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Sunday, November 30, 2008

Daily Reading "After The Fire Came A Gentle Whisper" (1 Kings 19:12 NIV)

So here is how it read today...

Sun Nov. 30


"Mind the Checks"
A respected auther writes: " I was driving a safe distance behind the car in front when the driver slammed on his brakes. I stopped short, but the car behind was too close and rammed into my Jeep. There was no real damage, but as I drove off something about the incident nagged at me. Weeks later I was on a fast-moving highway. Behind me was a huge truck loaded with cars...in front were several cars...and up agead, a school bus. Suddenly I noticed the brake lights from the cars in front - then I remembered the lesson from the accident earlier. Somtimes I can stop safely, but the driver behind me can't. When I looked in my rearview mirror the truck loaded with cars was frantically trying to stop. I pulled over, giving him an extra car length, and he screeched to a stop - right behind the car ahead of me. If I hadn't listened we'd all have piled up."
A new Christian was asked the secret to her spiritual growth. Her response was, "Mind the checks." One reason we don't understand God better is because we don't heed His gentle "checks." The Bible says: "After the fire came a gentle whisper." Learn to listen for it. When you're about to go down a certain path and you sense a red light, or a different path opening up, pay attention, even when God asks you to move in the dark. Wherever His finger points, His hand will clear the way.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Where I'm At...

Feelings by Floetry. Wonderful Presentation by Tae on Feelings and Love.

Where I'm At...

"Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets, So luv the ppl who treat u right, pray for the ones who dont & believe that eveything happens for a reason!!!!"

Got that from my man feets who hoopin over seas doin his thing.

So if you keep up with this blog which correlates with my life, it should be apparent that I'm a but emotional now and days for one specific reason. So here I am, single once again, not really having committed any wrong doing, jus not enough good doing. I truly believe everything happens for a reason so of course the hurt is for a reason and to be honest I welcome it. It shows me that yes, I have loved deeply an intimately even if the love wasn't fully reciprocated or fabricated, on my end it was real, true and deep. Problem with all of this, it's very hard to shake it. Am I really suppose to just move on from a feeling that was obviously true to me? Am I suppose to give up on that feeling? Am I suppose to abandon it for my own welfare? If love is God and vicer versa, am I suppose to do all those things to Him?

Apparently this is what everything inside me is telling me to do. From my readings, to simple common sense to the random coincidences of random thoughts and opinions from others not even aware of the situation, everything says, "Focus On Paul." Well if Paul has always been defined as "Focus on Love," I guess I have to simply focus on truly and intametly learning how to Love Myself. Problem is, I do love myself and to do anything different from what I've done to me seems selfish, and this is something I lack. The ability to truly be selfish, I just wasn't bread that way. At the end of the day, I know, feelings are feelings, they come and they go, but at the end of the day, when you truly love someone, they never go fully, they will always have a part of you. Let's just say, there are a lot of parts of me out there and I'm stretching thin. So I'm praying for the Lord to give me the strength, awareness, ability, and proper instructions as to the procedures and path I should take towards properly Loving myself and not being too selfish as well as living by His word. I know and believe that with God anything is possible so I will not ever worry, only anticipate patiently his blessing.

Daily Reading "When The Holy Spirit Controls Our Lives He Will Produce...Kindness, Goodness...Gentleness." (Galatians 5:22-23 TLB)

So here is how it read today...

Nov Fri. 28


Are you approachable? (1)
Dr. John Maxwell writes: "Sooner or later, a man, if he is wise, discovers that life is a mixture of good days and bad, victory and defeat, give and take. He learns that it doesn't pay to be a too-sensitive soul, that he should let some things go over his head. He learns that he who loses his temper usually loses out, that all men occasionally have burnt toast for breakfast, and that he shouldn't take the other fellow's grouch too seriously. He learns that carrying a chip on is shoulder is teh esaiest way to get into trouble, that the quickest way to become unpopular is to carry tales of gossip about others, that buck-passing always turns out to be a boomerang, adn that it doesn't matter who gets the credit as long as the job gets done. He learns that most others are as ambitious as he is, that they have brains as good or better, that hard work, not cleverness, is the secret of success. He learns that no one ever gets to first base alone, that it's only through co-operative effort that we move on to better things. He realizes (in short) that the 'art of getting along,' depends 98% on his own behavior towards others."
So, what about you? Jesus said, "Consider carefully how you listen" (Lk 8:18 NIV). When was the last time someone brought you news you didn't want to hear? Or strongly disagreed with you? Or confronted you? If it's been a while, you may not be a very approachable person. We can give no greater gift to others - than putting them at ease.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

What I'm Thankful For...

