Tues. Feb 9
When Your Mate Doesn't Share Your Faith (5)
A wise husband listens to God. "Husbands...live with your wives in an understanding way...show her honor as a fellow heir of the grace of life, so that your prayers will not be hindered" (1Pe 3:7 NAS). In this verse, the original Greek word for "understanding" implies seeking, enquiry and investigation, which are all action verbs. As a husband you must try to understand your wife. That means avoiding three things: being passive, presumptuous, or pressuring. Nothing open our hearts like feeling cherished and understood by those we value. It provides validation, which, for your wife, is more valuable than information. For a wife who doesn't share your faith, an understanding husband is God's greatest asset. So: Don't overreact when problems arise. Stay calm and handle things graciously. Use your "sound mind" to discern the needs and causes behind her behavior (See 2Ti 1:7). Ask yourself: "Does she resent church because I put it and my Christian friends before her?" Make it a priority to learn to meet her needs. "Show her honor." If she feels taken for granted or neglected your words will fall on deaf ears. Lover her, and she'll listen to you. Place her needs ahead of your own; regularly acknowledge her value to you; remember her feminine vulnerability and handle her sensitively. Follow God's instructions confidently, faithfully and patiently, "so that your prayers will not be hindered." Neglect them, and you are praying in vain. Simply do your part, pray in faith, and leave God's part to Him!
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