E - T - C Headline Animator

Monday, January 19, 2009

Daily Reading - "They Committed Themselves To The Teaching Of The Apostles, [And]...Life Together." Acts 2:42 TM

So here is how it read today...

Mon. Jan 19
How to build a strong team (2)

The success of the New Testament church was driven by two things: (1) A sound scriptural foundation. (2) A sense of belonging. On good teams, players extend trust to one another. Initially it's a risk because your trust can be violated and you can get hurt. At the same time they are giving trust, each team member must conduct themselves in such a way as to earn the trust of others by holding themselves to a high standard. When everyone gives freely and bonds of trust develop and are tested over time, they begin to have faith in one another. They believe that the people next to them will act with consistency, keep commitments, maintain confidences and support each other. The stronger their sense of belonging becomes, the greater their potential to work together.
All teams have disagreements. The leader of one mega-church writes, "Let's not pretend we never disagree. We're dealing with 16,000 people and the stakes are high. Let's not have people hiding their concerns to protect false notion of unity. Let's face the disagreement and deal with it in a good way. The mark of community is not the absence of conflict, it's the presence of a reconciling spirit. I can have a rough-and-tumble meeting with someone, but because we're committed to each other we can leave, slapping each other on the back, saying, 'I'm glad we're still on the same team.'" Those who built the New Testament church overcame moral and financial problems, doctrinal differences and prejudice. How? Through "a reconciling spirit." As a result, they are credited with "turning the world upside down" (See Ac 17:6).

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