E - T - C Headline Animator

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Daily Reading - "Be Not Afraid Of Their Faces." Jer 1:8

Here is how it read today...

Thurs. Oct 8


Overcoming Your Fear Of People (2)

Another sub-personality type contributing to our fear of people is called "The Critic." It's that part of you which constantly judges your own behavior, compares you unfavorably with others, points out your flaws and reminds you you're a failure. Its favorite self-talk expressions are, "You're stupid; can't you ever get it right? Look how capable so-and-so is. How come you can't be like them?" While "the worrier" suffers from anxiety, "the critic" suffers from low self-worth. What's the answer? Learn to replace your critic self-talk with, "They're what God made them; I'm not a mistake. With God's grace, I'm working on being the lovable, capable person God made me."
"The Victim" is another sub-personality type underlying our fears. It's that part of us which feels helpless or hopeless, believes we're inherently inadequate and unworthy, sees insurmountable obstacles in our path, and bemoans the way things are. Its favorite self-talk expressions include, "I can't...It's useless. I'll never be able to. Why even bother?" Replace your victim self-talk, "I don't have to be perfect now. I'm a new creature in Christ and I'm growing a little more each day. I choose to see the glass half-full rather than half-empty. Since God says I can, I choose to believe I can - and I will - in His time and way." Face your fears. Do what you've been afraid to do. God's promise, "I am with thee" (Jer 1:19), was all Jeremiah needed - and it's all you need too.

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