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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Daily Reading - "Choose For Yourselves This Day." Jos 24:15 NKJV

Here is how it read today.

Tues. Dec 22


Defining Moments

It was a defining moment when Joshua said to Israel, "choose for yourselves," then added, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." In life: (1) Defining moments show us who we really are. Our defining moments usually come as a surprise and happen during times of crisis, like (a) facing a personal failure; (b) taking an unpopular stand; (c) suffering without complaining; (d) being asked to forgive; (e) making a hard choice. Sometimes defining moments occur when we don't see them for what they are. Only afterward, as we look, do we understand their importance. Either way, they define who we are. (2) Defining moments show others who we are. Most days we can wear a mask. During defining moments, we can't. Our image means nothing. Neither does our resolve or connections. We've no time to put a spin on our actions. Whatever is truly inside us is revealed or connections. We've no time to put a spin on our actions. Whatever is truly inside us is revealed to everyone. As a leader, defining moments tell the people following you who you really are, what you stand for, and why you're leading. Handled well, a defining moment can bond leaders and followers for life. Handled poorly, it can end your ability to lead. (3) Defining moments determine who we will become. You'll never be the same person after a defining moment. That's because defining moments are not normal, and what's "normal" doesn't work in these times. Defining moments are like intersections in our lives; they give us an opportunity to turn, change direction, and seek a new destination. They present options and opportunities. In these moments, we must choose. And the choice we make will define us!

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