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Saturday, December 26, 2009

Daily Reading - "Jericho Was Tightly Shut Up." Jos 6:1 NIV

Here is how it read today.

Sat. Dec 26


Emotional Lockdown

The Bible says: "Jericho was tightly shut up...No one went out and no one came in." Ever heard of the "Jericho syndrome?" It's when you're on emotional lockdown. You're afraid to reach out or let anybody in. You've built a wall so you can't be hurt again. Look out, that wall can imprison you, and everybody else in your life. You can get married in Jericho, say the vows, wear the dress, exchange the rings go on the honeymoon, and still have the walls up. "If he leaves, I'm ready. I've got a bank account I didn't tell him about. I have a back up plan in case this doesn't work." Ever think that way? Jesus said: "A man...is joined to his wife" (Mt 19:5 NLT). But how can you be joined if you can't be reached because of a wall of bitterness, fear and distrust? Love always looks for the best (See 1Co 13:4-8 NIV). Love doesn't work when you live by the philosophy, "Look for the best but expect the worst." It's time for an exorcism! You've got to drive out the ghosts of of yesterday if you're to have any hope of real future together. Forgiving, when you've been deeply hurt, is one of the hardest things you'll ever do, but you must forgive, and keep on forgiving till resentment no longer controls you. Peter asked Jesus, "How many times shall I forgive my brother, seven times?" Jesus answered, "Seventy times seven" (See Mt 18:21-22 NKJV). Stop rehearsing your past and give it to the Lord. He's the wall-toppling, communication-restoring, esteem-building, healer of broken hearts and relationships. If you let Him, He will help you to live and love again.

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