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Saturday, January 31, 2009

Daily Reading - "Peter Heard Him Say,'It Is The Lord...And Jumped Into The Water." John 21:7 NIV

Here is how it read today....(sorry I'm so late)

Sat. Jan 31
Go overboard for the Lord!
After the disciples had fished all night, catching nothing, Jesus said to them, "Throw you net on the right ride of the boat" and they caught 153 fish. That's how it works; one word from Him, and suddenly everything changes for the better.
............Then we read, "The disciple whom Jesus love said to Peter, "It is the Lord!' As soon as Simon Peter heard him say, 'It is the Lord,' he...jumped into the water" and went straight to Jesus (Jn 21:7 NIV). Notice, Peter had to decide whether to leave his fish and go to Jesus, or to stay behind and enjoy what he'd worked hard for. It's a test we all face when we've accomplished our life's objectives, out nets are full, and we've finally "made it." The challenge is - do we stay and guard our blessings, or go overboard for the Lord and commit ourselves fully to Him?
............Paul briefly refers to his career success: "You know my pedigree...form the elite tribe of Benjamin...defender of...my religion...meticulous observer of...God's law" (Php 3:3-6 TM). Career-wise, Paul was a "Who's Who." But listen to him now: "Things I...thought were so important are gone...dumped...in the trash so that I could embrace Christ" (Php 3:8 TM). Paul realized that his true identity lay not in his accomplishments, but in his relationship with Jesus. Do you feel that way? That night it probably felt like Peter was forfeiting everything, yet when he reached the short he found Jesus buys - cooking fish! Whatever you need, God has it. Whatever you give up, He will repay many times over. Whatever you're willing to walk away from, ultimately determines what He can trust you with.

Daily Reading - "Do Not Be Like The Hypocrites." Matthew 6:5 NIV

So this was for Friday but I forgot to post it but I feel as though it's necessary to still post it, so here is how it read...

Fri. Jan 30

Don't be a hypocrite
Jesus is the only person in the New Testament who used the word "hypocrite." And there may be a reason why. Archaeologists have discovered a city named Sepphoris, built by Herod the Great when Jesus was a boy. You could see it from a hillside on which His hometown of Nazareth was located. It housed a giant amphitheatre. The actors who put on plays there were called hypocrites. They wore masks so that the audience could identify the different characters each was intended to portray. At the end of the performance they would take off their masks and the audience would cheer and clap for them. So, practicing hypocrisy means wearing a mask designed to impress or deceive others. Ouch!
...........Then Jesus talks about three specific areas in which we tend to practice hypocrisy. (1) Giving. "When you give...do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored, by men" (Mt 6:2 NIV). (2) Praying. "When you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you" (Mt 6:6 NIV). (3) Judging. "In the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you...How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your on eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye" (Mt 7:2-5 NIV). So, the Word for you today is - don't be a hypocrite!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Special Selection - "Jesus" by Shekinah Glory Ministry

The Start Of Something Big (cont)

So it was agreed that I wouldn't contact her and that when she felt like it she would contact me, that way I wasn't annoying her. Well I figured I would hear from her more often then it turned out. I was somewhat annoyed at first, because once again, I felt as though I didn't do anything wrong, so why is she avoiding me like this. But I held strong, didn't call, staying on course with my growing relationship with God. Before we made this aggreement, I already noted that she was already dating other people. IT WASN'T EVEN 3 FULL WEEKS. So needless to say, that struck a heavy cord. Now that I wasn't looking at her profiles or hearing from her, my mind just ran rampid, so I tried desparately to keep my mind focus on God. For the most part it worked until I was simply flat out tired of reading and my praying practices weren't the best at the time, so elongated periods of praying never lasted long enough to keep my mind totally occupied and off of thinking about her. Then it finally happend.
When we talked it was eerie to say the least. It was obvious this wasn't going to work. While I was trying my hardest to be a friend and that alone, hearing about anything involving her and another guy was self mutilation to say the least. On top of the fact that she obviously didn't feel comfortable talking to me because of her feelings she was trying desperately to let go. One thing lead to another and we eventually would go through of a back and forth of me wanting more and her treating me like I took her dog and punted it. As time went on, my depression made guest appearances here and there depending on her actions, and needless to say, this was one roller coaster I didn't want to ever be on or event think about riding again.

After one big bout with my depression I made up my mind that I'm going to focus harder, pray longer, and concern myself with staying as positive as possible. I acknowledge the hurt, accepted it, but tried my best to get myself focused on the future on what's in front of me. It was difficult to say the least, so I continuously asked God for help in getting me over this hurdle, and past this feeling. Well as they say, be careful what you ask for.

