Friday, January 29, 2010
Daily Reading - "If God Has Given You Leadership Ability." Ro 12:8 NLT
Here is how it read today.
Fri. Jan 29
Fri. Jan 29
It's Tough Being A Leader
Pastor, you know you're having a really bad day when you finally remember the name of the person you promised to visit in the hospital - while reading the obituaries; you can't find the book of Obadiah while leading a Bible study. your treasurer sends you a postcard from Geneva; you are informed that the youth group used steel wool sponges for the car wash; you are elected Pastor Emeritus - and you're only twenty-eight; at a wedding, you call the groom by the bride's former boyfriend's name; your personal parking spot gets relocated - to a restaurant three blocks away; you preach the same sermon for the second week, and nobody notices; the church votes to change your day off to Sunday.
Seriously, if God has given you leadership ability, remember that what sets great leaders apart is: (1) They're facilitators. They realize that nobody will ever be what they ought to be until they're first doing what they ought to be doing, and that the way to fulfill your calling is to help others discover and fulfill theirs. (2) They're courteous. They never look down or talk down. They don't have one set of manners for important people and another for the less important. To them everybody is important because everybody has God-given potential; they just work to bring it out. (3) They're decisive. As a leader you'll be remembered for two things: the problems you created and the ones you solved. Yes, you'll make mistakes, learn humility, hunger for personal growth, draw strength from God, and hopefully do it better next time.
Seriously, if God has given you leadership ability, remember that what sets great leaders apart is: (1) They're facilitators. They realize that nobody will ever be what they ought to be until they're first doing what they ought to be doing, and that the way to fulfill your calling is to help others discover and fulfill theirs. (2) They're courteous. They never look down or talk down. They don't have one set of manners for important people and another for the less important. To them everybody is important because everybody has God-given potential; they just work to bring it out. (3) They're decisive. As a leader you'll be remembered for two things: the problems you created and the ones you solved. Yes, you'll make mistakes, learn humility, hunger for personal growth, draw strength from God, and hopefully do it better next time.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Daily Reading - "The Lord...Is A Jealous God." Ex 34:14 NKJV
Here is how it read today.
Thur. Jan 28
Thur. Jan 28
Alone With God
God is jealous of anything that takes His place in your life, especially a "relationship idol." You say. "What's that?" It's the lie that convinces you your happiness depends on another When you look to somebody other than God for security, purpose, worth and contentment - all the things He willingly provides - He's Jealous. So tear down that idol! Yes, it's hard to have nobody to shame your life with, or come hone to. But when God wants you to hear His voice, sometimes He silences all the rest. Has it occured to you that you're alone, not because nobody likes you, but because God is drawing you to a deeper place of intimacy with Him? "How can I know?" you ask. Joshua was alone when God gave him the plan for conquering Jericho. John was alone on the island of Patmos when Heaven opened and he wrote the book of Revelation. The Bibles says: "Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him till daybreak" (Ge 32:24 NIV). That's when God know who you are, you'll allow yourself to be swallowed up in somebody else's life in order to find worth and fulfillment. You'll think you need them in order to enjoy being you. No, let God tell you who you are. After all, who knows you better? The only way you'll discover your true identity, is by being alone with God!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Daily Reading - "It Is God Who Makes Us Able To Do All That We Do." 2Co 3:5 NCV
Here is how it read today.
