mary she'd conceive, although it wasn't something she'd been praying for, she said, "Let it be...according to your word" (Lk1:38 NKJV). However, when an angel appeared to Zechariah, "he...was gripped with fear." When the angel told him, "Your prayer has been heard...Elizabeth will bear you a son...Zechariah asked...'How can I be sure...I am...old...and my wife is well along in years'" (Lk 1:12-18 NIV). What do you do when God answers your prayer and you don't know if you can still handle it? When He sense you a son whose name has already been chosen, who doesn't necessarily resemble you, and whose destiny is already decided? Or when He gives you the job you always wanted, the relationship you never thought you'd have, or the ministry opportunity you didn't think would come again? You can either say, "I can't," or "I'm willing. Bring it on, Lord!"
"When the right time came, God sent his Son" (Gal 4:4 NLT). Notice, God doesn't consult us to make sure His plans line up with our timetable and meet with our approval. He simply directs our steps (See Ps 37:23). He calls the shots, even when it means we have to run to keep up!
But sometimes God will shake your foundation in order to develop your "core muscles." If you work out, you know that lifting weights is much easier when you're on solid ground. When you're on a balance ball, for example, you have to work hard to insure the weights don't come back down and crush you. when your miracle arrives late, God is strengthening your faith and teaching you to stay balance under pressure.
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