Saturday, October 31, 2009
Daily Reading - "You Cannot Serve Both God and Money." Mt 6:24 NIV
Here is how it read today...
Sat. Oct 31
Sat. Oct 31
Serving God or Money
Let's be honest. For most of us, materialism is God's main rival. But it's possible to get increasingly free of it. Author John Ortberg writes: "Sometimes when I'm speaking I try a little exercise in dethroning the idol. I ask people to take out their looks like a piece of leather. But it's really the temple of the 21st century. Most people in our day believe that their ability to experience happiness is directly associated with the contents of this little container. This is where the god Mammon lives. We give this little piece of leather the power to make us feel secure, successful, and valuable. It's very hard for us to surrender control of this little piece of leather. The real issue: Who's in charge? Are you holding it, or is it holding you? So as a little baby step of surrender, I ask people to hand it to the person next to them. At this point the attention level in the room goes way up. Then I announce that we're going to take an offering. I encourage people to give with the extravagant generosity they have always wanted to exhibit. Wallets fly back to their original owners fast at this point. Then I invite them to declare today, 'Enough day.' What I have now - my home, my job, my possessions, my family, my lifestyle - is enough. I will seek another and better kind of wealth than terminal acquisition." Then he tells the audience, "Circle today on your calendar. From this day on, your race with the Joneses is over. The Joneses win, but so do you!"
Friday, October 30, 2009
Daily Reading - "I Go To Prepare A Place For You." Jn 14:2 NKJV
Here is how it read today.
Fri. Oct 30
Fri. Oct 30
Hints About Heaven
When it comes to heaven, the Bible gives us just enough information to whet our appetite but not satisfy our curiosity. Here are three hints about heaven:
(1) "There shall be no more curse" (Rev 22:3 NKJV). Unlike Eden, Satan won't be there to tempt us so we won't stumble. We'll be at our best - forever. Every good New Year's resolution we've ever made will be a reality. (2) "God will wipe away every tear...there shall be no more death, nor sorrow" (Rev 21:4 NKJV). No failing health, grieving hearts or broken homes. The "Uppertaker" will put the undertaker our of business. (3) "His servants who are faithful over few things now, will rule over many things then. In the first paradise God gave Adam and Eve responsibilities; will He do less in the next one? "Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end" (Isa 9:7 NKJV). God's new world will be marked by "increase." Increased planets? Increased colors, music? Seems likely. What does the Creator do but create? Will some of us serve then, in the capacity we server now? Couldn't earthly assignments hint at heavenly ones? One thing's for sure: you'll love it - never weary, selfish or defeated; clear mind, tireless muscles, unhindered joy. Heaven is a perfect place of perfected people with out perfect Lord. And here's the best part: Jesus promised: "When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am" (Jn 14:3 NLT).
(1) "There shall be no more curse" (Rev 22:3 NKJV). Unlike Eden, Satan won't be there to tempt us so we won't stumble. We'll be at our best - forever. Every good New Year's resolution we've ever made will be a reality. (2) "God will wipe away every tear...there shall be no more death, nor sorrow" (Rev 21:4 NKJV). No failing health, grieving hearts or broken homes. The "Uppertaker" will put the undertaker our of business. (3) "His servants who are faithful over few things now, will rule over many things then. In the first paradise God gave Adam and Eve responsibilities; will He do less in the next one? "Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end" (Isa 9:7 NKJV). God's new world will be marked by "increase." Increased planets? Increased colors, music? Seems likely. What does the Creator do but create? Will some of us serve then, in the capacity we server now? Couldn't earthly assignments hint at heavenly ones? One thing's for sure: you'll love it - never weary, selfish or defeated; clear mind, tireless muscles, unhindered joy. Heaven is a perfect place of perfected people with out perfect Lord. And here's the best part: Jesus promised: "When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am" (Jn 14:3 NLT).
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Daily Reading - "The Fruit Of The Spirit" Gal 5:22-23 NKJV
Here is how it read today.
Thurs. Oct 29
Thurs. Oct 29
Are You Bearing Fruit?
Notice three things about the fruit: First, fruit is visible. Remember the "show and tell" method of learning in school? James writes: "Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works" (Jas 2:18 NKJV). It's not enough to "talk a good game," you must "live it" before others every day. Second, fruit reflects the character of the tree on which it grows. If it's an apple tree it's going to produce apples. The more you submit your life to Christ, the more like Him you'll become. Third, fruit is always borne for someone else's benefit. You'll never see fruit chewing on itself, or saying, "I don't want to be picked." Good fruit makes someone hunger to reach it. The Holy Spirit wants to produce fruit in you so that others can feed off you and be nourished. In contrast, all deeds of the flesh are selfish. The flesh says, "You made me mad. I'm not happy. You have what I want. You are irritating me." But the fruit of the Spirit is Christ-centered and others-centered. Notice, the word "fruit" is singular, even though Paul list nine different kinds of spiritual fruit: "Love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control." But they all come from the same tree. This tree can produce everything you need to every area of your life. You don't have to go to the Holy Spirit for peace, and some other place for love. Or go to the Holy Spirit for patience, and somebody else for self-control. It's all on the Spirit's tree. So, are you bearing fruit?
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Daily Reading - "Be Filled With The Spirit." Eph 5:18 NKJV
Here is how it ready today.
Tues. Oct 27
Tues. Oct 27
The Spirit-Filled Life
The new birth doesn't automatically eliminate the old nature. We live in bodies that are susceptible to sin, so we must stay filled with God's Spirit. Paul says: "Walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry our the desire of the flesh" (Gal 5:16 NAS). Then he gives us a familiar illustration. "Do not be drunk with wine...but be filled with the Spirit." Notice:
First, Paul's talking about yielding control of our life to God's Spirit. When someone's drunk we say they're "under the influence." Second, Paul's statement is a command. "Be filled." He didn't say, "If you'd like to," or "It would nice." No, if you are going to please God then you must be constantly filled with His Spirit. Third, this applies to every believer. Sometimes we look at someone and say, "They love Jesus so much; what can't I be like that? You can. The difference is the filling of the Spirit, not the fact that they have something you don't. Fourth, you can't fill yourself. Like filling your car, you must regularly pull up to the pump. "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled" (Mt 5:6 NIV). Are you hungry? Are you thirst? Fifth, it's a continuous action. You can't run your care on a single tank of gas; you've got to keep going back to the source. The Spirit's filling is dynamic, moment-by-moment experience. Why is it that way? Because we live in a world that depletes us spiritually and contend with a core of carnality that seeks to defeat us. So, "Be filled with the Spirit."