Thurs. Jan 28
Thurs. Jan 28
"ME-ITIS" (2)
God's plan is to minimize you, and maximize "Christ in you!" And He will do whatever it takes to make it happen. When you succeed through your own efforts, you take the credit. But when you have to depend on God, He gets the credit. "It is God who makes us able to do all that we do." That doesn't make you worth less, it just identifies the source of your worth. Chuck Swindoll says, "The very things we dread, brought contentment to Paul. He never said to his prison guard, 'Next time you're near the emperor's assistant urge him to get me out. I shouldn't be here in the first place.' Paul's attitude prevented him from keeping a record of wrongs done to him...He was in prison by divine appointment...If you want to learn contentment, develop an attitude of unselfish humility...Start with family and neighbors; model it before employees and won't have to raise flags or pass out tracts...the result will amaze you. 'Do [all things] without complaining and arguing, one can criticize you. children of a world...of crooked and perverse people' (Php 2:14-5 NLT)...Joyful acceptance, free of petty disputes and bickering...Nothing's more contagious!" Paul continues: "I am glad to boast about my weaknesses...that the power of Christ can work through me...I take pleasure...insults, hardships, persecutions...troubles...For when I am weak, then I am strong" (2Co 12:9-10 NLT). If you haven't reached that point yet, remember this acronym based on the word SELF: S-urrender to Christ daily. E-mpty yourself of anything that hinders you from doing His will. L-ift up your heart to Him. F-eed on His Word.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Daily Reading - "Look...Into My Own Heart." Ps 139:23 CEV
Here is how it read today.
Wed. Jan 27
Wed. Jan 27
"ME-ITIS" (1)
Dr. David Jeremiah says, "When you're sick, physical symptoms let you know there's something wrong. 'Me-virus' has warning signs too, like: Mirroritis: obsession with your appearance. Moneyitis: tightfistidness, equating your self-worth with your net worth and overspending on personal wants. Micromanageitis: insisting on doing things your way. Majestyitis: an exaggerated opinion of your importance and a sense of entitlement. Makeoveritis: the drive to 'one-up' everybody else." The Psalmist prayed: "Look...into my heart." K.P. Yohannan says, "When it's only God and you, you're more apt to face your pride and your sins. With everyone else we argue these things away, look wonderful and smile. Before God, we face ourselves, cleansing and purification take place, and we're less phony."
Curing "me-itis" calls for: (1) Strengthening your spiritual immune system with Scripture: "[His] great and precious promises...enable you to...escape...corruption" (2Pe 1:4 NLT). (2) Prayer: "Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done [and] His peace will guard your hearts" (Php 4:6-7 NLT). (3) A clear conscience: "I confessed my forgave me and took away my guilt" (Ps 32:5 CEV). (4) Fellowship: "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together...exhorting one another" (Heb 10:25 NKJV). (5) Service: "Each of you has received a gift,,,to serve others...that in everything God will be praised" (1 Pe 4:10-11 NCV). (6) Relationships: Pick your friends carefully, and avoid "me-itis" carriers (See Pr 22:25 TM). (7) Giving: "A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed" Pr 11:25 NIV).
Curing "me-itis" calls for: (1) Strengthening your spiritual immune system with Scripture: "[His] great and precious promises...enable you to...escape...corruption" (2Pe 1:4 NLT). (2) Prayer: "Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done [and] His peace will guard your hearts" (Php 4:6-7 NLT). (3) A clear conscience: "I confessed my forgave me and took away my guilt" (Ps 32:5 CEV). (4) Fellowship: "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together...exhorting one another" (Heb 10:25 NKJV). (5) Service: "Each of you has received a gift,,,to serve others...that in everything God will be praised" (1 Pe 4:10-11 NCV). (6) Relationships: Pick your friends carefully, and avoid "me-itis" carriers (See Pr 22:25 TM). (7) Giving: "A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed" Pr 11:25 NIV).
Friday, January 22, 2010
Daily Reading - "Enoch...Had This Testimony, That He Pleased God." Heb 11:5
Here is how it read today.
Fri. Jan 22
Fri. Jan 22
The Ultimate Trophy (1)
In the movie Cool Runnings the Jamaican bobsled team is so desperate to win an Olympic medal, they're convince none of their efforts matter if they end up without it. All the learning, joy and growth they'd devoted themselves to are forgotten next to a piece of metal on a ribbon. Their coach is a four-hundred pound man who won an Olympic medal bobsledding twenty years earlier and had been a complete loser ever since. He tells them, 'If you're not enough before the gold medal, you're not enough with it."
