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Saturday, January 9, 2010

Daily Reading - "Behold, A Woman...With An Issue." MT 9:20

Here is how it read today.

Sat. Jan 9


Bring Your "Issues" To Jesus

Are there "issues" you've struggled with so long that they have drained the life out of you? Do they whip out their resumes and remind you that you've already tried every solution and nothing has worked? Do they whisper, "I'm here to stay, get used to it"? Have you told yourself, "I thought by this particular date my marriage would be healed or my health restored, I'd be out of debt or the door would've opened," but it hasn't happened and you're discouraged? If so, do what this woman did: "Behold, a woman...with an issue...twelve years...said within herself...If I may but touch [him]...I shall be whole" (w. 20-21). This hurting woman had three options. She could have said to herself: (1) "Nothing is going to change." (2) "In a crowd this size Jesus will never notice me." (3) "If I may but touch [him]...I shall be whole." She chose the third option; so should you! Tune out the nay-sayers, silence your doubts, start speaking words of faith and move in His direction.
Matthew writes: "He relieved the inwardly tormented. He cured the bodily ill. He fulfilled Isaiah's well-known sermon: He took our illnesses, He carried our diseases" (Mt 8:17 TM). Jesus loves you and wants to make you whole. Your past doesn't matter, nor do your present circumstances. The only thing that matters is touching Him by faith. What Jesus said to this woman, He's saying to you today: "Your faith has made you well. Go in peace" (Mk 5:34 NKJV). So bring your "issues" to Jesus and let Him touch you.

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