I'm simply but most thankful of course for anybody who knows me, my family. Although it may not be true for everyone else, my family provides me with a feeling that is definitely something you cannot describe. There are absolutely no worries when I'm with them, no concerns, no nothing. The one and only problem is the fact that my older brother isn't here and who knows when he'll ever get a chance to come back. But still, I'm thankful that God is still keeping him here in spirit and keeping the possibility of him being reconnected with us in the future. This overwhelming feeling of nothing but good feelings is something I can't get enough of, I pretty much get somewhat upset as the night grows because of course people must go carrying a piece of that feeling with them. I am thankful that it is 2008, I'm 25 years old, still alive, healthy, have an income that pays my bills, have wonderful friends that I KNOW I can depend on, have no real reason to complain. But to completely honest, I did have a slight depressed moment before meeting with my family. Before leaving my house I thought once again, its the holidays and I am truly single, no female at all to bring with me to visit the famil, so of course I immediately thought of rita (my ex). I ended up jus messaging her just to say happy holidays and to let her family know I said the same. Well I guess the holiday spirit was in her becuz later in the day she called and left me a message returning the gesture. So I'm most definitely thankful for that. So all in all, this Thanksgiving was great. Could it have been better, possibly, but at the same time it could have also been a lot worst. The fact that I had the opportunity to enjoy the company of my family for an elongated period of time and provide me with that wonderful feeling of overwhelming love, I would say I'm going to do nothing more than just be extremely thankful for that.

Happy Thanksgiving

Just want to say Happy Thanksgiving to anyone who reads my blog and say thank you for getting to no me more and I appreciate you taking an interest in my life and my thoughts.

Daily Reading "I Will Bless The Lord At All Times" Ps 34:1


Cultivate a thankful heart!
David said, "I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth." A thankful heart should be a way of life for us. But did you know that it can save your life? When Jonah disobeyed God and ended up inside the whale, he told the Lord, "I will sacrifice you You with...thanksgiving" (Jo 2:9 NKJV). When he did, God made the fish spit him up on dry land. When you're in the pits and all hell is breaking loose around you, that's when you need to raise your voice in praise. Nothing demonstrates trust, like thanking God when you're in the throes of crisis. A thankful heart does two things:
(a) It builds your faith. The reason "we [can] walk by faith [and] not by sight (2Co 5:7 NAS), is because we know that regardless of the circumstances, God's working on our behalf (See Ro 8:28). David said, "Magnify the Lord with me" (Ps 34:3). To magnify something is to enlarge it. When you focus on God instead of the problem, God becomes bigger and the problem becomes smaller. Plus, "Faith cometh by hearing...the word of God" (Ro 10:17). Hearing God's promises coming from your own lips, causes faith to rise in your heart. So start talking!
(b) It restores life. Before raising Lazarus from the dead Jesus looked up to heaven and said, "Father...thank You that You have heard Me. And I know that You always hear Me" (Jn 11:41-42 NKJV). Something wonderful happens when you start thanking God for saving, protecting and providing for you. Your faith soars. You gain the confidence to command those things in your life that you thought were dead, to live again. So, cultivate a thankful heart!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I Am What I Am...vol. 2

So it's the holiday season, and here I am single. "So what," some of you are prolly thinking or saying and at the same time, I'm saying that too. I mean I got my family and friends and I am very thankful for that. My problem is, that damnMariah Carey song, All I Want For Christmas. I really love that song, I feel that song so much that when it comes on I get emotional. (Yea for all the tought guys, you can insert I'm gay here cuz I'm like Carl Thomas and I get emotional.) I guess I really am a sucker for love. I really love being in a relationship, having someone to call mines, being able to depend on someone for comfort and being able to provide that for them as well no matter what. I love that I have someone besides God to live for, work for, and hopefully make their dreams come true. I love to know that no matter what, I have this one person who will always have my back and support me and I will do the same for them. I love the stupid stuff that goes on in relationships that make them worth being in. The things that happen that you would never put up with unless you know you love them, which lets you know, YOU REALLY LOVE THEM. I love just being around that someone without saying or doing anything but feeling so good, so peaceful, so right just to be there. Yea I guess I'm a sucker for love, but at the end of the day, God is love, so why not be a sucker for Him?