Jesus talked a lot about rewards. But the pursuit of rewards can hurt us when we go after them for the wrong reason. A trophy is not the achievement itself - it's not the learning we've gained, the muscles we've trained, or the courage we've developed. It's just a symbol of achievement. It's an external validation of our worth . At best, the trophies in the showcase are little reminders, something to make us grateful for the past and keep us motivated for the future. At its worst, the trophy case becomes a shrine, a tool to prop up a false image of ourselves. Trophies bring momentary pleasure that can be addicting, but the pleasure always wears off. In the book of Revelation we see twenty-four leaders "lay their crowns before the throne and say: 'You are worthy, our Lord and God" (Rev 4:10-11 NIV). When you give all the glory to God, your accomplishments bring joy, but when you try to take the credit for yourself your trophies tarnish, fade and become a burden. Look at Enoch, his ultimate trophy was "that he pleased God."
Jesus talked a lot about rewards. But the pursuit of rewards can hurt us when we go after them for the wrong reason. A trophy is not the achievement itself - it's not the learning we've gained, the muscles we've trained, or the courage we've developed. It's just a symbol of achievement. It's an external validation of our worth . At best, the trophies in the showcase are little reminders, something to make us grateful for the past and keep us motivated for the future. At its worst, the trophy case becomes a shrine, a tool to prop up a false image of ourselves. Trophies bring momentary pleasure that can be addicting, but the pleasure always wears off. In the book of Revelation we see twenty-four leaders "lay their crowns before the throne and say: 'You are worthy, our Lord and God" (Rev 4:10-11 NIV). When you give all the glory to God, your accomplishments bring joy, but when you try to take the credit for yourself your trophies tarnish, fade and become a burden. Look at Enoch, his ultimate trophy was "that he pleased God."
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Daily Reading - "No Good Thing Will He Withhold From Those Who Walk Uprightly." Ps 84:11 NKJV
Here is how it read today.
Thur. Jan 21
Thur. Jan 21
Is God Saying, "WAIT?"
Often the toughest times in life are those moments when all we know about God doesn't seem to help or get us the results we want. That's when we learn about His silence. Whenever God doesn't say a word, He's teaching, even in stillness. He's allowing us to grow by forcing us to think, study, and arrive at conclusions while He stands by like the loving parent He is. Faith comes by hearing, but patience comes by silence. Patience is what God gives you when bad things remain unchanged. It's His sedative for the troubled heart. It's the balm He rubs into your aching muscles when it feels like you're being stretched to breaking point. These are times when the pain lasts so long that only God can release the patience required - the sheer grace to get you through it.
There are great benefits to waiting. For example, if you learn to wait and observe, you'll make better choices. The thing you think you can't live without today, you may be glad to live without tomorrow. "No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly." So when God says, "Wait," trust Him. Either it's not what you need at this time or He has something better in mind for you. You say, "But what am I going to do in the meantime?" The Bible says, "Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart" (Ps 27:14 NKJV). Stop fussing, stop pushing, allow God to work and you'll come out of this stronger and with a better result.
There are great benefits to waiting. For example, if you learn to wait and observe, you'll make better choices. The thing you think you can't live without today, you may be glad to live without tomorrow. "No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly." So when God says, "Wait," trust Him. Either it's not what you need at this time or He has something better in mind for you. You say, "But what am I going to do in the meantime?" The Bible says, "Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart" (Ps 27:14 NKJV). Stop fussing, stop pushing, allow God to work and you'll come out of this stronger and with a better result.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Daily Reading - "That Your Prayers May Not Be Hindered." !Pe 3:7 NKJV
Here is how it read today.
Wed. Jan 20
Wed. Jan 20
Fighting and Praying
The right environment for answered prayer is one that's free from "anger or disputing" (1Ti 2:8 NIV). God blesses where there's unity. That's why Satan works so hard to keep husbands and wives at odds with each other. That way we won't pray together, much less expect our prayers to get God excited. Peter addresses this head-on: "If you don't treat [your wife] as you should, your prayers will not get ready answers" (1Pe 3:7 TLB). When a couple's prayers are hindered, the devil has the key to the house and he can come and go at will.