One night when I didn't have to work, I wasn't really feeling depressed or anything else at that point in time, it was a very weird feeling. It's like I didn't feel anything, which could be very dangerous. At this point in time I didn't really drink much, but I would smoke here and there only in social situations. But this one night, when I was all alone, emotionless, and just watching tv, the power went out. So I calmly lit some candles and had a very intense reading session and praying session and just conversed with God until I peacefully went to sleep. It really was a fulfilling night, but I had no idea how fulfilling it would until I woke up.

To Be Con't...

Daily Reading - "Having Done All...Stand." Ephesians 6:13 NKJV

Here is how it read today

Thur. Jan 29

How long will this attack last?
The size of the prize determines the severity of the fight. The enemy knows your vulnerabilities and he'll push you to your limits. When he does, remember: "Blessed is the man who endures...when he has been approved, he will receive the crown" (Jas 1:12 NKJV). "Approved" means victory qualifies you for greater things. "Endures" means your staying power is being tested. So, "having done all...stand." You say, "How long will this attack last?" The Prince of Darkness hindered Daniel's prayers for twenty-one days (See Da 10:13). Goliath defied the armies of Israel forty days and nights (See 1Sa 17). Your enemy is relentless; you must be, too. When it comes to prayer, your persistence overcomes his resistance. "You have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise" (Heb 10:36 NKJV).
..................David didn't get into trouble with Bathsheba until he left the battlefield. It's the safest place to be. So stay there, keep fighting and God will come to your aid. When Joshua needed extra time to defeat his enemies, the sun stood still. God was saying, "As long as the sun doesn't go down you won't go down either, for the same power that's holding it up is holding you up." Isn't that great?
............ Jesus healed people in different ways. Some He spoke to, others He touched. One day He told ten lepers to go and show themselves to the priest. And the Bible says: "As they went, they were cleansed" (Lk 17:14). They were probably wondering, "When will it happen? How will it happen?" Faith doesn't demand details, it just keeps moving obediently forward, believing God for the right result!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Daily Reading - "They That Wait Upon The Lord Shall Renew Their Strength." Isaiah 40:31

Here is how it read today...

Wed. Jan 28
Need more strength? Wait on God!
God usually doesn't tell us how He will answer our prayers, or even when. But He does promise those who wait on Him one thing - strength. The word "wait" in this Scripture pictures a Hebrew word used in the making of rope. Every rope starts out as a thread, and every strand added just increases its strength. So each time you wait on the Lord you add another thread to the rope; you get a little stronger, a little more able to cope. Do you feel like you're just hanging on by a thread today? Spend more time in God's presence and God's Word, and watch your thread turn into a rope. But waiting is not always passive, sometimes it's active, like waiting on a customer, seeing that his or her needs are met. In this case, waiting is not so much a position as it is a focus.
...........The Bible says, "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee" (Isa 26:3). Whether it's sitting prayerfully in His presence or actively carrying out His will, you have God's assurance that your strength will be renewed.
...........If you're at the end of your rope today, grab hold of these three promises: (1) "Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say, on the Lord" (Ps 27:14 NKJV). (2) "Wait silently for God alone, for my expectation is from Him" (Ps 62:5 NKJV). (3) "As the eyes of servants look to the hand of their masters...so our eyes look to the Lord our God" (Ps 123:2 NKJV). Do you need more strength? Wait on God!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Daily Reading - "Blessed...Are Those Who Hear The Word...And Obey." (Luke 11:28)

Here is how it read today...

Tues. Jan 27

Happiness keys (2)
Jesus said, "[Real] life is not measured by how much you own" (Lk 12:15 NLT) but by how you live. That's why it's always wise to:
...............Challenge yourself. Examine how you spend your leisure time. After a long day it's easy to "vege out" in front of the TV, but you'll be happier if you are physically or mentally active. Go for a walk, play with your kids, take time to read God's Word and pray, even when you don't feel like it. Jesus said that in order to follow Him, we "must give up things [we] want" (See Lk 9:23 NCV).
...............Reach out to others. The smallest good deed is worth more than the most grandiose intention, so if you want to help yourself, help others. Not only will it make you feel better, being around other people who are giving of themselves keeps you connected to a larger cause. The enemy doesn't mind you talking about your faith as long as you don't practice it, whereas God never teaches us anything without giving us an opportunity to put it to work. That's why Jesus said, "Blessed...are those who hear the word...and obey."
...............Be more patient. A man who rode the ferry to work prided himself on his punctuality. But one day he overslept. Fearing he'd be in trouble with his boss, he raced to the dock only to see the boat six feet out from the terminal. Taking a leap, he landed on the deck. Smiling, the captain said, "Great jump! But if you'd waited another minute we have'd docked and you could've walked on." Don't be in such a hurry, give it a little time. "Patience...can...overcome any problem" (Pr 25:15 CEV).

Monday, January 26, 2009

Daily Reading - "If You Know These Things." John 13:17 AMP

Here is how it read today...

