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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Daily Reading - "I Must Work The Works Of Him Who Sent Me." Jn 9:4 NKJV

Well since I was out of it somehow and posted today's reading yesterday, I might as well post the reading for yesterday today, so here it is...



The Bible word for passion is zeal. Without it, life can become pretty drab. Everything is a "have to" and nothing is a "want to" or a "must." Zeal keeps you going when others quit. It pushes you through the toughest times and gives you energy you didn't know you possessed. Nothing can take its place: (1) Opportunity can't. Opportunity may open the door, but without zeal you won't make the most of your opportunities and you won't get to your destiny. Howard Hendricks said, "You don't put live eggs under dead chickens." That's what opportunities are to people without zeal. (2) Knowledge can't. Some of America's worst president are reputed to have been the smartest. And some of the greatest, such as Abraham Lincoln, had very little formal education. A resume may get you through the door, but that's as far as it will get you. (Talent can't. There are many people in the world with great natural talent who never achieve personal or professional success. Talent is like money; it only grows when you put it to work. (4) Others can't. You'll will never be successful without the help of others, but merely being surrounded with the right people doesn't guarantee success. A team with no heart won't succeed. Zeal is the difference-maker. And one of the secrets to having zeal, is knowing God has truly called and gifted you to do a certain thing. Jesus said: "I must work the works of Him who sent Me." This kind of zeal is not taught but "caught," so if you're lacking in it today, spend more time with Jesus.

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