First, Paul's talking about yielding control of our life to God's Spirit. When someone's drunk we say they're "under the influence." Second, Paul's statement is a command. "Be filled." He didn't say, "If you'd like to," or "It would nice." No, if you are going to please God then you must be constantly filled with His Spirit. Third, this applies to every believer. Sometimes we look at someone and say, "They love Jesus so much; what can't I be like that? You can. The difference is the filling of the Spirit, not the fact that they have something you don't. Fourth, you can't fill yourself. Like filling your car, you must regularly pull up to the pump. "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled" (Mt 5:6 NIV). Are you hungry? Are you thirst? Fifth, it's a continuous action. You can't run your care on a single tank of gas; you've got to keep going back to the source. The Spirit's filling is dynamic, moment-by-moment experience. Why is it that way? Because we live in a world that depletes us spiritually and contend with a core of carnality that seeks to defeat us. So, "Be filled with the Spirit."
Monday, October 26, 2009
Daily Reading - "I Am The Way." Jn 14:6 RSV
Here is how it read today.
Mon. Oct 26
"I AM THE WAY." (JN 14:6 RSV)
Mon. Oct 26
"I AM THE WAY." (JN 14:6 RSV)
Jesus Is The Way
Judaism sees salvation as a judgment day decision based on morality. Hindus anticipate multiple reincarnations in the soul's journey through the cosmos. Buddhism guides your life according to the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eight-fold Path. Muslims earn their way to Allah through the Five Pillars of Faith. Many philosophers deem life after death as hidden and unknown, "a great leap in the dark." Some people clump Christ with Moses, Mohammad, Confucius, and other spiritual leaders. But Jesus declares, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." Many object, "All roads lead to heaven." But how can they? Buddhists look toward Nirvana, achieved after no less than 547 reincarnations. Christians believe in one life, one death, and an eternity of enjoying God. Humanist don't acknowledge a creator of life. Jesus claims to be the source of life. Spiritualist read your palms. Christians consult the Bible. Hindus perceive a plural and impersonal God. Christ-followers believe "there is only one God" (1Co 8:4 NLT). Every non-Christian religion says, "You can save you." Jesus says, "My death on the cross saves you." All roads don't lead to London, all ships don't sail to Australia, and all flights don't land in Rome. Every path does not lead to God. Jesus blazed a stand-alone trail void of self-salvation. He cleared a one-of-a-kind passageway uncluttered by human effort. He offers us a unique invitation in which He works and we trust, He dies and we live, He invites and we believe. "The work God wants you to do is this: Believe the One he sent" (Jn 6:29 NCV).
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Daily Reading - "This Is The Way; Walk In It." Isa 30:23 NIV
Here is how it read today...
Thurs. Oct 22
Thurs. Oct 22
Pay Attention!
James Michener said he had a neighbor whose tree stopped producing apples, so he hammered rusty nails around the trunk. That year he got his greatest crop of apples. He said, "Hammering those nails in was a shock to remind the tree that its job is to grow apples." Unscientific, maybe - but it worked! Michener explained how heart bypass surgery, hip surgery and a bout with vertigo were nails God hammered into the trunk of his life. It got his attention! Realizing he wasn't going to live forever he got busy and in five years authored eleven books - including best sellers.
"No discipline seems pleasant at the time, produces a harvest of righteousness and peace" (Heb 12:11 NIV). Verdell Davis says, "There are things we could and should do something about. For example, the loss of material comforts can move us to simplify our lives. A clinical depression can lead us to seek help, and to healthier ways of living and relating. Losing a job we performed, that enrich all who come our way." Harold Sala adds, "Let's face it, when those rust nails get hammered in we take notice and our lives become productive. [They're] delivered with the exhortation to get on with the business before us. The Father's love allows the hammer blows to goad us into accomplishing the full measure of His will." So when you get a wake-up call from God saying, "This is the way; walk in it," pay attention!
"No discipline seems pleasant at the time, produces a harvest of righteousness and peace" (Heb 12:11 NIV). Verdell Davis says, "There are things we could and should do something about. For example, the loss of material comforts can move us to simplify our lives. A clinical depression can lead us to seek help, and to healthier ways of living and relating. Losing a job we performed, that enrich all who come our way." Harold Sala adds, "Let's face it, when those rust nails get hammered in we take notice and our lives become productive. [They're] delivered with the exhortation to get on with the business before us. The Father's love allows the hammer blows to goad us into accomplishing the full measure of His will." So when you get a wake-up call from God saying, "This is the way; walk in it," pay attention!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Trials & Tribulations of a 3% Child
Here I sit here, proud and cocky that I have all these "options" of schools to choose from for High School. I start going to visit schools and it felt rather weird when I went to some of the schools. When I arrived at some schools it was as if the faculty (certain teachers aka coaches) knew who I was, and seemed more anxious to convince me to come to their school. It felt like I was being recruited, which felt nice, but I thought that only happened with colleges. Other schools obviously had no idea who I was and just gave me the usual tour and weren't at all trying to be uberly convincing for someone to attend their school. All in all it was both fun and another learning lesson.
So even though I visited a number of schools surprisingly enough, the two main schools I wanted to go to which were Washington and Northeast were also the most convincing out of all the visits. Outside of the fact that the coaches knew me, their faculty and facilities just seemed better and would allow me to grow at a more advanced pace than the other schools. So I was settled on attending one of the two. Well I quickly found out that while I might want one thing, I'm still a minor and my parents aka my mother really decided what's what. So when we sat down to discuss which schools we were going to choose to officially apply to she was steadfast on Central, the so called smartest public school in Philadelphia. She wasn't trying to have me go to school in the Northeast due to the traveling. She reminded me of problems I previously had when I was younger, being at a school far away and transportation. But of course I figured I'm grown now, and fought against it profusely because Central to me was not known for the football team at all.
All said and done, I tried to go to any other football school to avoid Central but yet she posted an argument against everyone and proceeded to cross them off the list. I believe at the end of the night I was almost in tears thinking this woman is trying to ruin my life, all the top football schools were basically crossed off the list and the only options that remained either didn't have football or weren't really known for their football team. In spite of that, before turning in my paper to apply to the schools my mother agreed on, I circled Girls High as a joke, because I didn't seriously think that was even possible, but just for the laugh I circled it to officially apply to go there. This would be one of my you never know what's possible until you try moments I would experience.
