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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Daily Reading - "It Is God Who Makes Us Able To Do All That We Do." 2Co 3:5 NCV

Here is how it read today.

Thurs. Jan 28


"ME-ITIS" (2)

God's plan is to minimize you, and maximize "Christ in you!" And He will do whatever it takes to make it happen. When you succeed through your own efforts, you take the credit. But when you have to depend on God, He gets the credit. "It is God who makes us able to do all that we do." That doesn't make you worth less, it just identifies the source of your worth. Chuck Swindoll says, "The very things we dread, brought contentment to Paul. He never said to his prison guard, 'Next time you're near the emperor's assistant urge him to get me out. I shouldn't be here in the first place.' Paul's attitude prevented him from keeping a record of wrongs done to him...He was in prison by divine appointment...If you want to learn contentment, develop an attitude of unselfish humility...Start with family and neighbors; model it before employees and clients...you won't have to raise flags or pass out tracts...the result will amaze you. 'Do [all things] without complaining and arguing, so...no one can criticize you. Live...as children of God...in a world...of crooked and perverse people' (Php 2:14-5 NLT)...Joyful acceptance, free of petty disputes and bickering...Nothing's more contagious!" Paul continues: "I am glad to boast about my weaknesses...that the power of Christ can work through me...I take pleasure...insults, hardships, persecutions...troubles...For when I am weak, then I am strong" (2Co 12:9-10 NLT). If you haven't reached that point yet, remember this acronym based on the word SELF: S-urrender to Christ daily. E-mpty yourself of anything that hinders you from doing His will. L-ift up your heart to Him. F-eed on His Word.

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