Happiness keys (1)
If you want God's best, don't just think about how to invest your money, think about how to invest your life. Jesus said, "If you know these things...happy...are you if you...[do them]." Living this way means:
...........(1) Making time for friends and loved ones. "Let no one seek his own, but each...the other's well-being" (1Co 10:24 NKJV). George Eliot wrote: "Oh, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person; having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but to pour them all out, just as they are, chaff and grain together, knowing that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and then, with the breath of kindness, blow the rest away."
...........(2) Giving thanks. If you can't be grateful for what God has given you, look around you and be grateful for what He's protected you from. The enemy doesn't have to steal anything from you, just make you take it for granted. "From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another" (Jn 1:16 NIV). The excitement of a new car of a salary increase soon passes, but anytime you stop to count your blessings you start feeling better.
...........(3) Practicing contentment. A gardener who'd tried everything to get rid of dandelions wrote to the Department of Agriculture for help. "What can I try next?" he asked. "Try getting used to them!" came the reply. In life, you get what you focus on! That's why Paul writes, "Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise" (Php 4:8 NLT).

Where I'm At - 1/26/09

I'm really feeling like this now and days...

Friday, January 23, 2009

Special Selection - "Victory"

Daily Reading - "I Will Give It To You In Your Hand." Joshua 8:18 NKJV

Here is how it read today...

Fri. Jan 23
God's got you covered!
Before going into battle God said to Joshua: "Stretch out your spear that is in your hand toward Ai, for I will give it into your hand." It's amazing how courageous you become when you know God's got you covered. When you know He's behind you, you can say, "No weapon formed against you will prevail" (See Isa 54:17). Remember as a child how secure you felt in a fight, knowing your big brother or sister was behind you? Well, God is backing you up!
..........The Problem is, we say all sorts of things without first checking to find out if God's behind us. When Satan says, "Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are you?" (As 19:15 NKJV), you must know two things: (a) That you are in right standing with God. (b) That it's His fight as well as yours. Jesus said, "Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven" (Mt 18:18 NIV). There must be agreement in both realms Jesus taught us to pray, "You will be done on earth as it is in heaven" (Mt 6:10 NIV), because if it's not approved where He is, it's not approved where you are either. Your confidence comes from knowing you're operating according to God's will.
..........The Bible calls us "laborers together with God" (1Co 3:9), so don't go off and do your own thing. Don't try moving anything the Lord doesn't want moved, or raising anybody from the Lazarus He calls forth. We do on earth, only what we know He's declared to be His will in heaven. That way we know we're covered.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Daily Reading - "Keep Your Tongue From Evil." Psalm 34:13 NIV

Here is how it read today...

Thur. Jan 22
Cutting off ears
When Jesus was betrayed by Judas, He just stood there, even though He could have called twelve legions of angels to His defense. Then the mob came, laid hands on Him and arrested Him. Peter, ready to defend Jesus, drew his sword and cut off the High Priest's servant's ear. Impulsive, quick-on-the-draw Peter was thinking, "We don't have to take this!" But Jesus said, "No, that's not how you handle things!" Then, "he touched the man's ear and healed him" (Lk 22:51 NIV). Peter was talking when he needed to be listening, and doing things when he didn't need to be doing them. He needed to learn how to wait on God, to exercise humility and discernment. God had great plans for Peter, but if he wanted to reach people for Christ he couldn't do it by taking out his sword and chopping off ears when he felt angry. There's a lesson here.
...........Our abrasive words can cut off people's ability to hear. We can't just fly off the handle whenever we feel like it. We must be sensitive to God: If He tells us, "Say nothing," we must stand there quietly, even if it means letting someone think they're right even when we know they're not. We must say, "Yes, Lord," and accept that He doesn't owe us an explanation. How many times do we prevent somebody's spiritual growth, or God's blessings from coming into our own lives, because we don't control what we say? Perhaps you think that compared to adultery or stealing this is no big deal? Think again: "He who guards his lips guards his life, but he who speaks rashly will come to ruin" (Pr 13:3 NIV).

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Daily Reading - "Simone Peter Said To Them, 'I Am Going Fishing.'" John 21:3 NKJV

Here is how it read today...

Wed. Jan 21

Go back to where you met Him
When Peter decided to go fishing that night, he may have been making a decision to get away from everything and go back to where he first met the Lord. That's a good move! When you get discouraged you'll either go back to the One who can save, keep and satisfy, or you'll go back to whatever was going on in your life before you met Him. That's not a good move! Peter fished all that night and caught nothing. There's a lesson there for you.
.............God said to the church in Revelation: "You have persevered...and have labored for My name's sake and...not become weary. Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love. Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works" (Rev 2:3-5 NKJV). Has your love for God grown cold? If so, you need to go back to where you first met Him, to seek Him again like you did before you'd heard so much and seen so much, before the pressures of life had worn you down. "But I'm busy doing the work of the Lord," you say. Busyness and barrenness go hand in hand together. It's possible to look like a saint in the courts of Babylon, yet be a backslider in the courts of Zion. Three times Jesus asked Peter, "Do you love Me?" Finally Peter said, "Lord, You know all things; You know [the extent to which] I love You" (Jn 21:17 NKJV). Oswald Chambers said, "Beware of anything that competes with your loyalty to Jesus Christ. The greatest competitor of devotion to Jesus, is service to Him." Think about it.

