Tues. Jan 27
Happiness keys (2)
Jesus said, "[Real] life is not measured by how much you own" (Lk 12:15 NLT) but by how you live. That's why it's always wise to:
...............Challenge yourself. Examine how you spend your leisure time. After a long day it's easy to "vege out" in front of the TV, but you'll be happier if you are physically or mentally active. Go for a walk, play with your kids, take time to read God's Word and pray, even when you don't feel like it. Jesus said that in order to follow Him, we "must give up things [we] want" (See Lk 9:23 NCV).
...............Reach out to others. The smallest good deed is worth more than the most grandiose intention, so if you want to help yourself, help others. Not only will it make you feel better, being around other people who are giving of themselves keeps you connected to a larger cause. The enemy doesn't mind you talking about your faith as long as you don't practice it, whereas God never teaches us anything without giving us an opportunity to put it to work. That's why Jesus said, "Blessed...are those who hear the word...and obey."
...............Be more patient. A man who rode the ferry to work prided himself on his punctuality. But one day he overslept. Fearing he'd be in trouble with his boss, he raced to the dock only to see the boat six feet out from the terminal. Taking a leap, he landed on the deck. Smiling, the captain said, "Great jump! But if you'd waited another minute we have'd docked and you could've walked on." Don't be in such a hurry, give it a little time. "Patience...can...overcome any problem" (Pr 25:15 CEV).
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