I Am What I Am...

So I was talking to my man Dre bout what people doing for the holidays and it came up in the topic that I care more about family than msot people who know, that's who I am. When he first said it, I didn't know how to take it. After I thought on it for a while, it was sadly (well not sadly) true. Meaning, while I take a deep appreciation for trying to keep in contact and show my face and living and trying to achieve things for my family and close friends, everyone else mainly concern themselves with themselves first and than their family and friends. This has been one of my achilles heal since I could remember. While I try so much to help and please those close to me, I more than often sacrifice my well being in the process. What's crazy is, I know that's me but no matter how hard I try it seems impossible for me to change. Impossible is nothing right, well the day I master this art of concerning myself with just that, myself, I have no idea where I'll end up. It's simply hard for me to be selfish, but if in doing that I can get to another level of "success," than I guess I will need to practice day by day how to be selfish.

Keeping Steady...

So I was starting to be consumed by this feeling of guilt for a number of reasons. Thankfully, I have friends that can help me to not put more on myself than I should, simply meaning, I can't control the actions of other people so I shouldn't worry myself with the outcome. I put in my two cents on the issue and if people don't listen and something happens than I shouldn't dwell on it. It's outta my hands. Anyways on another note, that daily reading also help to put me back on steady ground. Because right now I feel as though I'm in a tight place. My one job will be ending at the end of this month, I really don't see myself keeping the other one, so I obviously am going to be in need of some kinda of stable income. So i gotta find that by the end of the month. Just found out today that yea, have to get 2 root canals, yea 2. So on top of all the other simple procedures I have to get that done, and you thought right, aint going to be cheap even with my benefits. I have so many possible opportunities in front of me but at the same time all of them are like 10 fingerlengths away and I feel strapped down with Astronaut Seatbelts. If I could somehow get loose on one of them so many things would turn, the thing is, I feel strapped with my hands tied fingers behind my back and mouth covered, BUT STILL, I'M FIGHTING. This reading help me to understand that I must not worry, because hey, as long as I'm doing everything I'm suppose to do, I will be taken care of. So with that being said, I'm doing quite fine. Not hungry, bills are paid, and I still at the end of the day have two jobs. What's to complain about?

Daily Reading "God Is Our Reguge & Strength" (Ps 46:1)

So here is how it read today...

Wed Nov. 26


Help in tight places!
We live in a troubled world 9/11; natural disasters like Hurricane Katrina, tsunamis, wars, the sub-prime mortage crisis and soaring gas prices have tapped the roots of our anxiety. Every night the media invades our homes bringing it all to us in real time, exposing us to a new phenomenon called "compassion fatigue." Modern-day psychiatrists identify the helplessness, stress, vulnerability and depression we feel watching and wondering, "What if we are next to be targeted by terrorists or slammed by forces of nature? Who will protect us?"
To the fearful in heart, the Bible says three things: (1) "God is our refuge and strentgh, a very present help in trouble." The margin of the New American Standard Bible renders this last phrase, "Abundantly available for help in tight places." Isn't that great! When you're in a tight spot, God is abundantly available to help you. Notice, it doesn't say that God will help you occasionally or reluctantly. No, He will do it abundantly and faithfully. What more do you need? (2) "Therefore we will not fear" (v 2 NIV). You needn't panic, talk defeat, or give in to despair. The songwriter said, "He's as close as the mention of his name." Just breathe His name in prayer, and He'll be there for you. (3) "Let the oceans roar...Let the mountains tremble" (v. 3 NLT) When everything you once thought to be stable and dependable, is threatened and shaken to the core - you wil be where you have always been - in the strong and loving arms of God; the One who is "abundantly available to help in tight places."

