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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Daily Reading - "I Have Found David...A Man After My Own Heart." Acts 13:22 NKJV

Here is how it read today...

Wed. March 11
The path to the throne (3)
David knew Samuel was coming to his house looking for a king, and that he wasn't invited. That hurt. So how did he respond? By asking somebody to put his name in the hat? No! "Promotion comes from God" (See Ps 75:6-7). David knew that nobody could keep God from blessing him. Listen: "Then Samuel...anointed him in the midst of his brothers" (1Sa 16:13 NKJV). If you remain faithful, God will lift you up in the midst of those who overlooked and put you down.
........Notice, when the Spirit of God left King Saul he was tormented by evil spirits and ended up consulting a witch. No wonder David prayed, "Take not thy holy spirit from me" (Ps 51:11). If God has called you to do the job He will give you all the grace needed; but if He hasn't called you to it, it'll torment you day and night.
.......But he prepared for trouble! Like Joseph's brothers, they'll say of you, "Let us...kill him and cast him into some pit...[and] see what will become of his dreams" (Ge 37:20 NKJV). Why would those who are supposed to love you say such a thing? Because they don't really know who you are, or recognize your God given dream. Expect rejection in the early stages, especially when there's no evidence to validate your God-given dream. When David demonstrated the faith to take on Goliath, his oldest brother Eliab called him arrogant and resented him (See 1Sa 17:28). Why did God such stories in the Bible? "These things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us" (1Co 10:11 NIV).

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