I got called into the counselors office shortly after turning in my papers and it was one of the most serious but funniest discussions. They were seeing if I was truly interested in going to Girls High because it was somehow possible for me to attend. They wanted to understand why I wanted to go there and let me know that it would be possible for me to go there and play sports for Central. While I thought it was funny at first, I really ended up thinking hard on it. They gave me time to make my decision, and eventually I realized that I would be too distracted to do any work at all and I also assumed that the sports teams at Central wouldn't be so accepting of me seeing as how I would be attending Girls High. So I just totally gave up and went to Central of course scratching and fighting. The next two years of my life would be a huge and dramatic learning lesson for both my mother and I.
So even though I visited a number of schools surprisingly enough, the two main schools I wanted to go to which were Washington and Northeast were also the most convincing out of all the visits. Outside of the fact that the coaches knew me, their faculty and facilities just seemed better and would allow me to grow at a more advanced pace than the other schools. So I was settled on attending one of the two. Well I quickly found out that while I might want one thing, I'm still a minor and my parents aka my mother really decided what's what. So when we sat down to discuss which schools we were going to choose to officially apply to she was steadfast on Central, the so called smartest public school in Philadelphia. She wasn't trying to have me go to school in the Northeast due to the traveling. She reminded me of problems I previously had when I was younger, being at a school far away and transportation. But of course I figured I'm grown now, and fought against it profusely because Central to me was not known for the football team at all.
All said and done, I tried to go to any other football school to avoid Central but yet she posted an argument against everyone and proceeded to cross them off the list. I believe at the end of the night I was almost in tears thinking this woman is trying to ruin my life, all the top football schools were basically crossed off the list and the only options that remained either didn't have football or weren't really known for their football team. In spite of that, before turning in my paper to apply to the schools my mother agreed on, I circled Girls High as a joke, because I didn't seriously think that was even possible, but just for the laugh I circled it to officially apply to go there. This would be one of my you never know what's possible until you try moments I would experience.
I got called into the counselors office shortly after turning in my papers and it was one of the most serious but funniest discussions. They were seeing if I was truly interested in going to Girls High because it was somehow possible for me to attend. They wanted to understand why I wanted to go there and let me know that it would be possible for me to go there and play sports for Central. While I thought it was funny at first, I really ended up thinking hard on it. They gave me time to make my decision, and eventually I realized that I would be too distracted to do any work at all and I also assumed that the sports teams at Central wouldn't be so accepting of me seeing as how I would be attending Girls High. So I just totally gave up and went to Central of course scratching and fighting. The next two years of my life would be a huge and dramatic learning lesson for both my mother and I.
Paul Thomas,
Daily Reading - "And Elisha...Saw Him No More." 2Ki 2:12 NKJV
Here is how it read today...
Wed. Oct 21
Wed. Oct 21
Going On Alone
Elijah and Elisha were out walking together when "a chariot of fire...separated the two...Elijah went...into heaven. And Elisha...saw him no more" (vs. 11-12 NKJV). Oswald Chambers writes: "It's not wrong to depend on your 'Elijah' as long as God gives him to you. But God doesn't intend him to stay, and although the thought causes you to say, 'I can't continue,' you must." There are times in life when we must go on alone, and draw from God the strength to do it. Here are three Bible examples:
(1) Alone at the Jordan. Here Elisa "took up the mantle of Elijah...struck the water...the water...divided...and Elisha crossed over" (2Ki 2:13-14 NKJV). The river Jordan represents death. When you lose someone you loved and depended on, you ask, "How can I do on alone?" You're not alone, God is with you! (2) Alone at Jericho. Here God used Elisha to purify the town's poisoned water system (See 2Ki 2:19-22). Big shoes! You're not sure you can fill them. This is when God says to you what He said to Joshua, Israel's new leader: "As I was with Moses, so I will be with you" (Jos 1:5 NKJV). (3) Alone at Bethel. Here Elisha was publicly humiliated, yet God vindicated him (See 2Ki 2:23). Bethel, which means "The House of God," is where we go for strength, yet often get disappointed in people. Nevertheless, we must go on with God, knowing He will never fail us.
Richard Exley says, "If we've come often to God in the sunshine, our anxious feet will find familiar pathway in the darkest night, because going to Him has become second nature to us."
(1) Alone at the Jordan. Here Elisa "took up the mantle of Elijah...struck the water...the water...divided...and Elisha crossed over" (2Ki 2:13-14 NKJV). The river Jordan represents death. When you lose someone you loved and depended on, you ask, "How can I do on alone?" You're not alone, God is with you! (2) Alone at Jericho. Here God used Elisha to purify the town's poisoned water system (See 2Ki 2:19-22). Big shoes! You're not sure you can fill them. This is when God says to you what He said to Joshua, Israel's new leader: "As I was with Moses, so I will be with you" (Jos 1:5 NKJV). (3) Alone at Bethel. Here Elisha was publicly humiliated, yet God vindicated him (See 2Ki 2:23). Bethel, which means "The House of God," is where we go for strength, yet often get disappointed in people. Nevertheless, we must go on with God, knowing He will never fail us.
Richard Exley says, "If we've come often to God in the sunshine, our anxious feet will find familiar pathway in the darkest night, because going to Him has become second nature to us."
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Daily Reading - "I Will Arise And Go To My Father" Lk 15:18 NKJV
Here is how it read today...
Tues. Oct 20
Tues. Oct 20
It's Time To Face Reality
Nothing changed for the Prodigal Son until he said, "I will arise and go to my father, and will say...'I have sinned.'" His story ends well; yours can too, but you must:
(1) Decide to take control of your life before circumstances or other people do. The solution begins with you. A new partner, a new job or a new house won't cure what's wrong if the cause lies in your own attitudes and actions. You may have 101 excuses for the way things are in your life right now, but what you are willing to do to change them? The prodigal's father didn't pick him up and carry him home, he had to do the leg work. (2) Face reality as it is, not as you think it should be or wish it was. The prodigal had to discover that the rules he rebelled against at home were essential to his happiness, that all the fun he thought was waiting for him our there, wasn't, and that he must acknowledge his mistakes and correct them before he could get his life back on track: "Let the wicked forsake his way, and ...return to the Lord" (Isa 55:7 NKJV). God will intervene, but only when you operate on the H.O.W. principle: Honesty, Openness, Willingness. (3) Act now, while you still can. The law of evolution says things evolve and improve on their own. No, certain things left unattended and uncorrected get worse, not better. That's so whether it's your health, your marriage, your children, your finances, or your walk with God. So, face reality and take action while you still can.