Inauguration Wrap Up

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Daily Reading - "Happy Is The Man Who...Gains Understanding." Proverbs 3:13 NKJV

Here is how it read today...

Tues. Jan 20

How to build a strong team (3)
An important key to building a strong team is being open to new and different ideas. One of your greatest dangers as you become older (or more successful) is that your thinking can become institutionalized - which is just another word for "fossilized." To remain successful you must create an environment in which the free exchange of information and ideas takes place. If people had not been permitted to try things we'd still be traveling by horse and carriages, dining by candlelight, and dying a lot earlier from preventable diseases. It's said that knowledge is doubling every five to ten years. That lets us know how much we didn't know - when we thought we knew it all.
............."Happy is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gains understanding." We must honor what we've learned by building on it, but we never stop asking, "Is there a better way?" Champions don't ease up because they're ahead of the competition; they're still accelerating as they cross the finish line. The competition keeps you sharp. You need them.
.............Irish singer Bono said something worth noting: "I would be terrified to be on my own as a solo singer...I surrounded myself wit...a band, a family of very spunky kids, and a wife who's smarter than anyone...you're only as good as the arguments you get. So maybe the reason why the band hasn't split up is that people might get this: even though I'm only one quarter of U2, I'm more than I could be if I was one whole of something else." Solomon put it this way: "As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens...his friend" (Pr 27:17 NKJV).

Monday, January 19, 2009

The Start of Something Big (cont)

So here it is, summer break, I have my own place, still have my stable job, completely healthy, and just flat out depressed. So unappreciative, unthankful, and flat out on that borderline towards approaching feeling like my life was pointless. I couldn't understand how I lost someone that I loved so much. It was hard for me to figure out what exactly I did to have that happen. WE BOTH HAD PROBLEMS. I worked through them, for me, and for her. I walked a mile to work in all weather. I made sure her necessities were taken care of even if it meant sacrificing things I wanted. I tried my best to support her depression, but sometimes there is nothing you can really do but pray, and that's the lesson I know now, but lacked then. All in all, I knew that one day we would work out our problems and be together, so when she told me she didn't ever think she could see herself with me, I was devastated. It simply didn't make sense to me.
So I'm now working where she was on top of my stable job. I started to work there to one, make extra money, two provide her with some company at work, and three to possibly start a workout program for both of us after work. So now I'm at this 3rd shift job where everything there reminds me of her. I then go home, take a nap and go to my regular job and once again everything there reminds me of her. Any thought of her triggered a silence upon me and a very painful heart. This made it pretty much horrible to try and actually work a job. It really was hard for me to even fake a smile when talking with customers. On top of feeling like that, I would try to maintain a friendship with her, which proved to be more devastating because she treated me as if I was her worst enemy. So the times we did talk didn't accomplish anything out of making the situation worst. I didn't know any way I was going to get through this.
Soon enough a very weird thing happened. I started talking with friends who knew most of everything about the situation, and outside of the relationship stuff, God started coming up more and more. This was weird simply because I NEVER conversed with my friends about God. So I slowly started re-establishing my relationship with Him. I simply talked with Him most times I was home and that was whenever I wasn't at work. I didn't go anywhere due to the fact that I struggle to get up the energy to want to have fun, so we talked a lot. Life really seemed pointless without her. So as I talked more with Him, he shared some insight and I realized many things about myself that I didn't like. These were things that went against living the right way not things that caused my ex to make the decision she made. The more I talked with Him, the more it became about me and not her.
I slowly developed a new goal of simply improving me and praying that he does the same for her. Hoping that we will develop into what we both needed and wanted each other to be. So now that gave work a purpose for me and made it easier to do. I started a daily workout plan and was reading my Bible daily. I was still hurting a lot, but my life had a purpose and I had a goal, and I had a belief that fueled it all. While all of this was good, there was one major problem. My ex was still treating me like I killed her dog. It was to the point where I eventually told her I would just leave her alone and not bother her because she obviously hates me and doesn't want to even talk to me. So I let her know that I would take her from my webpages and so on in hopes that I won't see anything about her and try to contact her because of it. She liked that idea and agreed that she would call me because whenever I called her seems to be the wrong time and I don't have anything to say that she wants to hear. So I was basically trying to cleanse my system of her, so that I could focus more on me and not on the hurt, give her some space, and put all the cards in her hand.

