Mon. Dec 21
Don't Let Others Hold You Back
Joseph's brothers resented his dream so they sold him into slavery. David's family didn't consider him worthy of being king. The people who knew Jesus during His first thirty years said: "Where did this Man get this wisdom and these mighty works? Is this not the carpenter's son...So they were offended at Him (Mt 13:54-57 NKJV). You must realize that some of the people who knew you "way back when" don't know you now, because they've "slotted you." What should you do? Do what Jesus did; He moved on. What else could he do? He refused to allow others to keep Him stuck at a stage in His life that was past and gone, and you have got to do the same. If you allow others to keep taking you down memory lane you'll eventually set up house, stay longer than you should and miss your God-given destiny. It's wonderful to have people in your life who know where you've been and can relate to where you're going. But if you have to choose between then and now, sacrifice then for it can't be rewritten, only replayed over and over. Stop rehearsing your beginnings and write the rest of your story. The future is yours - seize it while you can. The story's told of a hacker on a golf course who kept swinging at the ball and missing, repeatedly hitting an ant hill. Finally one ant took charge and said, "Follow me." Another ant yelled, "But where are we going?" He pointed to the ball sitting in front of them. "There. If we don't get on the ball we're going to die!"
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