Tues. Feb 16
Are You Bearing Fruit? (3)
Eight times in six verses Jesus tells us to "abide" (See Jn 15). Why? Because it's not natural! Jesus knew that in the coming years His disciples would be called upon to produce enough fruit to cover the world. But you can't even begin to have that kind of impact without first achieving the one thing you're likely to neglect, or allow to be crowded out of your life - more of Him! Things will arise each day to keep you from spending quality time with the Lord. And as for an extended period of time to wait in God's presence - that'll take an effort equal to an act of Congress. So you've three options: (1) Live a worthless life. "If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as branch and is withered" (Jn 15:6 NKJV). The word withered means "worthless." Don't spend your life on worthless things. (2) Accept God's discipline. "No chastening seems to be joyful for the present, but painful; nevertheless, afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness" (Heb 12:11 NKJV). What's God after? Fruit, and He will do whatever it takes to get it. We all have our "pruning stories." God's discipline usually starts with sin problem: an unconfronted behavior or attitude. And it ends when the problem ends. The discipline doesn't have to continue - it's up to us! We only experience pain as long as we hang on to sin. (3) Stay close to God. If you draw spiritual nourishment from Him each day, if you allow the power that flows through Him to flow through you, nothing will keep you from reaching the abundant life Jesus promised.
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