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Where I'm At

You Can't Make This Up vol. 6 Ruth Lessons

So now that Ruth's lesson were over I've still decided to keep this going. Here it is...

Be grateful for you job
It's too easy to complain about your present position, whether it be as a nightshift cashier in a supermarket or the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, wihtout appreciating how you got there. Where would we be without mothers taking laundry so that their childrean could take piano lessons, or fathers working second jobs so that their children could attend college? Before you go any further, stop and give thanks for the contributions others have made in your life.
You say, "But things are not going too well for me right now." Perhaps, but when Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers he couldn't possibly conceive that God would turn their evil intentions inside out and establish him as a leader to save the nation. The Bible records story after story where adversity leads to advancement and loss leads to gain. There's a master plan unfolding in your life. Be wise, take the lessons you've learned into the future God has in mind for you. When evil comes, be comforted in knowing that God is in control. The Devil may be stoking the fire you're in, but rest assured that God has His hand on the thermostat!
The story of Job teaches us that the Devil has to be given permission to attack us. So if God is allowing the attack, surely He's planning our victory. He wouldn't allows us to be in a battle we couldn't win! God looks for hand-picked people He can send into difficult environments, that He might be glorified. He makes all things "work together for good" (Ro 8:28) so don't be intimidated. Just keep your eyes open and see what God is up to!

Guilty Conscience

I'm not sad, but I'm already feeling guilty. My ex and my female best friend seem like they headed on a crash course I don't want to see happen. At the end, no matter what I say, I'm going to be who people look at if something really bad happen and I don't want anything to happen to begin with. But of course even though it started with me, its looking like even though I've tried to remove myself from the situation, the situation continues and aint headed no where good. I pray that cooler heads somehow prevail and that God helps me to help people realize that voilence solves nothing. Words from people who don't matter shouldn't matter. So why are we even here?

Monday, November 24, 2008

You Can't Make This Up vol. 5 Ruth Lessons

So I try to keep a steady diet of reading my Bible and ready my daily word. Recently my lady decided she was done with me. Ironically, if you read past blogs, seems this was destined to happen, and if you want more proof, here it is...In my daily readings since thursday (when things really went south), has been nothing more than a dose of well, here it is...

Mon Nov. 24


You must understand the reason

Can you imagine how Ruth felt? She was bereaved by loss, penniless, worried about the future, coming out of famine, then suddenly having more than she needed dropped into her lap. She didn't deserve it, didn't earn it, and couldn't even understand it. That's how God works.

But a word of caution: When you're not used to being blessed it can go to your head! The Bibles says: "Remember the Lord your God, for it is He Who gives you power to [succeed in life]" (Dt 8:18 AMP). God is the One Who enables you to do what others find difficult or impossible; in some cases they are taking classes to do what you do naturally. That's because God has blessed you with ability. "Why would He do that?" you ask. Because there's a direct correlation between your blessings and your life's purpose. God doesn't bless you so you can hoard, or strut. Whether His blessings come in the form of increased finances, improved health or greater influence, God's gifts are just tools to reposition you so that you can do His will. The enemy isn't just after your provision, He's after your purpose! What good is success if you are not in the will of God? When God gives you something, He wants you to use it for His glory. SO when God gives you His blessings, be sure to read the instructions that go with them - only then will you please Him and find fulfillment! And one more thing, always remember that God is the source of everything you have - and ever will have!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

In The Beginning (Prequel)

Before making my own blog I was bloggin and making notes via facebook and myspace w/ most of my work being done on myspace. Because of the ease and fact that you can openly view myspace stuff as oppose to facebook, i put this link up for you all to review my history. Of course it will help you understand more of what I right now. So see where I've been and where I am now and enjoy.

You Can't Make This Up vol. 4 Ruth Lessons

So I try to keep a steady diet of reading my Bible and ready my daily word. Recently my lady decided she was done with me. Ironically, if you read past blogs, seems this was destined to happen, and if you want more proof, here it is...In my daily readings since thursday (when things really went south), has been nothing more than a dose of well, here it is...

