E - T - C Headline Animator

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Daily Reading - "Many Shall Run To And Fro, And Knowledge Shall Increase." Daniel 12:4 NKJV

Here is how it read today...


Information overload! (1)
Technology lets us do things we've never been able to do, but it can be addictive. You can become tied to it in ways that are exhausting. One expert notes: "There's a strong tendency for humans to do everything they're able to. Combine that with constant connectivity, and the workday need never end. It's easy to contact anyone anytime, and with information always available on line you can keep clicking forever." Paul writes about "making the most of your time" (Eph 5:16 NAS). We say, "Time is money," but in actuality time is much more valuable, because it's a nonrenewable resource. Once spent, it's gone forever. Managing information overload means reestablishing boundaries that technology has demolished. So:
Recognize the signs: if you communicate with people all day yet you're still lonely, chances are, technology is dominating your life. Take baby steps: make yourself unavailable for short periods and see what happens. The wheels of industry won't grind to a halt! Remember you have a choice: people who think they should be available 24?7, exaggerate their own importance or the control others have over them. Establish boundaries: reining the emails and instant messages. Do you really need all those "FYI's" about the same thing? Give clear instructions: tell people you answers emails at designated times throughout the day, and let them know who to contact for an immediate response. Make a task list: that way if you're interrupted you'll get back on track faster. Stick to a schedule: constantly dipping in and out on the computer is classic self-interruption. Do a reality check: after a few minutes surfing the web ask yourself, "Should I be doing this now?"

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