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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Daily Reading - "Do Not Be Anxious About Anything." Phillipians 4:6 NIV

Here is how it read today...

Thur. Aug 13


When you feel anxious (2)
We all face times when we must choose between faith and anxiety. A woman trapped in an abusive relationship must choose between getting help, getting out or staying stuck. A young person being pressured to do drugs can choose to give in, or say "no" and walk away. A person anxious about death can read God's Word, talk to a friend or counselor, or continue to be anxious.
The Bible says: "The righteous are bold as lion" (Pr 28:1). You say, "Right now I don;t feel too bold." Courage doesn't eliminate anxiety, it rises above it! David said, "Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart" (Ps 27:14). When your cause is right and you're committed to God, He gives you the courage needed to act. But you must learn to face the thing you fear. This can mean standing up for what you believe, making a phone call you've been putting odd, expressing your opinion, acknowledging some character flaw and asking God to help you change. What you must remember is, doing always comes from before the feeling of increased confidence. Each time you confront your anxieties you take a step forward. But when you allow anxiety to control you, you retreat into your "safe zone" and start seeing yourself as somebody who can't handle life. Here's some great advice for living: analyze the situation fearlessly, figure out the worst that can happen. Once you've accepted that, you experience a release of energy and you can begin doing something about it, even if all you can do is - leave it in the capable and loving hands of God.

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