James gives us another angle on the foolishness of fighting and praying. Not only do we fight about stuff, but after we fight we still don't get what we want. Why? In some cases, it's because we should have prayed for it instead of fighting about it. In other cases, we don't get it because God isn't about to give it to us so we can blow it on ourselves. James writes: "What is causing the quarrels and fights among you? Don't they come from the evil desires at war within you? You want what you don't have, so you scheme and kill to get it. You are jealous of what others you fight and wage war to take it away from them. Yet you don't have what you want because you don't ask God for it. And even when you ask, you don't get it because your motives are all wrong" (Jas 4:1-3 NLT). You can't fight and pray at the same time - so decide which it's going to be!
James gives us another angle on the foolishness of fighting and praying. Not only do we fight about stuff, but after we fight we still don't get what we want. Why? In some cases, it's because we should have prayed for it instead of fighting about it. In other cases, we don't get it because God isn't about to give it to us so we can blow it on ourselves. James writes: "What is causing the quarrels and fights among you? Don't they come from the evil desires at war within you? You want what you don't have, so you scheme and kill to get it. You are jealous of what others you fight and wage war to take it away from them. Yet you don't have what you want because you don't ask God for it. And even when you ask, you don't get it because your motives are all wrong" (Jas 4:1-3 NLT). You can't fight and pray at the same time - so decide which it's going to be!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Daily Reading - "These Three Remain: Faith, Hope, Love." 1Co 13:13 NIV
Here is how it read today...
Tues. Jan 19
Tues. Jan 19
Keep Hope Alive
In 1914, Sir Ernest Shackleton attempted the first land crossing of Antarctica. But his ship, the Endurance, got stuck in icy waters and sank. Shackleton and his twenty-seven-member crew were stranded twelve hundred miles from civilization, drifting on ice floes with just three rickety lifeboats, a few tents and limited provisions. Eventually they reached a small island and waited while Shackleton and a handful of men took one of the lifeboats eight hundred miles over tumultuous seas to a whaling station. Shackleton returned with a rescue ship, and every man survived the eighteen-month ordeal. How did he keep everybody's hope alive? First, he modeled optimism. Shackleton, who described optimism as "true moral courage," always believed that he and his crew would survive, and he spread that optimism to everyone around him. Second, he nurtured their sense of significance. He kept everyone involved by seeking their opinions and giving them tasks which made them feel like they were part of the solution. Third, he encouraged them. He used humor and promoted a lighthearted atmosphere. Shackleton recognized that under extreme pressure, the ability to lighten the mood neutralizes fear and enables people to focus, re-energize, and prevail over daunting obstacles. Isn't it interesting that one of the few items Shackleton rescued from the sinking ship was a crewman's banjo? He did it so the group could have music. Shackleton was a prime example of how one person can keep hope alive. If you know someone who's in the middle of a difficult trial, your words of kindness and love, your confidence in them, your ability to lighten their load, can keep hope alive.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Daily Reading - "A Foolish Man Devours All He Has." Pr 21:20 NIV
Here is how it read today.
Mon. Jan 18
Mon. Jan 18
God And Your Money (3)
If you want to be a good steward of what God has entrusted to you, do these four things:
(1) Reduce the debt you carry. Be guided by wisdom, not impulse. Spending less than you earn is the key to financial security. When you're in debt over your head it pre-commits you and dictates what you can do down the road. What you do today is the only influence you have over tomorrow.
(2) Remember, cash is king! Don't worry about sophisticated investment strategies until you've got at least three to six months' living expenses in the bank. That way you're prepared when emergencies arise - and they will. The Bible says: "In the house of the wise are stores...but a foolish man devours all he has."
(3) Have a long-term financial goal and refer to it regularly. Lion tamers use a stool for control. Why? Because the lion will try to focus on all four legs, and end up confused. Focus on your long-term goal!