Sun Nov. 23

"Finding yourself"
Ruth's life was spiraling downward. Her husband died. She'd left her old home in Moab and wasn't accepted in her new one in Bethelehem. She was in survival more, making the best of a bad deal by gleaning just enough to stay alive. Then God turned things around. The reapers began deliberately dropping handfuls of barley in her path. She stared picking up undeserved blessings. Why? Because Boaz saw Ruth gleaning and told his workers, "leave them for her to pick up" (Ru 2:16 NIV). Even though Boaz had never spoken directly to Ruth, she still received the blessing. There's an important lesson here: You don't know what God has spoken over your life, but suddenly everything changes! Doors open, opportunities come, people you thought didn't notice you, or even like you, begin showing you favor. What's happening? Your steps are being ordered by the Lord (See Ps 37:23). When the Israelites came into the Promised Land God told them, I'm giving you "vineyards...you did not plant" (Dt 6:11 NKJV). God can put you in situations where others do the work and you get the benefit. And you don't even have to worry or get jealous about somebody else getting what's yours, because nobody can glean except you.
Ruth started out for one destination and "found herself" in another. When Boaz called her name, she came from the background to a place of blessing in the foreground. Instead of working in a corner of the field, she ended up owning the field. When God moves, that's how quickly it can happen. So be ready!

Sunday Selection - "Encourage Yourself"

Saturday, November 22, 2008

You Can't Make This Up vol. 3 Ruth Lessons

So I try to keep a steady diet of reading my Bible and ready my daily word. Recently my lady decided she was done with me. Ironically, if you read past blogs, seems this was destined to happen, and if you want more proof, here it is...In my daily readings since thursday (when things really went south), has been nothing more than a dose of well, here it is...

Sat Nov. 22

Who belongs in your life?
Ruth told Naomi, "Where you go I will go." You can spend your life anywhere with anybody doing anything, then suddenly meet someone and sense that there is a connection between you. It's what made Elisha quit farming and follow Elijah, an eccentric prophet; it's why Timothy hung out with Paul, an old man soon to be executed. You know intuitively, "I won't reach my destiny without you in my life." looking back you realize if you hadn't met that certain person, or taken that phone call, or read that email, you wouldn't be where you are today.
On the other hand, "Orpah kissed her mother-in-law goodbye" (Ru 1:14 NIV). Now Orpah's leaving didn't make her a bad person; it just meant her part in the story was over. recognize when somebody's part in your story is over, otherwise you'll just keep trying to raise the dead. David pleaded with God for his newborn baby's life. "He fasted...spent the nights lying on teh ground...and...would not eat" (2Sa 12:16-17 NIV). But when the child died he had to accept that there was nothing more he could do, so he "got up...washed...changed his clothes...and he ate" (2Sa 12:20 NIV). Acknowledge when something is over. If God means you to have it, He'll give it to you. If you've tried to make it work and it hasn't, accept His will in teh matter. Get up, go to the mall, buy yourself a new outfit, treat yourself to a good meal; start living again! Never beg anyone to stay with you against their will. Their leaving is no accident; it just means God has something better in store for you (and possibly them too), so trust Him and move on!

You Can't Make This Up vol. 2 Ruth Lessons

So I try to keep a steady diet of reading my Bible and ready my daily word. Recently my lady decided she was done with me. Ironically, if you read past blogs, seems this was destined to happen, and if you want more proof, here it is...In my daily readings since thursday (when things really went south), has been nothing more than a dose of well, here it is...

Fri Nov. 21

You gain through your pain
When their husbands died, Naomi, Ruth, and Orpah experienced a unique bonding process. Unless you've been through it, it's hard to understand. It's a fellowship not born of age, race, background, status, and it brings together the oddest people. When you're hurting, don't look for understanding and support from those who haven't walked in your shoes. People can't give you what they don't have. Often the best they have to offer is the kind of advice that's glib, and quickly becomes annoying. furthermore, until you start to make sense of your pain and see the greater good in it, you can feel like a victim. But once you see God's grace at work, and His hand in it all, you can begin to move ahead: to marry, to have another baby, to get another job, to dream another dream, to live again.
Charles Spurgeon wrote, "Just as old soldiers compare stories and scars, when we arrive at our heavenly home we'll tell of the faithfulness of God Who brought us through. I wouldn't like ot be pointed out as the only one who never experienced sorrow, or feel like a stranger in the midst of that sacred fellowship. Therefore be content to share in the battle, for soon we will wear the crown."
When life suddenly changes and you're fighting just to get through another day, remind yourself taht Satan hasn't snatched the steering wheel from God. No, God is aware of what you're going through and He still has a plan for your life. Be encouraged. You gain through your pain. Victory is born out of struggle. Hold on to His hand; He will bring you through this!