I thought that everything would be good from here on out, but somehow someway, that dude called the devil is just flat out good at what he does. So needless to say, more trials quickly followed.

To be con't

Daily Reading - "They Committed Themselves To The Teaching Of The Apostles, [And]...Life Together." Acts 2:42 TM

So here is how it read today...

Mon. Jan 19
How to build a strong team (2)

The success of the New Testament church was driven by two things: (1) A sound scriptural foundation. (2) A sense of belonging. On good teams, players extend trust to one another. Initially it's a risk because your trust can be violated and you can get hurt. At the same time they are giving trust, each team member must conduct themselves in such a way as to earn the trust of others by holding themselves to a high standard. When everyone gives freely and bonds of trust develop and are tested over time, they begin to have faith in one another. They believe that the people next to them will act with consistency, keep commitments, maintain confidences and support each other. The stronger their sense of belonging becomes, the greater their potential to work together.
All teams have disagreements. The leader of one mega-church writes, "Let's not pretend we never disagree. We're dealing with 16,000 people and the stakes are high. Let's not have people hiding their concerns to protect false notion of unity. Let's face the disagreement and deal with it in a good way. The mark of community is not the absence of conflict, it's the presence of a reconciling spirit. I can have a rough-and-tumble meeting with someone, but because we're committed to each other we can leave, slapping each other on the back, saying, 'I'm glad we're still on the same team.'" Those who built the New Testament church overcame moral and financial problems, doctrinal differences and prejudice. How? Through "a reconciling spirit." As a result, they are credited with "turning the world upside down" (See Ac 17:6).

Where I'm At

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Daily Readings - "Love Cares More For Others Than For Self" 1 Corinthians 13:7 TM

So here is how it read today...

How to build a strong team (1)
Many of us would rather settle for achieving less, than put up with "people-problems." But fulfilling a great dream usually means having a great team. And great teams are made up people with strengths - and weaknesses. God seldom calls us to do the job alone; He calls others to stand with us. So, do you know who belongs in your life?
..............Jesus chose twelve disciples to help Him fulfill His mission on earth. One of them doubted Him, one denied Him and one betrayed Him. Yet He called them, knowing what they were - and would become. After listing hardships that would make your worst day look like "a walk in the park," Paul writes, "Besides everything else, I face daily the pressure of...all the churches" (2Co 11:28 NIV). How did Paul evangelize Asia, guide the church and write half the New Testament? Through a team; he introduces them in Romans 16. Let's look at one of his team-building secrets. It's called:
.............Love. If you don't genuinely care about people they'll sense it and they won't stay with you. If you've a high turnover in your relationships, that could be your problem. Even your best team members will go through times that affect their performance. Jeremiah got so stressed out that he wanted to quit the ministry and go into the motel business (See Jer 9:2). Paul advised his righthand man Timothy to "use a little wine because of your stomach and your frequent illness" (1 Ti 5:23 NIV). Here's a helpful prescription for the stress that goes with people-problems. Write it down on a 3x5 card and read it regularly. "Love cares more for others than for self."

Friday, January 16, 2009

Daily Reading - "The Gift Of God Is Eternal Life." Romans 6:23

So here is how it read today...

Fri. Jan 16
The Roman road to salvation
Does your life feel empty? Do you long for peace, the knowledge that your sins are forgiven and the assurance of a home in heaven? Today place your trust in Christ and make Him Lord of your life. "How?" you ask. Take the Roman road to salvation. (Found in the Book of Romans.)
..........Step 1: "We've compiled this long and sorry record as sinners...and proved that we are utterly incapable of living the glorious lives God wills for us" (Ro 3:23 TM). Face it, we're all sinners to the core, desperately in need of a Savior. Step 2: "Work hard for sin your whole life and your pension is death. But God's gift is real life, eternal life, delivered by Jesus" (Ro 6:23 TM). The gospel means "good news" and here's the good new: your sins (all of them) have been paid for at the cross. Step 3: "God put his love on the line for us by offering his Son in sacrificial death while we were of no use whatever to him" (Ro 5:8 TM). You can't earn salvation by good works or deserve it by having good character. God offers it to you freely. All you have to do is receive it by faith. Step 4: "You're not 'doing' anything: you're simply calling out to God, trusting him to do it for you. That's salvation...say it, right out loud: 'God has set everything right between him and me!" (Ro 10:9-12 TM).
..........Now pray these words: "Lord , I surrender my life to You. Come into my heart. By faith I receive the gift of eternal life. Thank You for setting everything right between You and me, in Jesus' name, amen."

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Daily Readings - "He Opened Not His Mouth." Isaiah 53:7 NKJV

So here is how it read today...

