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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Daily Reading - "For The Vision...Will Surely Come." Hab 2:3

Here is how it read today.

Wed. Dec 30


What's Your Vision For The New Year (1)

Fulfilling your life's vision depends on: (a) Having a vision - which calls for waiting on God until He reveals His plan for you. (b) Dedicating time and energy to it - which calls for patience and discipline. (c) Knowing how to overcome obstacles - which calls for good management. The Bible says: "Where there is no vision, the people perish" (Pr 29:18). Remember South Pacific's lyrics, "If you don't have a dream, how you gonna have a dream come true?" A vision gives you direction, creativity and resilience. Without one you become passive, aimless and vulnerable to quitting. God can give you a vision instantly but its fulfillment will require learning, practicing, and managing life's daily challenges. For the next few days let's look at some vision-fulfilling principles:
Visions come with opportunities - and obstacles! After decades in America, immigrant Raymond Dawson inherited his English grandparents' estate. Returning home, he found a run-down farmhouse and barns on land covered with rocks. Disappointed and about to return to America, he decided to walk his worthless inheritance one final time. Pausing on a remote corner, he noticed a stream coming from beneath some rocks. He investigated, uncovered some hot springs, and guess what? Today he's owner of a lucrative resort, right on the site of his former disappointment! When you ask God for a vision you're likely to be placed in a field of opportunities concealed under acres of obstacles. Then He will stand back and watch how you engage in the ministry of obstacle management!

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