Sat. Jan 2
What's Your Vision For The New Year (4)
Obstacles won't destroy your vision, but your attitude can. After a grueling sixteen month odyssey an aging Paul wrote from a squalid Roman dungeon, "Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice" (Php 4:4). Paul knew two things you need to know: (1) It's not over til God says it's over. Circumstances and people don't have the last word - God does! He is "author and finisher of our faith" (Heb 12:2). With God, quitting is not an option. When you quit without His permission you're "AWOL." Furthermore, when you abandon your mission you forfeit His protection and provision. (2) Nothing can defeat you without your permission - and you don't have to give it. You can't control what happens to you, but you can control what you say and do. That's all you need to control; God will control the rest. You can't control the "handicaps, puzzles and persecution" that come your way, but you can control whether or not you'll respond with "frustration, despair and rejection." You can't always avoid getting "knocked down," but you can determine whether or not you get "knocked out" (See 2Co 4:8-9 Phps). Refusing to stay down denies your enemy permission to sabotage your destiny. Do you have a God-given dream? Refuse to quit and it "will surely come." Have no dream? Ask God for one. Already accomplished your dream? Ask God for another one before you lose the joy and motivation of life. Have a dream so small it doesn't stretch you? Ask God for a bigger one and watch your faith grow!
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