(4) Don't just save, sow. "Whoever sows generously will also reap generously" (2Co 9:6 NIV). True financial freedom comes when giving no longer threatens your sense of security, because you've learned that consecutive sowing into God's kingdom always generates consecutive reaping. The truth is, there's no better way live!
(1) Reduce the debt you carry. Be guided by wisdom, not impulse. Spending less than you earn is the key to financial security. When you're in debt over your head it pre-commits you and dictates what you can do down the road. What you do today is the only influence you have over tomorrow.
(2) Remember, cash is king! Don't worry about sophisticated investment strategies until you've got at least three to six months' living expenses in the bank. That way you're prepared when emergencies arise - and they will. The Bible says: "In the house of the wise are stores...but a foolish man devours all he has."
(3) Have a long-term financial goal and refer to it regularly. Lion tamers use a stool for control. Why? Because the lion will try to focus on all four legs, and end up confused. Focus on your long-term goal!
(4) Don't just save, sow. "Whoever sows generously will also reap generously" (2Co 9:6 NIV). True financial freedom comes when giving no longer threatens your sense of security, because you've learned that consecutive sowing into God's kingdom always generates consecutive reaping. The truth is, there's no better way live!
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Daily Reading - "Behold, A Woman...With An Issue." MT 9:20
Here is how it read today.
Sat. Jan 9
Sat. Jan 9
Bring Your "Issues" To Jesus
Are there "issues" you've struggled with so long that they have drained the life out of you? Do they whip out their resumes and remind you that you've already tried every solution and nothing has worked? Do they whisper, "I'm here to stay, get used to it"? Have you told yourself, "I thought by this particular date my marriage would be healed or my health restored, I'd be out of debt or the door would've opened," but it hasn't happened and you're discouraged? If so, do what this woman did: "Behold, a woman...with an issue...twelve years...said within herself...If I may but touch [him]...I shall be whole" (w. 20-21). This hurting woman had three options. She could have said to herself: (1) "Nothing is going to change." (2) "In a crowd this size Jesus will never notice me." (3) "If I may but touch [him]...I shall be whole." She chose the third option; so should you! Tune out the nay-sayers, silence your doubts, start speaking words of faith and move in His direction.
Matthew writes: "He relieved the inwardly tormented. He cured the bodily ill. He fulfilled Isaiah's well-known sermon: He took our illnesses, He carried our diseases" (Mt 8:17 TM). Jesus loves you and wants to make you whole. Your past doesn't matter, nor do your present circumstances. The only thing that matters is touching Him by faith. What Jesus said to this woman, He's saying to you today: "Your faith has made you well. Go in peace" (Mk 5:34 NKJV). So bring your "issues" to Jesus and let Him touch you.
Matthew writes: "He relieved the inwardly tormented. He cured the bodily ill. He fulfilled Isaiah's well-known sermon: He took our illnesses, He carried our diseases" (Mt 8:17 TM). Jesus loves you and wants to make you whole. Your past doesn't matter, nor do your present circumstances. The only thing that matters is touching Him by faith. What Jesus said to this woman, He's saying to you today: "Your faith has made you well. Go in peace" (Mk 5:34 NKJV). So bring your "issues" to Jesus and let Him touch you.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Daily Reading - "Your Word Is...A Light To My Path." Ps 119:105 NKJV
Here is how it read today.
Fri. Jan 8
Fri. Jan 8
Read Your Bible!