(1) Decide to take control of your life before circumstances or other people do. The solution begins with you. A new partner, a new job or a new house won't cure what's wrong if the cause lies in your own attitudes and actions. You may have 101 excuses for the way things are in your life right now, but what you are willing to do to change them? The prodigal's father didn't pick him up and carry him home, he had to do the leg work. (2) Face reality as it is, not as you think it should be or wish it was. The prodigal had to discover that the rules he rebelled against at home were essential to his happiness, that all the fun he thought was waiting for him our there, wasn't, and that he must acknowledge his mistakes and correct them before he could get his life back on track: "Let the wicked forsake his way, and ...return to the Lord" (Isa 55:7 NKJV). God will intervene, but only when you operate on the H.O.W. principle: Honesty, Openness, Willingness. (3) Act now, while you still can. The law of evolution says things evolve and improve on their own. No, certain things left unattended and uncorrected get worse, not better. That's so whether it's your health, your marriage, your children, your finances, or your walk with God. So, face reality and take action while you still can.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Daily Reading - "Submit To God. Resist The Devil." Jas 4:7 NKJV
Here is how it read today...
Mon. Oct 19
Mon. Oct 19
How To Handle Temptation
When it comes to temptation, remember these seven things: (1) Never say "never." You never become so spiritual that you're immune. "No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will now allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it" (1Co 10:13 NKJV). (2) Realize you can stumble on the last lap. Because you haven't blown it yet, doesn't mean you can't. Satan is a master of timing, and he's in no particular hurry. (3) Acknowledge your basic drives. St. Augustine said, "There is nothing more powerful in bringing down the spirit of a man than the caresses of a woman." Your flesh is powerful; once indulged it will always want more. (4) Understand that you are responsible. Sin is a choice. When you choose to abuse God's grace you pay the price, either now or later. "Do not be deceived...whatever a man sows, that he will also reap" (Gal 6:7 NKJV). (5) You're not a helpless pawn. You may not be able to change what happened yesterday, but your choice, empowered by God's grace, will determine what happens today and tomorrow. (6) If you've sinned, there's hope. God will forgive you and use you again. Jesus told Peter, "I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail; and when you have returned to Me, strengthen your brethren" (Lk 22:32 NKJV). (7) Stay safe by staying close to God. "Submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you."
Friday, October 16, 2009
Daily Reading - "Be Dressed Ready For Service." Lk 12:35 NIV
Here is how it read today...
Fri. Oct 16
Fri. Oct 16
Being Ready
God can move so quickly that one day it feels like all hell has broken loose in your life, and the next, like you're seated in heavenly places. And in both instances: "It is God which worketh in you" (Php 2:13). The Bible uses words like straightway, immediately, and suddenly to remind us that when God moves we must be ready to move too. He doesn't announce it with trumpets and a fanfare so you must stay prepared, especially for something you've been waiting for a long time. You may be just a moment away from the answer you've been seeking. That's all the time it takes God to change things - a moment! Don't let discouragement dull your faith or procrastination steal your opportunity.
Referring to His second coming, Jesus said, "Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house" (Mt 24:17). You've Got to decide whether you're going to accept what God has for you now and move forward, or return to your house, because your unfinished business can cause you to miss God's best. And so can waiting for others. A paralyzed man missed his healing for thirty-eight years because he waited for others to act. He told Jesus: "I have no man to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up" (Jn 5:7 NKJV). For years he sat beside the solution, but others cause him to miss it. Nothing is more important than what God is saying and doing in your life right now: not what's going on in your house, not the actions or opinions of others. What matters is being ready.
Referring to His second coming, Jesus said, "Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house" (Mt 24:17). You've Got to decide whether you're going to accept what God has for you now and move forward, or return to your house, because your unfinished business can cause you to miss God's best. And so can waiting for others. A paralyzed man missed his healing for thirty-eight years because he waited for others to act. He told Jesus: "I have no man to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up" (Jn 5:7 NKJV). For years he sat beside the solution, but others cause him to miss it. Nothing is more important than what God is saying and doing in your life right now: not what's going on in your house, not the actions or opinions of others. What matters is being ready.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Daily Reading - "The Inward Man Is Being Renewed Day By Day." 2Co 4:16 NKJV)
Here is how it read today...
Thurs. Oct 15
Thurs. Oct 15
Work On The Inner You (3)
Be grateful for the outer you. Make peace with it. Rejoice in its strengths. Accepts its limitations. Let it work hard. Be happy when it gets promoted. But remember, it's wasting away. The inner you, on the other hand, is capable of glory you can't even imagine. "Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure" (1Jn 3:2-3 NKJV). Make your biggest investment in the thing that will last.
We have scales and mirrors and tape measures to track the development of our outer selves. But how can we track the well-being of the part of us that will last? This may look a little different for each of us, but here are a few mirrors and scales and tape measures that will help you get started: (1) Self-examination and confession. (2) Friends who love you enough to speak the truth to you. (3) Time to be alone and listen to God. (4) Time spent in the Scriptures, renewing your mind. (5) Examination of your calendar and your checkbook. (6) Questions such as: How easily discouraged do I get these days? How easily irritated am I compared to six months ago? (7) Attention to your thought life. What's your mind drawn toward? Where does envy, blaming, judging or lusting rob you of life and joy? Come on, get serious; work on the inner you!
We have scales and mirrors and tape measures to track the development of our outer selves. But how can we track the well-being of the part of us that will last? This may look a little different for each of us, but here are a few mirrors and scales and tape measures that will help you get started: (1) Self-examination and confession. (2) Friends who love you enough to speak the truth to you. (3) Time to be alone and listen to God. (4) Time spent in the Scriptures, renewing your mind. (5) Examination of your calendar and your checkbook. (6) Questions such as: How easily discouraged do I get these days? How easily irritated am I compared to six months ago? (7) Attention to your thought life. What's your mind drawn toward? Where does envy, blaming, judging or lusting rob you of life and joy? Come on, get serious; work on the inner you!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Trials & Tribulations of a 3% Child
They say you don't realize what you have until its gone, what's even more interesting enough is we all know this and still, no matter how much you think you appreciate something you really don't appreciate it enough until its stripped away. So here I am at this new school thought to be a worst school than the one I was at and the one my mother wouldn't let me go to that my brother attended. I quickly adapted into the culture simple because I was good at sports and once again I knew a couple people there because of football. Outside of that, the environment there was not the best for positive growth. I can't remember a single teacher from being there nor direct positive lesson I may have learned while I was there. Outside of that, I really felt as though I was just passing time because I had no intentions on staying there past that school year. So I didn't really try and build relationships with many people. Although I think getting arrested made me less of a target for getting picked on, I also think it made the teachers avoid me as well. Regardless of my intelligence, they already made up their minds of what kind of kid I was, therefore that may be the reason I may not even remember them.
