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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Daily Reading - "Happy Is The Man Who...Gains Understanding." Proverbs 3:13 NKJV

Here is how it read today...

Tues. Jan 20

How to build a strong team (3)
An important key to building a strong team is being open to new and different ideas. One of your greatest dangers as you become older (or more successful) is that your thinking can become institutionalized - which is just another word for "fossilized." To remain successful you must create an environment in which the free exchange of information and ideas takes place. If people had not been permitted to try things we'd still be traveling by horse and carriages, dining by candlelight, and dying a lot earlier from preventable diseases. It's said that knowledge is doubling every five to ten years. That lets us know how much we didn't know - when we thought we knew it all.
............."Happy is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gains understanding." We must honor what we've learned by building on it, but we never stop asking, "Is there a better way?" Champions don't ease up because they're ahead of the competition; they're still accelerating as they cross the finish line. The competition keeps you sharp. You need them.
.............Irish singer Bono said something worth noting: "I would be terrified to be on my own as a solo singer...I surrounded myself wit...a band, a family of very spunky kids, and a wife who's smarter than anyone...you're only as good as the arguments you get. So maybe the reason why the band hasn't split up is that people might get this: even though I'm only one quarter of U2, I'm more than I could be if I was one whole of something else." Solomon put it this way: "As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens...his friend" (Pr 27:17 NKJV).

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