When asked, "What book has most influenced your life?" most folks say the Bible. Yet fewer than 14% of us read it every day. How come? Our most common excuses are: (1) I've no time. Really? Many of the books in your Bible can be read in ten to forty-five minutes, some in less than twenty minutes. By taking a chapter a day you can complete the book of Proverbs in a month and the Epistles of James in five days. (2) I don't know where to begin. If starting in Genesis and working your way through seems overwhelming break it into bite-sized pieces. Pick a Gospel and read the life of Christ. Just get started! (3) It's not exciting. Do you like romance? Read the book of Ruth. Looking for adventure? Try Judges or Acts. Enjoy poetry? Explore Song of Solomon. From history to how-to, it's all in Scripture. (4) Isn't going to church every week good enough? Billy Graham says, "The Bible is the road map for life, and while your pastor can highlight the best route to take, you learn how to navigate life's twists and turns for yourself." (5) It makes me uncomfortable. When you don't know what God's Word actually says, it's easy to equate it with negative experiences and hypocrisy you've observed, then throw out the baby with the bathwater. No question, the Bible makes you face hard truths. It "judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart" (Heb 4:12 NIV). It gives you a check-up from the neck, up. But you'll discover who you are, what you're called to do, and become empowered to do it!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Daily Reading - "I Will Give You Words And Wisdom." Lk 21:15 NIV
Here is how it read today.
Wed. Jan 6
Wed. Jan 6
Ask God For Wisdom
God doesn't issue rules and regulations for every moment; instead, He provides guidelines and principles and allows us to make decisions. That's because He's glorified when we choose to consult, trust and obey Him. James writes: "If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all" (Jas 1:5 NIV). You haven't really begun to live until you've learned to tap into God's wisdom comes a remarkable absence of fear. We're no longer intimidated by circumstances or the opinions of those around us. We can lose a job or get promoted, and neither will derail us. We can get into an unexpected valley or soar to the pinnacle of success, and cope equally well with both. That's because the wisdom of God gives us balance, insight and stability. None of these are natural traits, each is a by-product of the wisdom that comes from God. We don't get them simply because we're Christians. No, we get them because we ask for them. God's wisdom provides us with the sixth sense needed in confusing situations, and the strength to press on confidently in spite of unanswered questions. Do you need wisdom today? Spend more time with the One who said: "I will give you words and wisdom (He offers both) that none of your adversaries will be able to...contradict." It works like this: when you make Jesus Lord of your life you're given access to the wisdom of God. With the Son of God, comes the wisdom of God. It's all part of the package.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Daily Reading - "Love Never Fails." 1Co 13:8 NKJV
Here is how it read today.
Tues. Jan 5
Tues. Jan 5
Improving Your Marriage
Here are five ideas for putting new life into your marriage:
(1) Renew your commitment. Rough spots are normal in marriage. What else would you expect from two imperfect people? Decide, "I'm going to win my mate again.? And start with an act of your will, not a feeling in your stomach. Say, "I'll do what I need to do for the highest good of my mate." Yes, it's tough when only one partner makes the commitment. But when you do, that gets you on track with the Lord and frees Him up to deal with your mate. Any marriage will work when two people say, "Lord, tell us what to do." God can make a difference in your marriage, but it takes work. The feelings will come back, but feelings can't be the determining factor in your decision. (2) Start dating again. Nobody likes being taken for granted so adopt the attitude, "I'm going to keep wooing and winning my mate." (3) Give up something for my mate. It sends the right signal when you say, "Yes, I know I planned to do that, but I'd rather be with you." (4) Pay attention to little things. The little stuff gets forgotten too easily, like paying your wife compliments or buying her a card to say, "I love you." Or surprising, your husband by wearing his favorite dress and making him a special meal. (5) Accentuate the positive. Anybody can be a critic. If you look hard enough you'll never run out of things that aren't perfect about your mate. Try looking that hard for something good, let them know what you find, and watch what happens!
(1) Renew your commitment. Rough spots are normal in marriage. What else would you expect from two imperfect people? Decide, "I'm going to win my mate again.? And start with an act of your will, not a feeling in your stomach. Say, "I'll do what I need to do for the highest good of my mate." Yes, it's tough when only one partner makes the commitment. But when you do, that gets you on track with the Lord and frees Him up to deal with your mate. Any marriage will work when two people say, "Lord, tell us what to do." God can make a difference in your marriage, but it takes work. The feelings will come back, but feelings can't be the determining factor in your decision. (2) Start dating again. Nobody likes being taken for granted so adopt the attitude, "I'm going to keep wooing and winning my mate." (3) Give up something for my mate. It sends the right signal when you say, "Yes, I know I planned to do that, but I'd rather be with you." (4) Pay attention to little things. The little stuff gets forgotten too easily, like paying your wife compliments or buying her a card to say, "I love you." Or surprising, your husband by wearing his favorite dress and making him a special meal. (5) Accentuate the positive. Anybody can be a critic. If you look hard enough you'll never run out of things that aren't perfect about your mate. Try looking that hard for something good, let them know what you find, and watch what happens!
