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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Daily Reading - "Tell...[Your Children]...The Mighty Things I Have Done." Ex 10:2 NKJV

Here is how it read today.

Wed. Dec 9


The Battle Is Over

It's not enough to escape your past, its power over you must be broken; otherwise it'll chase you the rest of your life. When you break away from something that keeps trying to recapture you, it's crucial to get victory over it; otherwise you can't move forward and enjoy the blessing God has in mind for you. It's jarring to think something's over only to find it isn't. But remember, it was God who permitted Pharaoh to pursue Israel all the way to the Red Sea. Why? For two reasons: (1) "That I may show [you] these signs of Mine." (E 10:1 NKJV). God wants you to see that when you put your trust in Him, obstacles and opposition mean nothing. He wants this experience to be a "landmark memory" you draw faith from when you face your next problem. (2) "That you may tell...[your children]...the mighty things I have done." You don't have to live under Pharaoh (Satan's rule) any more. Like the Passover, when the blood of Jesus was applied by faith to the doorpost of your heart, your status changed. You're no longer a slave but a child of God. The generational curse is broken. Your children can now grow up under God's blessing. Abuse, alcoholism, anger and abandonment may have been the story of your past, but it's no longer the truth about your future. God can solve your problem in different ways, but sometimes He takes you through the Red Sea so that when you get to the other side you can look back and see Pharaoh and his armies "dead on the seashore" (See Ex 14:30) and know the battle is over!

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