I eventually made it back to my old school for 8th grade and was very appreciative for the opportunity. However, when I returned I didn't expect what was awaiting. I was somehow thrust into the most popular circle and I guess I felt as though I had an image to upkeep so once again I maintained my somewhat bad boy image. Still very intelligent and making good grades I was always quick to seize a chance to make a scene if one presented itself. I became very good at getting people to leave me alone when I didn't want to be bothered as well as getting teachers to see things my way. This was the year I also became very popular with the other gender as well for many different reasons. While I wasn't the baddest kid in the school, some may say I may have ran with the baddest circle so I guess that would be the coolest in kid terms.
I thought life was great at this point. I was on the school's basketball team although I didn't play as much as I would have liked. I had a great season of football with the neighborhood team. I was doing a lot with different P.A.L. teams. I actually had a real girlfriend who I really like as well. Although she was a little younger than me, I never attempted to take advantage of her and interestingly enough, we ended up breaking up because of that I think. I ended up getting a lot of attention from many other females whom none became anything serious or more than a fling. I grew into this ultra persuasive person who knew how to manipulate people to most times get my way. I knew what to say, how to carry myself, and what would be needed to get others to agree, go along with, or see things my way. I didn't think anything could go wrong and I couldn't have been any more wrong.
In the city you can have many options as far as high schools you attend. Although you have to apply to attend schools, you still have several automatic neighborhood schools you can choose from. This is very entertaining for some people and others could care less. Athletes based their decisions solely on the winning reputation of the school for the sport they desired to play. Me being an athlete, that's all I cared about. So in Philly the main football schools at the time were Northeast, Washington, Mastbaum, Dobbins, Germantown, Frankford, Bartram and Ben Franklin. I wanted to attend either Northeast or Washington. Growing up I wanted to attend Germantown because that was the program I was around the most. The only way I would attend there was if I attended Lankenau which was the "smart" chapter of the school. I never had plans on attending Germantown because of previous incidents that occurred there that tarnished my thoughts of the school. So I applied to a number of schools and what I got back was flat out ridiculous, funny and interesting all at the same time.
While many people got there letter in the mail which was about 1 page with a number of schools they could go to, I got if I recall properly 2/3 pages with just about every school in the public league on there. It was the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen, because it was a ton of schools I didn't even apply to that were on there. Schools which made me laugh were schools such as CAPA (Creative and Performing Arts), E&S (Engineering and Science), Parkway, Masterman, and FLC, simply because none of these schools had football teams. The most ridiculous thing was that Girl's High was on there, like seriously, I could have went to Girl's High. What caught me off guard and became another learning lesson in my young life was the fact that Lankenau wasn't on the list. I thought there was something wrong so I looked into it and was informed that while I had the academic criteria needed to attend the school, my behavioral record made me ineligible. I was somewhat discouraged but didn't care because I had many other options, or so I thought.
I eventually made it back to my old school for 8th grade and was very appreciative for the opportunity. However, when I returned I didn't expect what was awaiting. I was somehow thrust into the most popular circle and I guess I felt as though I had an image to upkeep so once again I maintained my somewhat bad boy image. Still very intelligent and making good grades I was always quick to seize a chance to make a scene if one presented itself. I became very good at getting people to leave me alone when I didn't want to be bothered as well as getting teachers to see things my way. This was the year I also became very popular with the other gender as well for many different reasons. While I wasn't the baddest kid in the school, some may say I may have ran with the baddest circle so I guess that would be the coolest in kid terms.
I thought life was great at this point. I was on the school's basketball team although I didn't play as much as I would have liked. I had a great season of football with the neighborhood team. I was doing a lot with different P.A.L. teams. I actually had a real girlfriend who I really like as well. Although she was a little younger than me, I never attempted to take advantage of her and interestingly enough, we ended up breaking up because of that I think. I ended up getting a lot of attention from many other females whom none became anything serious or more than a fling. I grew into this ultra persuasive person who knew how to manipulate people to most times get my way. I knew what to say, how to carry myself, and what would be needed to get others to agree, go along with, or see things my way. I didn't think anything could go wrong and I couldn't have been any more wrong.
In the city you can have many options as far as high schools you attend. Although you have to apply to attend schools, you still have several automatic neighborhood schools you can choose from. This is very entertaining for some people and others could care less. Athletes based their decisions solely on the winning reputation of the school for the sport they desired to play. Me being an athlete, that's all I cared about. So in Philly the main football schools at the time were Northeast, Washington, Mastbaum, Dobbins, Germantown, Frankford, Bartram and Ben Franklin. I wanted to attend either Northeast or Washington. Growing up I wanted to attend Germantown because that was the program I was around the most. The only way I would attend there was if I attended Lankenau which was the "smart" chapter of the school. I never had plans on attending Germantown because of previous incidents that occurred there that tarnished my thoughts of the school. So I applied to a number of schools and what I got back was flat out ridiculous, funny and interesting all at the same time.
While many people got there letter in the mail which was about 1 page with a number of schools they could go to, I got if I recall properly 2/3 pages with just about every school in the public league on there. It was the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen, because it was a ton of schools I didn't even apply to that were on there. Schools which made me laugh were schools such as CAPA (Creative and Performing Arts), E&S (Engineering and Science), Parkway, Masterman, and FLC, simply because none of these schools had football teams. The most ridiculous thing was that Girl's High was on there, like seriously, I could have went to Girl's High. What caught me off guard and became another learning lesson in my young life was the fact that Lankenau wasn't on the list. I thought there was something wrong so I looked into it and was informed that while I had the academic criteria needed to attend the school, my behavioral record made me ineligible. I was somewhat discouraged but didn't care because I had many other options, or so I thought.
Paul Thomas,
"The Inward Man Is Being Renewed Day By Day." 2Co 4:16 NKJV
Here is how it read today...