You Can't Make This Up vol. 1 Ruth Lessons

So I try to keep a steady diet of reading my Bible and ready my daily word. Recently my lady decided she was done with me. Ironically, if you read past blogs, seems this was destined to happen, and if you want more proof, here it is...In my daily readings since thursday (when things really went south), has been nothing more than a dose of well, here it is...

Thurs Nov. 20


Be grateful for your blessings

When it comes to valuable life-lessons, the book of Ruth tops the best-seller list. (Have you read it yet?) For the next few days let's look at some of them.

When famine to Bethlehem, Naomi, her husband and two sons moved to Moab where the economy was thriving. What they hoped would be a short stay turned into ten years. Their sons married two local girls, Ruth and Orpah. Then the unthinkable happened. Naomi's husband and two sons died. As a result of her loss she became bitter. When she heard that times were good in Bethlehem she decided to go back home. After she arrived she said, "I went out full, and the Lord has brought me home again empty" (NKJV). What did she mean? She was saying that despite the famine at home in Bethlehem, at least there she had her husband and sons, whereas in Moab, "the land of plenty," she'd lost them.

You never miss the water till the well runs dry! The truth is, you can be blessed and not know it. Only as you look back do you realize that what you have, is much more important that all the things you don't have. When Naomi lost what she loved most, even a famine seemed insignificant by comparison. Have you been saying, "I'll be happy when..."? No, happiness doesn't come from getting what you want, it comes from appreciating what God's given you. Instead of whining and complaining abotu your lot in life, stop and ask yourself, "what would I take in exchange for what I have?" If you don't know the answer, begin counting your blessings and thankging God for them.

God Answers All, Be careful what you ask for...

So here I am single, once again... Am I sad, not as much as I was before, am I hurt, damn skip. While I aint Kanye I defintely gotta heartbreak, cuz of a girl so heartless. But lemme take that back, because see yall dont know the whole story. I've been praying for God to put me where I'm suppose to be and like I said to open up, I am here, single, once again, so I don't blame her for making a decision she thought was right, because in reality, she was part of a destiny, a plan, a path, a test, my God has set for me. Question I now ask my self is, did I pass?

Friday, November 21, 2008

Prisoner of Words Unsaid

Simply how I feel, which is why I started this blog.

"By Any Means Necessary"

This here was one of my original thoughts that I first decided to put to paper, simply explaining why I do what I do when it comes to school/life, females/friends, money/work, and just how and why i operate the way I do.

By Any Means Necessary - P-Talent

"By any means necessary,

I'm stressin lessons, gettin ready, taking different paths not really keeping steady,

but, why should I...

It's By Any Means Necessary.

Right now yea, I'm kinda low on dough, and a nikka could easily push some dro, or maybe sell a

a lil blow, but for what, I'm not ryna Impress these hoes, I'm simply here, to complete my

goals, and I will not let my mom down...

By Any Means Necessary.

I will not give in to, F-A-K-E muthafuckas, I will not be a loner, but I will not condone

imposters, you kno, these bitches and nikkas...., naw, the confused, that smile in ya face

talk behind ya back try to play you all cool when yall BOTH know it aint like that. Ima

maintain a sense of self...

By Any Means Necessary.

Now girl, I understand we share a symptom, some kind of a mutual feeling, so Ima make sure we

BOTH, ABUSE, this rhythm. See you, you gonna fall in love with this song that I sing, in

between ya thighs, leaving you to think, "what was that feeling." So a couple days gonna go

past, and you still gonna be thinking, "I need that feeling,"

By Any Means Necessary.

Where I'm At (w/My Thoughts)

Heartless from kwest on Vimeo.