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Monday, November 30, 2009

Daily Reading - "I Have Come That They May Have Life...To The Full." Jn 10:10 NIV

Here is how it read today.

Mon. Nov 30


"Life To The Full"

At a street meeting, a young Salvation Army drummer was testifying about his past. "Before I became a Christian I used to drink and gamble, but I don't do that any more. I used to swear and womanize, but I don't do that any more either. Come to think of it...all I do now is stand on the same old street corner and beat the same old drum!" Ever felt like that? You get up, go to work, come home, eat dinner, watch TV, drop into bed, get up next day and do it all again? Like Solomon, sometimes you can feel like "Everything is meaningless" (Ecc 12:8 NLT). But it doesn't have to be that way.
Francis Schaeffer said, "Man has a purpose - to be in a relationship with God...when he forgets his purpose he forgets who he is and what life means." There's more to life than beating the same old drum day after day. Jesus came that you "might have life to the full," and the first step is acknowledging that He died to show you the way back to God. Step two is recognizing you need a personal relationship with Him. Step three is using the Bible as a blueprint for purpose and fulfillment. It's the only book that answers the important questions, "Who am I?" and "Why am I here?" You're not "a mistake" as one woman said after discovering her mother had tried to abort her. In God's eyes you have great value, and today He offers you "life to the full."

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