Thur. Jan 15

Free to be quiet
Sometimes it's wise to wait, to say, "I don't have the answer right now but I'll think about it, pray, and get back to you." Your need to rescue someone, or impress them and make points, will come back to bite you. The Bible says, "A prudent man keeps his knowledge to himself, but the heart of fools blurts out folly" (Pr 12:23 NIV). Allow wisdom to determine your response, not ego!
When people are anxious for answers they'll pressure you into speaking before you have all the facts or have taken time to pray and consider the situation. If you ask Him, God will tell you what to say and when to say it. His promise is: "I have put my words in your mouth and covered you with the shadow of my hand" (Isa 51:16 NIV). Ego says, "Don't just stand there, say something." Wisdom says, "Don't just say something stand there!" Quietly ask God for insight. One insight fro Him can settle things in a hurry. Someone else's need to know shouldn't determine your need to speak.
.............When Jesus stood before Pilate in judgement He said, "Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and he will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels?" (Mt 26:53 NIV). Yet the Bible says, "He opened not his mouth." When He was brought before Pilate, Jesus just stood there and said nothing. That's because He was not on trial, Pilate was. Jesus knew His destiny, and most importantly, He knew His Father intimately. And when you know God, you can face anything with confidence - and be free to be quiet. What a wonderful place to be!

"A Word From God"

So this is an excerpt from a message I got from a good prayer buddy of mines. God linked us back together in His own way and things have been great ever since. Anyways, here it is, try not to get grossed out while learning the lesson. LOL, you'll see what I mean

Wow God is so amazing; the word he gave me this morning was through an analogy that was quite weird, a little gross, and somewhat amusing. He spoke to me while in the bathroom. Both this morning and yesterday I was dealing constipation. I was on the toilet crying out to God for help, asking him to stop the pain, and asking why am I going through this. He then responded, “This constipation is just like your life”. The pain of barring down in pushing through is present, the pain that you must go through to feel relief, the agonizing uncomfort you feel before you attempt to try to let it out/go, the pain it causes that it must be removed and the urgency of get rid of it now rather than later. Constipation is the story of my life. I have something blocking the passage to my relief(he’s my relief) but yet I don’t want to push and endure the pain and suffering I must endure for the choices I made( the foods I ate). The feeling of having to go but not wanting to go because you have some idea of what it may feel like. But once you push, struggle, and endure the pain what a relief is felt once it’s all out. Sin is what causes constipation. It cripples you, attempts to stagnate you and blocks what God has for you. Just like constipation can be resolved so can the sin in ones life. One just has to first be sick of it or truly want to get it out and make a choice that it has to be dealt with, face it, acknowledge it(make the choice to go to the bathroom and do it). Secondly, take the necessary steps to remove it pray, study, read meditate etc (prune juice/laxative or plain old push it out). Thirdly, never give up (keep pushing and endure the pain, once you start it’s impossible to stop (keep pushing piece by piece it will come out). Next, once the process is over what a relief, your life opens up and nothing is blocking you from all God has for you( the passage way is open/clear and the next time you go it might be a little easier and if not you know that you have been here before. The end will come, with great relief.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Daily Reading - "To Me...Grace Was Given, To Peach...The Unfathomable Riches of Christ." Ephesians 3:8 NAS

So here is how it ready today...

Wed. Jan 14

Amazing grace
When John was eleven his father, a master seaman, groomed him for the British Navy. But John lacked discipline. Arrested for desertion, demoted and flogged, he scoffed at authority and mocked Christian crew members. One night he awoke and found his cabin filling with water, the ship's side had collapsed. Normally that kind of damage sinks a vessel in minutes, but a buoyant cargo bought them extra time. John heard another sailor shout, "We're all goners!" and his life flashed before him. In that moment he repented and gave his heart to Christ, a prayer he might easily have forgotten, given the ship didn't sink that night. Instead he remembered it long after he retired form the sea to - become a minister and writer of verse. Paul says, "We have...forgiveness...according to the riches of His grace" (Eph 1:7 NKJV). John Newton could join Paul in saying, "To me, the very least...grace was given, to preach...the unfathomable riches of Christ."
.............Little stories tell big stories, and the big story here is the hymn Newton wrote symbolizing his conversion to Christ. You've probably sun it once or twice. Amazing grace! How sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me! I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see. Through many dangers, toils and snares I have already come, 'tis grace hath brought me safe thus far and grace will lead me home. The grace that saves us is "unfathomable." We'll never understand it. That's why the last verse of the hymn says, "When we've been there ten thousand years, bright shining as the sun; We've no less days to sing God's praise, than when we first began."

Where I'm At

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

"All That The Lord Has Said Will We Do" Exodus 24:7 NKJV

So here is how it read today...

