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Sunday, November 23, 2008

You Can't Make This Up vol. 4 Ruth Lessons

So I try to keep a steady diet of reading my Bible and ready my daily word. Recently my lady decided she was done with me. Ironically, if you read past blogs, seems this was destined to happen, and if you want more proof, here it is...In my daily readings since thursday (when things really went south), has been nothing more than a dose of well, here it is...

Sun Nov. 23

"Finding yourself"
Ruth's life was spiraling downward. Her husband died. She'd left her old home in Moab and wasn't accepted in her new one in Bethelehem. She was in survival more, making the best of a bad deal by gleaning just enough to stay alive. Then God turned things around. The reapers began deliberately dropping handfuls of barley in her path. She stared picking up undeserved blessings. Why? Because Boaz saw Ruth gleaning and told his workers, "leave them for her to pick up" (Ru 2:16 NIV). Even though Boaz had never spoken directly to Ruth, she still received the blessing. There's an important lesson here: You don't know what God has spoken over your life, but suddenly everything changes! Doors open, opportunities come, people you thought didn't notice you, or even like you, begin showing you favor. What's happening? Your steps are being ordered by the Lord (See Ps 37:23). When the Israelites came into the Promised Land God told them, I'm giving you "vineyards...you did not plant" (Dt 6:11 NKJV). God can put you in situations where others do the work and you get the benefit. And you don't even have to worry or get jealous about somebody else getting what's yours, because nobody can glean except you.
Ruth started out for one destination and "found herself" in another. When Boaz called her name, she came from the background to a place of blessing in the foreground. Instead of working in a corner of the field, she ended up owning the field. When God moves, that's how quickly it can happen. So be ready!

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