Wed. Oct 14
Wed. Oct 14
Work On The Inner You (2)
One day God sent the prophet Samuel to find someone to be Israel's next king. Samuel saw a very impressive-looking guy and thought, "This must be the one." But God, who measures with a different yardstick, said, "Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart" (1Sa 16:7 NKJV). One of the criticisms Paul lived with, was people saying his looks weren't very impressive (See 2Co 10:10). His body wasn't just aging; it had been whipped, stoned, starved, beaten and locked in a cell. "It doesn't bother me much," he said, "it's what's inside that matters. Something's going on inside of me; it's like the opposite of what's happening outside. Outside I'm dying a little every day. Inside I'm coming to life, changing, getting stronger. Joy keeps bubbling up - even in prison. I keep getting more hopeful, even though I know my body's going to die soon. I keep loving people more, even the people who put me here. It's the strangest thing; I'm dying on the outside, bu inside I'm coming to life." Paul had mastered the inner game. His thoughts ran constantly heavenward. As an old man in prison he was more alive than he had ever been. So he wrote: "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?" (Ro 8:35 NKJV). Well, trouble and hardship can win the outer game pretty easily. But there is a you in you, that no one can touch. That's the one you must pay attention to, for that's the game you can win!
Monday, October 12, 2009
"My People Have...Dug...Cisterns...That Canot Hold Water." Jer 2:13 NIV
Here is how it read today...
Mon. Oct 12
Mon. Oct 12
Digging Wells That Won't Hold Water!
Do you feel like there's something missing in your life? Are you running from place to place and person to person trying to find it? Until you put God at the center of your life, you'll keep digging "cisterns...that cannot hold water."
We all want to be loved and feel successful, so we look to our jobs or to others for a sense of fulfillment. But by expecting a person or a paycheck to do what only God can, we keep coming up short. "Cursed is who depends on mere humans...He's like a tumbleweed...rootless and aimless...But blessed is the man who trusts...God...They're like trees...putting down roots near...rivers...calm through droughts, bearing...fruit every season" (Jer 17:5-8 TM). Fulfillment doesn't come from having "right people" in your life, or more money, prestige and accomplishments. A larger house won't do it; you'll just have more to clean. The latest car won't do it; you'll just end up with bigger payments. A job promotion won't do it; you'll just have more stress and longer hours. Yes, you'll make more money, but after taxes and buying what you need to maintain your new image, you'll be back to square one. At the end of a lifetime spent "striving after [the] wind" (Ecc 2:11 NAS), Solomon said, "Everything...can be put into a few words: Respect and obey [honor and put you trust in] God! This is what life is all about" (Ecc 12:13 CEV). The One you're looking for today has been there all along, and He's ready to meet you at the point of your need. You just have to invite Him in!
We all want to be loved and feel successful, so we look to our jobs or to others for a sense of fulfillment. But by expecting a person or a paycheck to do what only God can, we keep coming up short. "Cursed is who depends on mere humans...He's like a tumbleweed...rootless and aimless...But blessed is the man who trusts...God...They're like trees...putting down roots near...rivers...calm through droughts, bearing...fruit every season" (Jer 17:5-8 TM). Fulfillment doesn't come from having "right people" in your life, or more money, prestige and accomplishments. A larger house won't do it; you'll just have more to clean. The latest car won't do it; you'll just end up with bigger payments. A job promotion won't do it; you'll just have more stress and longer hours. Yes, you'll make more money, but after taxes and buying what you need to maintain your new image, you'll be back to square one. At the end of a lifetime spent "striving after [the] wind" (Ecc 2:11 NAS), Solomon said, "Everything...can be put into a few words: Respect and obey [honor and put you trust in] God! This is what life is all about" (Ecc 12:13 CEV). The One you're looking for today has been there all along, and He's ready to meet you at the point of your need. You just have to invite Him in!
Friday, October 9, 2009
Daily Reading - "He Who Lacks These Things Is Shortsighted." (Pe 1:9 NKJV)
Here is how it read today.
Fri. Oct 9
Fri. Oct 9
Don't Drop The Ball
Brian Dyson, former Vice Chairman of Coca Cola, delivered the commencement address at Georgia Tech in 1996. In it he said, "Imagine life as a game in which you are juggling five balls in the air. You name them - work, family, health, friends and spirit. You will soon understand that one is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back. But the other four balls - family, health, friends and spirit - are made of glass. If you drop any of these they will be irrevocably scuffed, marked, nicked, damaged or even shattered. They will never be the same. You must understand that and strive for balance in your life."
Many of the people we admire are of out of balance; they can build great churches and companies, but not great relationships. Solomon wrote: "They made me the keeper of the vineyards, but my own vineyard I have not kept" (SS 1:6 NKJV). Pastors who teach the importance of building strong families, sometimes raise children who turn out resentful because they got none of Dad's time and attention. And worse, he told them, "We have to make these sacrifices for God and the ministry." In what areas are you out of balance? In your quest not to drop the ball in your public performance, make sure you don't drop it in your personal life - where it counts most. The Bible bottom-lines it: "Add to your faith virtue, to virtue knowledge, to knowledge self-control, to self-control perseverance, to perseverance godliness, to godliness brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness love...he who lacks these things is shortsighted" (Pe 1:5-9 NKJV).
Many of the people we admire are of out of balance; they can build great churches and companies, but not great relationships. Solomon wrote: "They made me the keeper of the vineyards, but my own vineyard I have not kept" (SS 1:6 NKJV). Pastors who teach the importance of building strong families, sometimes raise children who turn out resentful because they got none of Dad's time and attention. And worse, he told them, "We have to make these sacrifices for God and the ministry." In what areas are you out of balance? In your quest not to drop the ball in your public performance, make sure you don't drop it in your personal life - where it counts most. The Bible bottom-lines it: "Add to your faith virtue, to virtue knowledge, to knowledge self-control, to self-control perseverance, to perseverance godliness, to godliness brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness love...he who lacks these things is shortsighted" (Pe 1:5-9 NKJV).
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Daily Reading - "Be Not Afraid Of Their Faces." Jer 1:8
Here is how it read today...
Thurs. Oct 8
Thurs. Oct 8
Overcoming Your Fear Of People (2)
Another sub-personality type contributing to our fear of people is called "The Critic." It's that part of you which constantly judges your own behavior, compares you unfavorably with others, points out your flaws and reminds you you're a failure. Its favorite self-talk expressions are, "You're stupid; can't you ever get it right? Look how capable so-and-so is. How come you can't be like them?" While "the worrier" suffers from anxiety, "the critic" suffers from low self-worth. What's the answer? Learn to replace your critic self-talk with, "They're what God made them; I'm not a mistake. With God's grace, I'm working on being the lovable, capable person God made me."