Tues. Jan 13

How to receive God's Word (3)
How can you make God's Word more personal and effective in your life? By receiving it as a practical, not a theoretical Word. The Bible is not God's attempt to offer illuminating insights, interesting theories or good advice for our consideration. No, it's an authoritative, indisputable statement of eternal truth for us to live by. It's intended for real-world application. "Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house upon the rock" (Mt 7:24 NKJV). The obedient builder's rock-solid foundation withstood the storm's violence. Conversely, "Everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them," Jesus says, is a fool, and the storms will erode his foundation (v. 26-27). Now, Jesus didn't condemn this man for building an inadequate structure, or failing to hear, understand and believe His words, but for failing to act on them. "Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says...the man who looks intently into the perfect law...not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it - he will be blessed in what he does" (Jas 1:22-25 NIV). If we think reading, knowing, and even believing God's Word fulfills our obligation to it, we're self-deceived. Because it's God's Word, His intention for it must be fulfilled. That requires not just believing, but behaving the Word. James didn't say, "he will be blessed in what he believes," but "he will be blessed in what he does!" When Moses read God's Word to the Israelites, they said, "All that the Lord has said we will do, and be obedient." Amen.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Special Selection - Kurt Carr

Kurt Carr w/ Kurt Carr Singers - In The Sanctuary

Simple Update

This is usually how my weekends go.

"My Words WIll By No Means Pass Away" Mark 12:31 NKJV

So here is how it read today...

How to receive God's Word (2)
How can you get the maximum benefit out of God's Word? Receive it as a permanent Word, not a temporary Word. Given our culture's "disposable" mentality we don't expect to hold onto things too long. We're constantly replacing them with more up to date technologies. But not God's Word! "Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away." It never needs updating: it's perfect and can't be improved upon. That's why Jesus instructs us to let "my words remain in you" (Jn 15:7 NIV) In twenty-first century vernacular. "Program your mind with the Scriptures. "How do you do that?
(1) "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly" (Col 3:16). Give it permanent residence, not just visitor status. Take it in richly, meaning copiously, abundantly. Call it " operation saturation!" To help us, this passage in The Living Bible adds: "Teach them to each other and sing them out in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs." What a great way to reinforce your grasp on the Scriptures. (2) "Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night...do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful" (Jos 1:8 NIV). To retain it permanently, talk it out, think it out, walk it out! You say, "But my memory doesn't retain things too well." No problem. "The Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name...will remind you of everything I have said to you" (Jn 14:26 NIV). If you'll read, teach, sing, talk, think and walk in God's Word, His Spirit will supernaturally refresh your less-than-perfect memory of it.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Special Selection - Natalie Grant

Natalie Grant - I Will Not Be Moved

"Give, And It Will Be Given To You" Luke 6:38 NIV

So here is how it ready today...

Sat. Jan 10
How's your giving?
When it comes to giving, the Bible clearly teaches us two things: (1) We should give, expecting to receive! You say, "If I get more, I'll give more." No, you've got it back to front. Jesus said, "Give and it will be given to you...the measure you use...will be measured to you" (Lk 6:38 NIV). The level of your giving determines the level of your meeting. So break through your barriers of fear and put God to the test, He won't disappoint you. (2) We get back more than we give. Paul writes, "Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will...increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness" (2Co 9:10 NIV). Notice, some of the seed [money] God gives us is for food (our own needs), and some is for "a harvest of righteousness." What does that means? Paul explains: "He has scattered abroad his gifts to the poor, his righteousness endures for ever" (2Co 9:9 NIV). To be truly righteous we must show compassion toward the hurting and give generously to those who are unable to provide for themselves. The Bible says that when we give to the poor, we lend to the Lord and He will repay us (See Pr 19:17). Imagine the interest God pays! Jesus describes it as: "Good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over." There's no lack of money in this world, God just wants to get it into the right hands!
............And by the way, giving is not just how the church raises its budget, it's how God raises His children so that His work gets accomplished and they get blessed in the process. So, how's your giving?

Friday, January 9, 2009

More Special Guest Appearances

The Summary Report of M.I.A.

Simple summary of what's been going on, why I've been out...

Daily Reading - "He Canceled The Record...Against Us...By Nailing It To [Christ's] Cross." Colossians 2:14 NLT

Sorry for the m.i.a., no excuses, I'm back, forgive me...

Here is how it read today...