Monday, January 4, 2010
Daily Reading - "All Those...Gained [God's] Approval." Heb 11:39 NAS
Here is how it read today.
Mon. Jan 4
Mon. Jan 4
Living By Faith
Hebrews Chapter 11 is often referred to as "the gallery of faith." Two groups are mentioned. Group one "escaped...the sword" (v. 34). Group two "were put to death with the sword" (v. 37). Now we'd all like to be in one group, but the Bibles says both groups "gained [God's] approval through their faith." The Message paraphrases this Scripture: "These people of faith died not yet having in hand what was promised, but still believing. How did they do it? They saw it way off in the distance" (Heb 11:13 TM). Their faith kept them focused!
Sometimes faith is an instrument of change, other times it's a means of survival; it's what gives you the tenacity to truth God when His will seems to clash with yours. Often your faith is perfected more when things don't change than when they do. You don't need faith for what you can see or have already attained; you need it when life makes no sense, when you can't explain why the baby dies, or the job falls through, or the marriage isn't working, or the wicked prosper, of the good die, or the righteous suffer, or the kind receive no comfort. We think there's only one good outcome - the one we want. No, we must trust the character and plan of God; who He is and what He does. We must see Him at work in whatever comes our way. And even when we can't, we must trust Him, knowing He "causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose" "Ro 8:28 NLT). Did you get that? Everything!
Sometimes faith is an instrument of change, other times it's a means of survival; it's what gives you the tenacity to truth God when His will seems to clash with yours. Often your faith is perfected more when things don't change than when they do. You don't need faith for what you can see or have already attained; you need it when life makes no sense, when you can't explain why the baby dies, or the job falls through, or the marriage isn't working, or the wicked prosper, of the good die, or the righteous suffer, or the kind receive no comfort. We think there's only one good outcome - the one we want. No, we must trust the character and plan of God; who He is and what He does. We must see Him at work in whatever comes our way. And even when we can't, we must trust Him, knowing He "causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose" "Ro 8:28 NLT). Did you get that? Everything!
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Daily Reading - "For The Vision...Will Surely Come." Hab 2:3
Here is how it read today.
Sat. Jan 2
Sat. Jan 2
What's Your Vision For The New Year (4)
Obstacles won't destroy your vision, but your attitude can. After a grueling sixteen month odyssey an aging Paul wrote from a squalid Roman dungeon, "Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice" (Php 4:4). Paul knew two things you need to know: (1) It's not over til God says it's over. Circumstances and people don't have the last word - God does! He is "author and finisher of our faith" (Heb 12:2). With God, quitting is not an option. When you quit without His permission you're "AWOL." Furthermore, when you abandon your mission you forfeit His protection and provision. (2) Nothing can defeat you without your permission - and you don't have to give it. You can't control what happens to you, but you can control what you say and do. That's all you need to control; God will control the rest. You can't control the "handicaps, puzzles and persecution" that come your way, but you can control whether or not you'll respond with "frustration, despair and rejection." You can't always avoid getting "knocked down," but you can determine whether or not you get "knocked out" (See 2Co 4:8-9 Phps). Refusing to stay down denies your enemy permission to sabotage your destiny. Do you have a God-given dream? Refuse to quit and it "will surely come." Have no dream? Ask God for one. Already accomplished your dream? Ask God for another one before you lose the joy and motivation of life. Have a dream so small it doesn't stretch you? Ask God for a bigger one and watch your faith grow!
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