E - T - C Headline Animator

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Daily Reading - "Say Unto This Mountain, Be Thou Removed." Mark 11:23

Here is how it read today...

Thurs. April 23
How to move the mountain
How can you move the mountain in your life? By:
........(1) Using God's Word: In the wilderness Satan tempted Jesus in three ways: (a) Put your temporal needs ahead of your spiritual ones: "Turn these stones into bread." (b) Use your power for the wrong reasons: "Throw yourself down from the pinnacle of the temple." (c) Take the easy way, not the cross: "The world is yours, just submit to me." Each time Jesus overcame Satan by saying, "It is written" (See Mt 4:1-11). Your most powerful weapon is God's Word - learn to use it!
........(2) Being persistent: Jeremiah said that God's Word is "like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces" (Jer 23:29 NKJV). Ever wonder how a hammer can hit a rock ninety-nine times, but on the one-hundredth blow it shatters? That's because all the previous blows kept weakening it. Live in God's Word, keep speaking it over your situation and it will work.
.........(3) Forgiving: The story's told of a pastor who asked his congregation, "How many of you are willing to forgive your enemies?" Everybody was except one old guy. "Why not?" the pastor asked. He replied, "Cause I have none - I've outlived them all!" After speaking about mountain-moving faith and prayer that bring results, Jesus said, "Whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses" (Mk 11:25 NKJV). Your mountain can't be moved or your prayers answered if you're harboring un-forgiveness. So ask yourself, "Is it worth it?" Whether you think the offender deserves forgiveness or not, for your own sake, forgive it and let it go.

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