Fri. Jan 9


Your record is canceled!
..............How would you like to have a list of all your sins and shortcomings made public? Not a pleasant thought, eh? Does such a list even exist? It does, and it's a lengthy one. It details all the bad decisions you've made, the hateful acts, the unforgiving attitudes, the prejudices, the greed, the lust, the lies; the Bibles says God has recorded them all. But you've never seen the list, have you? No, and neither has anybody else. That's because: "He forgave all our sins. He canceled the record of the charges against us and took it away by nailing it to [Christ's] cross" (v. 13-14). Knowing full well that the price for our sins was death, "Christ died...once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God" (1 Pe 3:18 NIV). Note the words "forgave" and "canceled the record of the charges against us." If those words don't thrill your soul, nothing will!
..............Jesus set aside His divine robes and put on our sin-stained garments of shame: the shame of hanging naked before His friends and family; the shame of failure where it seemed for a while that Satan was the winner and Jesus the loser; the shame of our transgressions as "He...bore our sins in his body...so...we might...live for righteousness" (1Pe 2:24 NIV).
..............Is there a limit to His love? If there is, David the adulterer never found it. Nor Paul the persecutor. Not Peter the liar. Nor the thief on the cross. And you won't find it either. When Jesus cried from the cross, "It is finished," God wrote "Paid for in full" our every sin you'd commit - from the womb to the tomb!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Start of Something Big (cont)

School starts, life is crazy, temptations run crazy, and I give in to pretty much everything bad at the end of the day. Now I'm pretty much just taking classes, playing sports, having fun being young and being the cool guy to hang out with. Can't really remember praying being a part of my life or any conversations with God at all. Reading my Bible came to a halt. Other females that I normally had a relationship with fell aside and new ones arose that proved to be mostly empty at the end of the day. My ex was still with me but still not serious and we had MANY problems to say the least. She eventually moved out and had her own share of problems compounded on the ones we had together. My business was basically under the ground. I didn't give up on it, but I definitely wasn't moving at the pace I wanted to move at.
Looking back, I didn't thank God openly once for one, having a ridiculously nice house, bringing my ex back to me and giving us another shot, just the everyday blessings, nothing period. I simply didn't openly acknowledge his blessings at all. Once again, I see that this was the start of a bad thing. I wasn't living by his word nor setting any kind of a good example of the actions of a God fearing man. While life for me was really fun, that's all it produce at the end of the day. While fun is fantastic, that's not all life is about. I wanted so much more out of life, but at the end of the day, the main thing I was consistently achieving was fun. By the time the holidays rolled around, things were flat out strange to say the least. My ex was out, our relationship was very weird, and I knew things weren't as they seemed. I was completely done with school, and work became comfortable, and that was the most scariest part of this whole saga.
The next semester, no more classes, my relationship with my ex was really uncomfortable, my business was on life-support, and still, I'm not really needing anything. I still had a nice house, had food to eat even though it probably wasn't what I always wanted, and I had my job that proved to stay stable. Still didn't openly show or give thanks, nor prayed, nor was really living the right way. So life would eventually get worst. Heat went out a numerous amount of times, we had to pay for it repeatedly, and eventually it got to a point where we couldn't afford to refill it. so the reason I remember that it snowed in late April early May is because we still needed heat in our house because it was flat out freezing in there. Towards the end of the school year, my ex and I were like shells of our old relationship. Now I can only speak on my half, but, I truly did love her, but that year exposed me to a side of her that didn't impress me to make me want to take it to another level. I gave her the benefit of the doubt of her being depressed and having her own problems, but at the end of the day, life goes on, and she just wasn't doing what she needed to do on her part to be considered to be taken more seriously.

May came, and everything broke down. We had to be out of our house because the home owner sold it without giving us 1st opportunity to buy. Still God worked it out so that I at the time had two places, I had one on hold that I would have let my ex move in to, and I had one that I was moving into. I didn't want to make anymore decisions for my ex or have any influence on her decisions anymore, so I didn't give her my opinions on what I think she should do until the last minute. By this time she had a number of problems and I had my opinions on how she could handle them, but it was pointless to express them if she didn't come up with them or believe them. So as time was coming to an end, and she refused to come up with a solution, I suggested going home. I still had the place on hold but I didn't tell her. I wanted to see if she was willing to truly struggle. At this point she had a job, and would have possibly had to hock it up at a friends and of course stay with me for a while until she worked up enough money to rent her own place. She eventually choose to go home, and that soon followed with her telling me weeks later that she doesn't think she could talk to me anymore. Said I hurt her too much, and a lot of other stuff. Needless to say I was very hurt to say the least, and this put me in a depression I've never been in. This would be a very enlightening summer that I never saw coming.

To be con't...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Monday, January 5, 2009

The Takeover

So apparently this might be more danger to me due to the interest that may flow from me to my special guest. But anyways, I love her, and she wanted to record something else, so here it is...

Happy "Belated" New Year w/ Special Guest

So I know it's late but hey, it is what it is, and with my special guest I had to post this. I think they'll be a fan favorite.

Busy Isn't Even The Word

So obviously, I haven't been online in a while. So rather than write a ridiculously long blog, I'm going to save it for later maybe, video blog it most likely, and simply share with yall what I've been up to this whole time. But I do have some treats. Finally got some old material and some recent material to post. Enjoy...