"The Victim" is another sub-personality type underlying our fears. It's that part of us which feels helpless or hopeless, believes we're inherently inadequate and unworthy, sees insurmountable obstacles in our path, and bemoans the way things are. Its favorite self-talk expressions include, "I can't...It's useless. I'll never be able to. Why even bother?" Replace your victim self-talk, "I don't have to be perfect now. I'm a new creature in Christ and I'm growing a little more each day. I choose to see the glass half-full rather than half-empty. Since God says I can, I choose to believe I can - and I will - in His time and way." Face your fears. Do what you've been afraid to do. God's promise, "I am with thee" (Jer 1:19), was all Jeremiah needed - and it's all you need too.
"The Victim" is another sub-personality type underlying our fears. It's that part of us which feels helpless or hopeless, believes we're inherently inadequate and unworthy, sees insurmountable obstacles in our path, and bemoans the way things are. Its favorite self-talk expressions include, "I can't...It's useless. I'll never be able to. Why even bother?" Replace your victim self-talk, "I don't have to be perfect now. I'm a new creature in Christ and I'm growing a little more each day. I choose to see the glass half-full rather than half-empty. Since God says I can, I choose to believe I can - and I will - in His time and way." Face your fears. Do what you've been afraid to do. God's promise, "I am with thee" (Jer 1:19), was all Jeremiah needed - and it's all you need too.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Daily Reading - "Be Not Afraid Of Their Faces." Jer 1:8
Here is how it read today...
Wed. Oct 7
Wed. Oct 7
Overcoming Your Fear Of People (1)
Do you avoid certain activities and social occasions because of insecurity? If so, you might have "social phobia," the fear of being inadequate, embarrassed or negatively evaluated. Some of us even experience panic attacks that leave us immobilized to the point of dysfunction. Yet it's avoiding such situations rather than facing them, that allows our fears to control us. How great our fear becomes depends on what we say to ourselves when it hits. And what we say to ourselves is largely a function of what psychologist call our "sub-personality type." Here are some common sub-personality types, and ways we can handle them:
"The Worrier." Worriers anticipate the worst, create grandiose images of potential tragedy, and are always hyper-vigilant for any small signs of trouble. Their favorite self-talk expression is, "But what if...?" Learn to replace your worrier self-talk with, "So, what if...By God's grace I can learn to handle this. I can feel anxious and still do it. I don't like it, but I can stand it till it passes. I'll get used to it with practice and God's help." When Jeremiah's fears kicked in and he wanted to run from a public speaking assignment, God said to him: "You must go wherever I send you and say whatever I tell you. And don't be afraid of the people, for I will be with you and will protect you" (Jer 1:7-8 NLT). Instead of running from it, choose to face it in faith - and watch how God will get you through it!
"The Worrier." Worriers anticipate the worst, create grandiose images of potential tragedy, and are always hyper-vigilant for any small signs of trouble. Their favorite self-talk expression is, "But what if...?" Learn to replace your worrier self-talk with, "So, what if...By God's grace I can learn to handle this. I can feel anxious and still do it. I don't like it, but I can stand it till it passes. I'll get used to it with practice and God's help." When Jeremiah's fears kicked in and he wanted to run from a public speaking assignment, God said to him: "You must go wherever I send you and say whatever I tell you. And don't be afraid of the people, for I will be with you and will protect you" (Jer 1:7-8 NLT). Instead of running from it, choose to face it in faith - and watch how God will get you through it!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Daily Reading - "Can Anything...Separate Us From Christ's Love?" Ro 8:35 NLT
Here is how it read today...
Tues. Oct 6
Tues. Oct 6
God Loves You, He Really Does!
Our limited minds can't comprehend God's love because it comes with no strings attached. He doesn't love us "if," but "in spite of." As a parent you may not approve of your child's behavior, but you always love and accept them. Paul asks, "Can anything ever separate us from Christ's love?' Then he answers, "No, nothing!" Doesn't that blow your mind? We have just enough ego to believe there are certain sins God can't get over - liked the ones we never commit. Do you remember the Pharisee in the temple who prayed, "God, I thank You that I am not like other men - extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or...this tax collector [standing next to me]" (Lk 19:11 NKJV). Understand this: God's standard is perfection, and you couldn't reach it in a thousand lifetimes! Grace is the only hope any of us have.
Our love for God relates to the level of forgiveness we've received from Him. The Pharisees were shocked that Jesus would allow a woman with a bad reputation to kneel at His feet, bathing them with her tears and drying them with her hair. They thought, "If Jesus was a prophet He'd know what kind of woman this is" (See LK 7:39). No, it wasn't that Jesus didn't know, it was that He didn't care. Turning to the woman He said, "Thy sins are forgiven." Then He gives us the bottom line: "To whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little" (Lk 7:47-48). And what should our response to God's love be? This is love for God: to obey his commands" (1Jn 5:3 NIV).
Our love for God relates to the level of forgiveness we've received from Him. The Pharisees were shocked that Jesus would allow a woman with a bad reputation to kneel at His feet, bathing them with her tears and drying them with her hair. They thought, "If Jesus was a prophet He'd know what kind of woman this is" (See LK 7:39). No, it wasn't that Jesus didn't know, it was that He didn't care. Turning to the woman He said, "Thy sins are forgiven." Then He gives us the bottom line: "To whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little" (Lk 7:47-48). And what should our response to God's love be? This is love for God: to obey his commands" (1Jn 5:3 NIV).
Monday, October 5, 2009
Daily Reading - "I Cannot Come Down." Ne 6:3 NKJV
Here is how it read today...
Mon. Oct 5
Mon. Oct 5
How to handle criticism
Nehemiah teaches us three important truths about handling criticism: (1) Expect it. When spectators watch a race, where do they focus their attention? On the front runners! Someone said, "Criticism is something you can avoid easily - by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing." But those three options don't work. So Nehemiah answered his critics, "I am doing a great work, so that I cannot come down." Don't step down to the level of your critics. (2) Evaluate it. "Sanballat...sent to me, saying, 'Come, let us meet...But they thought to do me harm" (Ne 6:2 NKJV). When people say, "I'm going to tell you something for your own good," often they've nothing good to tell you. When you're criticized, ask yourself: (a) "Why was this criticism given?" Faithful are the words of a friend, but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful" (Pr 27:6 NKJV). Has this person earned the right to speak into your life? (b) "Why was this criticism given? Out of a personal hurt, or for my benefit?" Hurting people hurt people; so maintain the right attitude, looking for the grain of truth, making the necessary changes, and taking the high road. (3) Outlive it. When Nehemiah's friends told him to run and hide, he replied, "I will not...So the wall was fifty-two days...when all our enemies hear of it...they perceived that this work was done by our God" (Ne 6:11-16 NKJV). Sometimes you're in more danger from the counsel of your friends than your are from the criticism of your enemies. That's when you must know who you are, what God's called you to do, and outlive the criticism!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Daily Reading - "We Have...Believed The Love That God Has For Us." 1Jn 4:16 NKJV
Here is how it read today...
