Sun. Dec 13
Isn't complaining really just about words? No, it's much more!
(1) Complaining hands your power over to the people and circumstances you complain about making you feel like their victim. It diminishes your ability to think of solutions, conditions your mind negatively, and blunts your ability to receive creative ideas from God. Positive outcomes don't grow in negative soil! You can't complain and create simultaneous. "Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring...can a fig tree bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs?" (Jas 3:10-12 NIV). Complaints are verbal expressions of negative beliefs. They cancel positive intentions and confessions, rendering your powerless to reap the gains God offers. Complaining focuses on a past you can't change, keeps you scavenging in yesterday's debris, searching for evidence about "who did what" and "when" and "why," while your present slips fruitlessly away. (2) Complaining is toxic to your relationships. "A little leaven leavens the whole lump" (1 Co 5:6 NKJV). Complaining invites others to complain. Poison injected, toxifies every part of the body. Subtly your relationship, your family, your workplace, your church and your environment become polluted. Complaining polarizes relationships. People who don't like stress, anxiety and negativity begin to distance themselves from you. Your "tongue has the power of life and death" (Pr 18:21 NIV): your life and death, and the life and death of others. So pray, "'Set a guard over my mouth, O lord' (Ps 141:3 NIV); help me to avoid complaining."
(1) Complaining hands your power over to the people and circumstances you complain about making you feel like their victim. It diminishes your ability to think of solutions, conditions your mind negatively, and blunts your ability to receive creative ideas from God. Positive outcomes don't grow in negative soil! You can't complain and create simultaneous. "Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring...can a fig tree bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs?" (Jas 3:10-12 NIV). Complaints are verbal expressions of negative beliefs. They cancel positive intentions and confessions, rendering your powerless to reap the gains God offers. Complaining focuses on a past you can't change, keeps you scavenging in yesterday's debris, searching for evidence about "who did what" and "when" and "why," while your present slips fruitlessly away. (2) Complaining is toxic to your relationships. "A little leaven leavens the whole lump" (1 Co 5:6 NKJV). Complaining invites others to complain. Poison injected, toxifies every part of the body. Subtly your relationship, your family, your workplace, your church and your environment become polluted. Complaining polarizes relationships. People who don't like stress, anxiety and negativity begin to distance themselves from you. Your "tongue has the power of life and death" (Pr 18:21 NIV): your life and death, and the life and death of others. So pray, "'Set a guard over my mouth, O lord' (Ps 141:3 NIV); help me to avoid complaining."
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