Fri. Aug 28
Words to live by
The Bible says: "The beauty of old men [and women] is...wisdom and experience," so listen up! An elderly man gives us words to live by: "Time has a way of catching you unawares. It seems like yesterday I was young, just married and embarking on my new life. Where did the years go? I know I've lived them all, and I get 'glimpses' if how it was back hopes and dreams. But here it is...the winter of my life...How did I get here so fast? I remember seeing older people thinking winter was so far off I couldn't fathom or imagine it. But here it friends are retired and getting gray...they move slower...I see great changes. I remember when they were young and vibrant, now we're the 'old folks' we never thought we'd become. Each day I find that taking a shower is a real target, and taking a nap isn't a treat anymore, it's mandatory, otherwise I fall asleep where I'm sitting! I'm unprepared for the aches, pains, and the loss of strength and ability to do the things I wish I'd done and didn't. Winter's here and I'm not sure how long it will last. If you're not there yet, let me remind you it'll be here faster than you think. Whatever you'd like to accomplish in your it today. Don't put it off, because you can never be sure if this is your winter. There's no guarantee you'll see every season of life, so say all the things you want your loved ones to remember. Your life is a gift from God, how you live it is your gift to Him and ensuing generations."
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