Sat. Oct 3
Sat. Oct 3
A Message To You
"I knew you before time began. I know how many hairs are on your head. Like parent, like child, you're created in My image. I have plans for you. I've also given you the 'gifts' needed to fulfill them; and what I give, nobody can take away. But don't neglect them; exercise them, and stir them up daily. Rest assured, I've started a good work in you and I'm going to finish it. I always complete what I begin. My Word concerning you is forever settled, and My commitment to you is unending. In this life you will have challenges, but cheer up; I've robbed Satan of his power to control you and the world of its power to destroy you. When you're stressed out and worn down by the pressures of life, lean on Me. I will be your rock, your fortress, your deliverer and your strength. Even though you fail from time to time, you won't be discarded because I am upholding you. But a word of caution: don't take advice from those who are spiritually blind and don't hang out with skeptics. Delight yourself in My Word and like a big oak tree growing by a river, you'll prosper in all you do. P.S. I'd love to hear back from you."
"And we have known and believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in them."
"And we have known and believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in them."
Friday, October 2, 2009
Daily Reading - "Everyone Who Believes In Him Will Have Eternal Life." Jn 3:15 NLT
Here is how it read today...
Fri. Oct 2
Fri. Oct 2
Look and Live!
When Jesus told Nicodemus, "You must be born again," this Jewish scholar didn't get it. So Jesus explains that in the birthing process, the infant allows the parent to do the work. "There must be more," thinks Nicodemus. Using this visiting professor's favorite book, the Torah, Jesus says, "As Moses lifted up, so that everyone who believes in him will have eternal life" (vs. 14-15 NLT). Nicodemus got the point!
When God had heard all the complaining He could put up with, He "sent fiery serpents...and many of the people of Israel died" (Nu 21:6 NKJV). The survivors pleaded with Moses to ask God for mercy. "Then the Lord said to Moses, 'Make a fiery serpent, and set it on a pole; and...everyone who is bitten, when he looks at it, shall live'" (Nu 21:8 NKJV). The snake-bitten Israelites found healing by looking at the pole - and the sinners find salvation by looking to Christ. Look and live! The simplicity of it troubles us. We expect a more complicated cure. Moses and his followers might have expected more as well: manufacture an ointment, treat one another, or at least fight back. We say, "God helps those who helps themselves." But Jesus says, "Only believe." You believe the chair will hold your weight, so you sit on it. You trust the work of the light switch, so you flip it. You regularly trust power you cannot see to do a work you cannot accomplish. Today, Jesus asks you to do the same.
When God had heard all the complaining He could put up with, He "sent fiery serpents...and many of the people of Israel died" (Nu 21:6 NKJV). The survivors pleaded with Moses to ask God for mercy. "Then the Lord said to Moses, 'Make a fiery serpent, and set it on a pole; and...everyone who is bitten, when he looks at it, shall live'" (Nu 21:8 NKJV). The snake-bitten Israelites found healing by looking at the pole - and the sinners find salvation by looking to Christ. Look and live! The simplicity of it troubles us. We expect a more complicated cure. Moses and his followers might have expected more as well: manufacture an ointment, treat one another, or at least fight back. We say, "God helps those who helps themselves." But Jesus says, "Only believe." You believe the chair will hold your weight, so you sit on it. You trust the work of the light switch, so you flip it. You regularly trust power you cannot see to do a work you cannot accomplish. Today, Jesus asks you to do the same.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Daily Reading - "Pour Out Your Heart Before Him." Ps 62:8 NKJV
Here is how it read today...
Thurs. Oct 1
Thurs. Oct 1
Recovering from loss
Here are five keys to recovering from loss:
(1) Process your grief. Emotions like fear, anger, worry, depression, resentment, helplessness and grief are normal. It's no good to stuff them or deny they exist. God created us to feel; He doesn't expect us to act happy when we're grieving. "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted" (Mt 5:4 NIV). Be honest with God. "Pour out your heart before Him," and he will comfort you. (2) Accept help. It's a mistake to isolate yourself in the aftermath of a tragedy. We all need the encouragement and the support of others. We're called to carry one another's burdens (See Gal 6:2). (3) Choose the right response. When you choose bitterness, you hurt yourself and shut the door on happiness because you can't be happy and bitter at the same time. During some recent California wildfires there were victims who said, "We've lost everything and we're sad, but we'll work together as a family and rebuild." Others said, "My life's over! I can't go on...I'll never recover." You can choose to believe you're on your own, or that God's with you and bounce back. (4) Know you joy comes from God. There's no correlation between your circumstances and your joy. Joy comes from within; it's based on whom you trust, not what you see and feel. (5) Concentrate on what you've left, not on what you've lost. Make a list of the good things in your life, and thank God for what you still have. It's impossible to be grateful and hopeless at the same time.
(1) Process your grief. Emotions like fear, anger, worry, depression, resentment, helplessness and grief are normal. It's no good to stuff them or deny they exist. God created us to feel; He doesn't expect us to act happy when we're grieving. "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted" (Mt 5:4 NIV). Be honest with God. "Pour out your heart before Him," and he will comfort you. (2) Accept help. It's a mistake to isolate yourself in the aftermath of a tragedy. We all need the encouragement and the support of others. We're called to carry one another's burdens (See Gal 6:2). (3) Choose the right response. When you choose bitterness, you hurt yourself and shut the door on happiness because you can't be happy and bitter at the same time. During some recent California wildfires there were victims who said, "We've lost everything and we're sad, but we'll work together as a family and rebuild." Others said, "My life's over! I can't go on...I'll never recover." You can choose to believe you're on your own, or that God's with you and bounce back. (4) Know you joy comes from God. There's no correlation between your circumstances and your joy. Joy comes from within; it's based on whom you trust, not what you see and feel. (5) Concentrate on what you've left, not on what you've lost. Make a list of the good things in your life, and thank God for what you still have. It's impossible to be grateful and hopeless at the same time.
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